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Rockjaw appreciation thread!


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Dear Mr. Reid,


You've been (more than) diligent in your twitter responses and provided appropriate and sufficient information to us plebes. Although the technology itself deserves some credit, the stream of information from you has been better than most launches I've seen. I don't want to insert myself into your workflow, so I just thought I'd make a post rather than shout @you on "the twitter".


I can't imagine what kind of a crunch this week must be, but your public attitude is upbeat, rational, even friendly! Well-done, sir. I suspect there are plenty of others here that agree, and I hope they will chime in. Although it should go without saying, please ignore the rage-filled minority. People with a wider world view understand a slow, steady pre-launch is better than a cluster**** all-in-one, and will reflect better on BW and TOR.


Finally, I'm very sorry to hear you have a sick cat at home. I hope the little furface is feeling better soon. We love our furry little people, and seeing them in discomfort is made exponentially worse by the kind of schedule you are on now. My good wishes are with you both.




PS - What day will I get access?!?! ( I kid, I kid :D )

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It's unfortunate he has to deal with all the mindblowingly entitled users around here. People around here need to chill out. It blows my mind that people think they know any better than the team who made the game.


Wasting time sitting around waiting for an email and trolling on the forum is... well... a waste of time. Grow up people. You'll get in when you get in.

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It's unfortunate he has to deal with all the mindblowingly entitled users around here. People around here need to chill out. It blows my mind that people think they know any better than the team who made the game.


Wasting time sitting around waiting for an email and trolling on the forum is... well... a waste of time. Grow up people. You'll get in when you get in.


If these forums had a "like" button for responses, this would get one.

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Dear Mr. Reid,


You've been (more than) diligent in your twitter responses and provided appropriate and sufficient information to us plebes. Although the technology itself deserves some credit, the stream of information from you has been better than most launches I've seen. I don't want to insert myself into your workflow, so I just thought I'd make a post rather than shout @you on "the twitter".


I can't imagine what kind of a crunch this week must be, but your public attitude is upbeat, rational, even friendly! Well-done, sir. I suspect there are plenty of others here that agree, and I hope they will chime in. Although it should go without saying, please ignore the rage-filled minority. People with a wider world view understand a slow, steady pre-launch is better than a cluster**** all-in-one, and will reflect better on BW and TOR.


Finally, I'm very sorry to hear you have a sick cat at home. I hope the little furface is feeling better soon. We love our furry little people, and seeing them in discomfort is made exponentially worse by the kind of schedule you are on now. My good wishes are with you both.




PS - What day will I get access?!?! ( I kid, I kid :D )


Well said.

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If these forums had a "like" button for responses, this would get one.


I'm not going to say things couldn't have been done a little better (why so cryptic about how many people got in yesterday) but I have no problems with how they're handling this launch and his activity and feedback have been great.


I had high hopes of finding a better community here than in WoW, so far I'm not impressed.

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he seems very grumpy, and looks like he would make a good "come dine with me" contestant.


nah cant really say anything only started using twitter a few days ago to see what he was posting, seems as normal as you get for a Brit. though his profile pic is a bit scary.

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I'm not going to say things couldn't have been done a little better (why so cryptic about how many people got in yesterday) but I have no problems with how they're handling this launch and his activity and feedback have been great.


I had high hopes of finding a better community here than in WoW, so far I'm not impressed.


The community ingame is what counts imo, and from what I've seen? SWTOR community > WoW. At least in game. Though, you have to admit BioWare could've prepared for this if they had just given a rough estimate of when we would be able to play. I mean, for how long has this been planned? Precisely. Oh well, you can't have everything, I guess. Back to skyrim for me.

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I love threads like this some guy basically yells "Who wants an Infraction!"


And the less intelligent tramples over each other to get them....the only problem is unlike in beta they count now and a forum suspension or ban means a in game suspension or ban.


But please continue...

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I'm not going to say things couldn't have been done a little better (why so cryptic about how many people got in yesterday) but I have no problems with how they're handling this launch and his activity and feedback have been great.


I had high hopes of finding a better community here than in WoW, so far I'm not impressed.


I agree, there is always ways to improve... I also agree that the apparent lack of caliber in the SWTOR community is showing it's ugly face.... To me that is the most disappointing part.

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One thing is sure: I would never want his job.


I don't care, Hell, i don't even know how good or bad a job he's doing but, holy grasshopper on a pogostick, he's gettin' so much of that brown and smelly stuff thrown at him !


The guy just tells you what his bosses tell him to ! But, nah, " he's a face and a name, so we HATE him ! "


He needs those two breakfasts :D

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First post I've saw on this General Discussion clusterf*ck thats worth posting to.


Cheers for all the hard work Mr Reid, remember, for every loudmouthed troll theres a hundred who either dont care or think you're doing a fine job.

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I don't ever post on these forums. I wanted to come out from under my rock to say that Mr. Reid is awesome. There's no way I could put up with all the crap these people try to get away with. I'm positive the silent majority appreciate him as well.


Now, back to the vocal minority talking about a how a 3 day lead is going to screw them over for a game that will last over 1,000 days. (seriously, do all the people that haven't gotten in play 10 hours a day every single day?)

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I agree, there is always ways to improve... I also agree that the apparent lack of caliber in the SWTOR community is showing it's ugly face.... To me that is the most disappointing part.


Yeah, I agree, but it's not only from the flamer's part :p

I mean, some people just do NOT get that opinions differ and instead insult everybody just because somebody don't react exactly the same to situations like them.


It could get better, BOTH SIDES.


The only thing I hear from self proclaimed "Mature" kids is: ''**** YOU ARE SO DUMB BECAUSE YOU ARE DISAPPOINTED AND I'M NOT"


And the only thing I hear from the flamers is: "OMG BIOWARE PLEASE HURRY UP"



Both sides.



EDIT: I also love people bragging about patience, only to lose said patience when trashing one of those guys that's disappointed about early access xD


You have to love these forums, logic has taken a day off.

Edited by Ergonaut
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