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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Stressful crafting, bring back 12 hrs missions.


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Well the headline was just to get your attention. I do not really want 12 hr missions, but I would like 6 hrs missions.


During beta testing the level 50 missions took a long time, between 6-12 hrs depending if you were running a gathering or a mission. This was fine on its own because it made crafting matter a lot, and it meant that you were not constantly getting spammed with crewskill missions that have been completed.


When the game then went live, BioWere has changed this from 12 hrs to 1h10m which I think they did to cater to the casual crowed that want to see an effect of their crafting now, and have no patience for sitting around. Now I can understand this standpoint, when it comes to mission rewards. You want people to see that they are getting something for their time.


-But here is the thing-

When playing the game, I actually find it stressful that I need to send my companions off all the time. And before you say, “well you do not have to”, please realize that you actually do, in order to stay competitive as a crafter.


Now to the point

I would like to see that level 50 missions take somewhat longer to complete than the 1h10 min that is currently max (with 340 purple missions, it is 2h20). The main reason is to de-stress the whole crewskill system. To compensate, you could make the individual missions more expensive, and in turn give greater rewards in the form of more materials.


I realize that you cannot change it now that the game has gone live, without seeing a flood of tears on this forum, so I understand if you want to wait. But please, when you make the first expansion and raise the max crewskill, or implement new crewskill missions, please make them last A LOT longer to complete (6-8 hrs).


Crafting time is fine; 45 min for an epic is nice.


As a final note I would like to see crewskills (Gathering and mission) go into “pending” especially if you are in a Flashpoint or raid. Nothing is more annoying than that crewskill popup message, when you are in the middle of a boss encounter. This could be done as an option under preferences.


I do not expect this post will get positive feedback on this forum, due to the large volume of tears present, and the prevailing misconception, that any “nerf” to the game is bad.

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I agree, it is most annoying.


I'm now on my 4th alts - I need to log out every 30ish minutes to resend slicing, also i have underworld metals on the 2nd, archaeology on the 3rd and bio on the 4th.


It's a massive pain in the arse as it is.

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Doesn't change my point, so I'll repost it for the benefit of others.


Do you realize how contradictory you are here? You're wanting the crafting missions to take longer, yet you complain that you have to keep sending them out in order to 'stay competitive'.


By your logic, sending them out for longer at a time would result in them being even less productive, making you even less competitive. Even if they bumped up the results, in no way would the returns be worth the added time that they're gone. They couldn't do it, unless they did something retarded like return a full stack of material for a successful mission. And they won't do that.

Edited by Notannos
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tbh i dont think anyone understood what he was gettin at and i think i did. hes not talking about companions being unuseful. i think hes gettin at to keep your crafting going u have to always be sending them out. hes saying would be nice to keep them out for a day or 2 with a reward being normal x 12 or 24 or 48 hours out so u dont have to keep sitting logged in to keep sending them back out. with no room to que missions it keeps you stuck logged in at your computer to resend them to keep gaining more crafting mats. i think im hitting his points nail on the head by saying i am annoyed by that, supposedly no grinding which was the point of crew skills, essentially still is when u must man your comp every hour to resend the companions out.
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tbh i dont think anyone understood what he was gettin at and i think i did. hes not talking about companions being unuseful. i think hes gettin at to keep your crafting going u have to always be sending them out. hes saying would be nice to keep them out for a day or 2 with a reward being normal x 12 or 24 or 48 hours out so u dont have to keep sitting logged in to keep sending them back out. with no room to que missions it keeps you stuck logged in at your computer to resend them to keep gaining more crafting mats. i think im hitting his points nail on the head by saying i am annoyed by that, supposedly no grinding which was the point of crew skills, essentially still is when u must man your comp every hour to resend the companions out.


Hitting enter to separate your points helps make your post more readable, but I'll respond anyway.


I think that even by your interpretation, this isn't a good idea. If you can log in once, send your minions out for several hours and come back later to find a large return waiting for you, then that lends itself to absentee play; which is to say you're not really playing the game and still benefiting from it. This is the whole reason most games put limits on macro commands and eliminate bots whenever they can.


