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Companions are a part of you , you should roll for gears for them.


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I love and respect all my companions and treat them like partners. I certainly consider them part of my fighting existence and thus necessary to work to get them the best gear possible.


are you on a RP server and republic side? lol

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This has NOTHING to do with being greedy or wrong. If I a Sith Inquistor need gears for my companion to help me level easier on the way up. Then so be it, if they DIDN't want me to do that they would have made companion gear drops only. The fact that they gave you companions AND let them wear regular people gears means they want you to roll for your companion gears.


It is what it on the way up via grouping and what not, now once at 50 I can see how rolling for companion would be wrong. After all you would no longer need to use them since you would be doing operation only. But on the way up, I believe it is Bioware intention for you to arm your companion to the best of your abilities via, items dropps, buying or even using commendation tokens.


There is nothing wrong with it, unless those other three players I am with plan on being with me every moment I log in, I need a better healer or tank depending on the situation. Nuff said.


Man you are just so wrong and should yell at your parents for the entitlement issues you have. Yeah your companion can use it but know who could use it more? Your group mate a human person who is running that area with you.


But no, take it for your AI companion it's not like you get quest rewards for them. They totally need that purple drop! Screw your team mates!

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Man you are just so wrong and should yell at your parents for the entitlement issues you have. Yeah your companion can use it but know who could use it more? Your group mate a human person who is running that area with you.


But no, take it for your AI companion it's not like you get quest rewards for them. They totally need that purple drop! Screw your team mates!


Yep, the OP is pretty screwed up in his thinking. Welcome to the Internet and another of the developers mistakes in failing to simply restrict ones ability to roll "need" as an option for a character that can't equip it.



Edited by Gratus_Mortuus
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Companions , cant be used in PvP, cant be used in raids, cant be used in instances, cant be used if a group is full.


pretty much makes them an alt at best, a second class citizen at worst.


So why do people *need* to take gear it form people that are actually there and can use it?


That's greed not need.


yes its part of the character, but its not there doing the work someone else is. So stop using it as an excuse for your greed.


Once a companion can be there full time and used to obtain said gear then you can roll need on it.

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Had this last night.. joined a group and saw my first purple drop in the game.


I saw it was some sort of non-jedi gear so I dutifully clicked greed as did the other jedi.


"Do you guys mind if I roll need for my companion?" from the pistol shooting character.


I of course said I would prefer if they did not because I could sell it and buy myself or my companion something nice... guess which way they went with it?


This was a member of a guild who was broadcasting in group about how nice of a guild they are... so yeah, of course I let that guild know about the great first impression that was made about their guild.


It really does look like I will have to hold back my rolls from now on to see if someone pulls this so that I can counter-need. Or join the masses and click need pre-emptively.


I learned a lot of bad lessons from bad game design this weekend....


Gah. Need should only light up if the main can equip and use it.


I rolled need once on something for my jedi because it had higher armor rating but cunning, it should not have lit up.. I should have been protected from making that mistake.


I did end up using those boots for four levels even though they were not designed for my class.


Would never think to roll need and hand off to a companion until I saw it done.

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