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[ The Negativity Will Stop When We Get A Response ]


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Just wanted to say my level 17 SI Sorcerer wanted to say hi to you in this thread. :)


My bounty hunter says hello! =) Whining people getting pretty but hurt they aren't getting what for some reason they thing is owed to them. So many people these days think everything is owed to them. Let me clarify something to all of you. NOBODY OWES YOU ANYTHING.

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As a customer, and for a product I have paid real life money for, I am entitled to get information on the product if I so wish.

This is actually not nearly as true as you think it is. The terms "trade secrets" and "intellectual property" are labeled as such for a reason.


When you pre-ordered, you were told you would get UP TO five days of early access. We are currently six days before launch. Life is too short to spend it whining on forums about things to which you are not actually entitled.

Edited by TheGlork
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The negativity will stop once we get a response. The system in place currently IS unfair there is no doubt about it.


Why are bioware refusing to comment and sort this whole fiasco out??


We DEMAND A RESPONSE! As a customer, and for a product I have paid real life money for, I am entitled to get information on the product if I so wish.


Bioware is not obligated to provide a response to you regarding this. You may have already paid for the game, but your license to play said game is not currently valid.

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Especially when they get completely *** ****ed by companies over the internet again and again.


Yea. Because first come first served is soo unfair. I think we should sue every single company in the world for that. That'll show them how to treat "me" good becase "I" am most important person in the world and no one who was before "me" should have something served to him first.


Common sense is weak within you, my young rage kid.

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This is really a damned if you do damned if you dont situation. If they let everyone in and the servers crashed everyone would be mad. Since they arent letting everyone in and are going for server stability, some of the people who didnt get in are mad. Cant please everyone.
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Responses have been given, everything is going how it was supposed to from day one. Just because Bioware didn't cave to people's demands to let everyone play immediately doesn't mean they didn't respond. Also as many have said, negativity is part and parcel of internet forums, it won't change no matter what happens.
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What I don't get it people knew this was going to happen. You want in the first day? I suggest you order the first day. Not sure if you will like the game and don't want to take a chance? Well, there is a reason you are still waiting to get in while others are in the game having a great time.
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They are not picking and choosing their favorite people and letting them into the game, they are going in numerical order of when people pre-ordered the game.


Unfair would be taking someone (like you) who waited to pre-order and obviously did not put much effort into getting the pre-order ASAP, and allowing them into the game before the guy who watched the website, checked twitter, and talked to friends about it and learned of the pre-order and got it done that week.


You did not even have to pay the full amount for the pre-order, and you could pre-order online, in stores, and just about anywhere. So I'd like to know what the excuse was for not pre-ordering if you knew that it was going on.


Now, those people who put forward some effort to pre-order the game quickly (First day had the majority, if not all of the July people in) got in the first day of extra-early EGA. It is a reward for their actions, not an unfair arbitrary choice by the developers. Everyone was going to have at least a day of EGA, but now will have even more. EVERYONE. Not just those early orders. It would be unfair if they got two MORE days than they were going to get and nobody else did.


And the reason that Bioware is quiet is because if they come out and say "This was our plan all along, read the FAQ." like they want to, then the same people being babies will just start fussing over that instead because they just want in, they don't want answers.


It's not gonna change, it's not unfair if you did not have motivation to get the pre-order, and Bioware does not have to tell you again that this was their plan all along and that they actually gave us MORE time than they had told us before.

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They are not picking and choosing their favorite people and letting them into the game, they are going in numerical order of when people pre-ordered the game.


Unfair would be taking someone (like you) who waited to pre-order and obviously did not put much effort into getting the pre-order ASAP, and allowing them into the game before the guy who watched the website, checked twitter, and talked to friends about it and learned of the pre-order and got it done that week.


You did not even have to pay the full amount for the pre-order, and you could pre-order online, in stores, and just about anywhere. So I'd like to know what the excuse was for not pre-ordering if you knew that it was going on.


Now, those people who put forward some effort to pre-order the game quickly (First day had the majority, if not all of the July people in) got in the first day of extra-early EGA. It is a reward for their actions, not an unfair arbitrary choice by the developers. Everyone was going to have at least a day of EGA, but now will have even more. EVERYONE. Not just those early orders. It would be unfair if they got two MORE days than they were going to get and nobody else did.


And the reason that Bioware is quiet is because if they come out and say "This was our plan all along, read the FAQ." like they want to, then the same people being babies will just start fussing over that instead because they just want in, they don't want answers.


It's not gonna change, it's not unfair if you did not have motivation to get the pre-order, and Bioware does not have to tell you again that this was their plan all along and that they actually gave us MORE time than they had told us before.



You are spot on.

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