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I must be miscalculating something... :(


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Please bear with me. This is not another "nag" issue, just want to see if more people experiance the same or could tell my that I'm wrong.


Ok, so my sent has just reached level 22 and I'm on Taris (yeah, I know :o ). When I was level 21 I met "Watcher One" and he kicked my behind! three times over!! I thought "hey, what's going on? He shouldn't be so difficult? I mean... he's just an elite, my gears up to date (yes, also my Hilts ;) ), Kira's gear is up to date, I'm a freaking watchman, I follow the proposed rotation like a clockwork (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=137252)... this is kind of frustrating...".


Eventually, one dead Kira and a medic kit later with my health on 2 percent I finally stood as a winner, but it sure wasn't the victory I hoped for. I was really annoyed by this: the watchman tree wasn't as great as I imagined. Where was the heal everyone was talking about? So i started to test my toon (not very scientific to say the least): everywhere where there was an elite mob I would go head-to-head just to see how I was doing. The result:

- With Kira I could win (barely) a fight with a level 19 elite.

- Against an level 19 elite and one more regular mob I had to use a medi kit to beat them.

- Against an level 19 elite and two regular mobs there was a fifty-fifty chance of surviving.

To sum it up: every additional regular mob and the task was much more difficult. And the common denominator: I'm loosing health like someone opened up a tap. It just drains (yes, I'm using Rebuke whenever I can). But shouldn't I get some healing back from burn effects (Merciless Zeal)?


Ok, so at level 22 you should probably have at least 10% crit chance to start with. With "Juyo mastery 3/3" and 5 stacks (5*3) of Juyo form, you should altogether have 25% (10 + 15) crit chance of your burn effects? And if you choose "Insight (2/3)" at level 22 you should probobly have 29% (25%+4%) crit chance of your burn effects (as overloaded saber uses force? Or is this a missumption?). Which would result in that almost a third of every burn dot should give back 2% of your health? But I assure you, it doesn't. It pop sometimes, but not as much as calculated. So is there something gravely I've misunderstod regarding crit chance in relation with Merciless Zeal? :confused:

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There must be something you're doing wrong. You should be very able to beat down a 3 level lower elite. Especially as a watchman. I know I didn't have any problems.


Maybe record a video of one of those fights and let's see what you're doing wrong?

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I am starting to wonder if there is some bug either in skills or somehow maybe on character creation, I have no idea what it is (yes, /tinfoilhat).


I leveled watchman most of the way, and am now a 50 sentinel. While I think I only ever failed a boss class/story mission one or two times (I have even beaten the emperor) it was always by the skin of my teeth even while using companions and every med in the book that I could. And in regular combat out in the wild elites are touch and go and any of the pulls with 2 strongs and a bunch of standards or elites with a strong it's 50/50 whether I die or not.


And yes same as the OP I keep near 100% uptime on burns, pop defensive cd's on cd, Interrupt every ability possible, keep my merciless stacks up, etc... And heck I have near all purple gear... I am an 11 year MMO vet and have been a raider all that time, always one of the best on my server in whatever role I was playing. I am not some slacker casual gamer who hasn't a clue.


Often times I have to check the forum title as I wonder if we are even playing the same class.

Edited by Saetun
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I'm pretty sure that Insight doesn't affect the critical hit percentage of DoTs. DoTs are elemental damage, most (all?) Force attacks are kinetic damage. I would focus entirely on the Watchman tree until you get Merciless Slash, don't even bother with the other tree (even Dual Wield Mastery - I didn't get this maxed until 44 iirc).
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For me it's always been about the kill order and who attacks what mob 1st. The priority has changed as I've leveled up. What worked from 30-40 wouldn't work for 40-45 and then I had to change it again for 45-50 and 50 content.


What works best for me (Combat Sent) for level 50 is to send Kira in on a weak mob, pop any one of my defense buffs then leap onto the strong to disrupt whatever he is casting. Kick him, dps him, stasis him, kick again dps fight over with Kira and I both above 50% health and in a lot of cases above 90%. No med packs no stims.


If I have 2 casters it gets a bit tricky because they can dish out some serious dps. I use awe a lot and always cc droids.


Hope this helps some.


If Kira (or whoever you use) is very low on health or dead then dismiss them and resummon for them to be full health and reduce down time.

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DoTs are elemental damage, most (all?) Force attacks are kinetic damage.


The damage type does not dictate the attack type. A Force attack can be energy, kinetic, internal, or elemental depending on what BioWare wanted.


Caut DOT and Overcharge Saber are force attacks.

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For me it's always been about the kill order and who attacks what mob 1st. The priority has changed as I've leveled up. What worked from 30-40 wouldn't work for 40-45 and then I had to change it again for 45-50 and 50 content.


Thank you Corgan! You really hit the spot there. Tried this evening to really experiment with the attack order and it really changed for me. Maby I should have seen this earlier :rolleyes:. The core problem was that every mob and elite focused entirely on my toon instead of Kira. I got all of the damage and dropped too quickly. Changed the attack order to make Kira get the most focus and damage while I could just concentrate on my DPS and that really worked. Now I'm looking forward to the Force camouflage ability which apparently will help this further :D. Thanx!

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