If having to send minions out to do your bidding every hour is too tedious, then I suggest you look at other MMO's where they don't even do that much for you, where you have to wander around crowded zones contesting for nodes that everyone else wants. Even if it is a convenience, it shouldn't be THAT much of a convenience.

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Hitting enter to separate your points helps make your post more readable, but I'll respond anyway.


I think that even by your interpretation, this isn't a good idea. If you can log in once, send your minions out for several hours and come back later to find a large return waiting for you, then that lends itself to absentee play; which is to say you're not really playing the game and still benefiting from it. This is the whole reason most games put limits on macro commands and eliminate bots whenever they can.


If having to send minions out to do your bidding every hour is too tedious, then I suggest you look at other MMO's where they don't even do that much for you, where you have to wander around crowded zones contesting for nodes that everyone else wants. Even if it is a convenience, it shouldn't be THAT much of a convenience.


Yes, let's interrupt the game every five minutes so I can click a few buttons to craft a few things. I thought the whole point of this crafting system was to allow players to actually play the game; not mess around with the UI.

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Yes, let's interrupt the game every five minutes so I can click a few buttons to craft a few things. I thought the whole point of this crafting system was to allow players to actually play the game; not mess around with the UI.


How do you get every 5 minutes out of 1-2 hours? The OP is talking about higher level crafting, not rank 1 crafting. Fail.

Edited by SacredPanda
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Were I the OP, i'd have you flagged for harrassment :p


All I'll say is that not everybody works at the same time of the day in your world. And I'll leave it at that. I just think that if someone responds to a post of mine, then it'd be rude of me to not respond if I'm here.

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Crafting needs to be shorter not longer. Sure at level 50 your annoyed but its hard enough to not level beyond something you are trying to make and you want them to nerf it to your playing style. Just don't craft then. Stick to racing all your alts to 50.


I am in the game for the journey not the destination as it should be in a story game. So here is what I do these days: log in, send my crew out and log out every 25-35 min because I don't want to out-level the purple I am trying to make. Sure at level 50 who cares but any level up to that makes crafting pretty worthless for modding professions. I am not talking about just purple mods either, the last blue I popped took 75 tries, you know, an item you can get from commendations.


The funny part is you are complaining about the 2 seconds it takes to click Accept and if you know what you are doing and what you want another 5 seconds to send out your crew. It also happens every hour. That is a long time, so you should thank Bioware for making a game that allows you to loose track of it so easily.

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Crafting needs to be shorter not longer. Sure at level 50 your annoyed but its hard enough to not level beyond something you are trying to make and you want them to nerf it to your playing style. Just don't craft then. Stick to racing all your alts to 50.


I am in the game for the journey not the destination as it should be in a story game. So here is what I do these days: log in, send my crew out and log out every 25-35 min because I don't want to out-level the purple I am trying to make. Sure at level 50 who cares but any level up to that makes crafting pretty worthless for modding professions. I am not talking about just purple mods either, the last blue I popped took 75 tries, you know, an item you can get from commendations.


The funny part is you are complaining about the 2 seconds it takes to click Accept and if you know what you are doing and what you want another 5 seconds to send out your crew. It also happens every hour. That is a long time, so you should thank Bioware for making a game that allows you to loose track of it so easily.


Did you actually read biowares idea on crew skills? it was to prevent The grind, having to be at your comp to send off companions is still a grind no matter what way u look at it.

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dude im military i dont think many can say they work more than me, and how is my post harrassment? plz answer


I never said anything about how much you work, I said they don't always work at the same time as you where you live. In otherwords, there are people who live in other countries so their normal workdays are different, there are people who work gy shifts, there are people who work at any hour of day. Therefore, any comment you may have had about how much I work doesn't really matter. Didn't realize I'd need to explain it this much.

Edited by Notannos
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If taking a few seconds to select a mission per companion, and to then later click a single button that pops up on your screen during normal game play is so stressful...well....why are you even playing this game?


