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Leveling bodyguard/arsenal/pyro


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I started leveling a merc with a friend who is leveling a sith warrior. I usually quest solo but we roll together in warzones and flashpoints. My question is, can i get away with leveling as bodyguard spec? Or is arsenal the hands down best spec for leveling? And what about pyro? I like the idea of increased mobility, especially for pvp. Sorry if these questions are answered elsewhere, im at work and i dont have too much time to browse forums from my phone lol.
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For questing with a partner, especially Melee, I'd just roll Bodyguard so you can just pull non-stop. Also nice to have a Healer + DPS combo in Warzones.


For solo, though, there's nothing better than Arsenal. You've got Gault for anything other than Elites, when Mako comes in handy. Sh*t just melts.

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I leveled as a Hybrid.




I destroyed stuff with Mako. Above level bosses died, with just me and her. They didnt die super fast but i had the DPS to burn anything down and the Heals to not die. Mako only had on 1 healing skill. her AOE heal and in DPS stance. I didnt even need to blow cool downs. and mako was so undergeared it wasnt even funny. i hit 50 a few days ago and just now replaced her earpiece... it was lvl 14 LOL.


Also at times i ran with a friend of mine. Immortal Jug. Him, his padawan, me, and Mako. Nonstop pulling on quests.

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I started leveling arsenal, and then switched at lvl 23 to bodyguard, with 5 points in arsenal. (Iron Sights and iron Warheads). I am lvl 26 now and am just loving. I still feel like I melt through mobs just as fast, but i can roll into a heroic 4+ or flashpoint and heal with no problems.
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I personally went body guard until i got kolto shell, at that point i found that killing things wasnt the problem, but the speed at which i could kill them was atrocious. I was spamming powershot, powershot, unload, rapid fire till heat dropped then rinse and repeat. I was sitting at 30+% tech crit, but i was never using it because i didn't have and heat efficient skills. So after i got kolto shield, i started in on arsenal to get tracer. Honestly, i could have continued going full bodyguard, but the issue was speed. With tracer missile, i'm criting constantly and for well over 2k, i've never been happier since i just run mobs down and with mako throwing even more heals, i feel unstoppable at times. Just make sure you use concussion missile when appropriate, and have fun with it.
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I am doing pure bodyguard. I can heal and do "oh crap" heal pretty well in flashpoints and heroics with no issue. I can almost heal stupid too (well. one out of 2 hehe)


I am loving it. Even solo, it is not bad changing to flame cartridge from combat cooling. I can do most elite without any issue (lots of healing and defense with mako) it is pretty awesome.

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