You would have hated the "stress" of crafting in Star Wars Galaxies...where the crafting process was more hands on and step orientated. This game's crafting, even mission running, is so stress free it is ridiculous. =]

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Clicking a button ever hour while doing other things = Not a grind


Clicking the same buttons for an hour over and over = grind




I still go back to to the lower level planets and harvest* mats as it's a) faster, b) cheaper, and c) enjoyable to lay waste to those f-ers that were so bloody hard to kill then but now are mowed down as wheat before a thresher...






*I refuse to refer to harvesting as "grinding". Grinding is repeatedly killing the same mobs, hour after hour to get the exp/creds/commendations you desperately think you need. Bioware's bs line "It's not Heroic to craft" was them pissing on every player who enjoys crafting/harvesting in an MMO.

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If taking a few seconds to select a mission per companion, and to then later click a single button that pops up on your screen during normal game play is so stressful...well....why are you even playing this game?


You would have hated the "stress" of crafting in Star Wars Galaxies...where the crafting process was more hands on and step orientated. This game's crafting, even mission running, is so stress free it is ridiculous. =]


Well let me just interupt here. I take Crafting quite seriously. That is why I have a small army of level 25 chars that is off on missions all the time. This is were the problem starts.


If I want to be as efficient as possible, then I have to spend more time logging between chars, than I do playing.


First off i need ALOT of materials inorder to get the 1176 base epics from level 49 (synthweaving), then we have not even talked about the level 50 patterns yet.

I make around 250-350 ciridium and nanosilk a day, and this comes close to covering the materials I need every day.


The main issue causing my problems is that the mission skills are very fast. I would pref a system where either a) I get much more out of longer missions, or b) a system where it takes alot longer to gather materials over-all.


Beeing able to que Missions is one solution, but I doubt that this will happen, as we had that dicussion in beta.


The whole concept of you crew working for you when you are logged out, gets midigated when all the missions are done very fast.



Edited by Zilliztra
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Why did you not ask for ability to queue missions?

I'd definitely prefer this solution, but I do agree with the OP that the current 1hr 10mins setting is more of a nuisance than anything else. No one is going to sit around crafting for hours so instead you queue your crafts and then go do something else. Why not make the crafting times longer and reward more materials?

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I can understand what the OP is saying, it would be like, lets say you owned a store and had robots working for you that were only capable of doing 1 thing at a time and needed your instructions after every single task.

You wouldn't be able to get anything else done all day because of the constant interruptions and micro management.

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I can understand what the OP is saying, it would be like, lets say you owned a store and had robots working for you that were only capable of doing 1 thing at a time and needed your instructions after every single task.

You wouldn't be able to get anything else done all day because of the constant interruptions and micro management.


Well put. :)

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Well let me just interupt here. I take Crafting quite seriously. That is why I have a small army of level 25 chars that is off on missions all the time. This is were the problem starts.


If I want to be as efficient as possible, then I have to spend more time logging between chars, than I do playing.


First off i need ALOT of materials inorder to get the 1176 base epics from level 49 (synthweaving), then we have not even talked about the level 50 patterns yet.

I make around 250-350 ciridium and nanosilk a day, and this comes close to covering the materials I need every day.


The main issue causing my problems is that the mission skills are very fast. I would pref a system where either a) I get much more out of longer missions, or b) a system where it takes alot longer to gather materials over-all.


Beeing able to que Missions is one solution, but I doubt that this will happen, as we had that dicussion in beta.


The whole concept of you crew working for you when you are logged out, gets midigated when all the missions are done very fast.



This is your own doing... none is forcing you to log on your 5 craft alts (main = the toon you currently quest with) every half hour or so. It is you who wants to play like that so make sure you enjoy it or do it different.

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This is your own doing... none is forcing you to log on your 5 craft alts (main = the toon you currently quest with) every half hour or so. It is you who wants to play like that so make sure you enjoy it or do it different.


Well that can be said about any aspect of the game. e.g. Pvp balance is broken -> then dont pvp.


For some people, enjoyable crafting is every little bit as important as balanced competative pvp is for others.

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