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Emperor battle (spoilers)


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Ok so are we all waiting for a re-balance for this fight? or are we expected to bring a group for this? If it were a group quest they could at least mark it as such. Anyone who has tried to solo this quest knows the boss fight is a cruel joke on the player. I'm just wondering if they have said anything about changing this fight or what?
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This game is better played with friends. And not just easier because you have a group (They scale the damage and number of mobs to the group size you bring in), but it's simply more fun to play with others.


Especially when you complete your class quest.

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I solo'd this last night on my first try. Level 50 watchman sentinel.


It's a dirt simple fight folks. Line of sight him. Spam slash or your big frontal arc on the clones (you'll one shot them) and then burn him down - interrupt force thunder or whatever it's called.


Ignore death field and don't stand in it. Run out of storm. Keep doing this until he's dead. I blasted him with dispatch when he had 1200HP left and that was that.


After hearing everyone complain about this fight for weeks now, it was definitely worth the attempt.



Seriously though, if you're expecting to stand toe to toe with the greatest force wielder of all time and win, then no one here can help you. Don't let the fight go on his terms. Deny him those casted abilities and it's simple.

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Look. I did the Line of Sight method. It worked.



The bottom line though?



The developers outright said we weren't supposed to need to do that for this fight.



I most certainly did not feel very heroic dancing around a pillar for minutes taking potshots at the Emperor like some arenaguy pillarhumping in WoW.



At least they're fixing it. Sometime soon.

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I solo'd this last night on my first try. Level 50 watchman sentinel.


It's a dirt simple fight folks. Line of sight him. Spam slash or your big frontal arc on the clones (you'll one shot them) and then burn him down - interrupt force thunder or whatever it's called.


Ignore death field and don't stand in it. Run out of storm. Keep doing this until he's dead. I blasted him with dispatch when he had 1200HP left and that was that.


After hearing everyone complain about this fight for weeks now, it was definitely worth the attempt.



Seriously though, if you're expecting to stand toe to toe with the greatest force wielder of all time and win, then no one here can help you. Don't let the fight go on his terms. Deny him those casted abilities and it's simple.


You are truly a Sentinel god.


Look, most people, including myself, wiped over and over and over and had to bring a friend to beat him. Bioware admitted the fight was drastically overtuned and it will be nerfed next patch. If you beat him, you got lucky. I got him <20% multiple times, but due to bad luck or poor clone placement, I would die.


I am by no means a bad Sentinel player, the mechanics of this fight aren't fair.

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I'll give you that some of it was luck. If the clones spawn in a poor position for you then I can definitely see how thay would determine the outcome of the fight almost from the start. I had them all group up closely every time so taking them out was very easy.


There's a lot going on in this fight too, for sure. Keeping track of who's who was not easy. At one point I jumped at one I thought was a clone and expected to one shot him. It wasn't a clone, and I had to scramble to recover.


Even so, it was very do-able. I felt pretty darn heroic when I finished it. It was an awesome challenge!

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To quote a user who commented on my Emperor fight:


"To clarify, Sweep and Cyclone attack dont kill the clones. If you watch, nothing happens when you use those attacks on them. (Incidentily Blade Storm doesnt hurt them either). T7 is the one killing them, and T7 also has an AOE that does work, if set up right he can kill an entire wave of them on his own."


So you yourself can't AoE them down, but T7 can.





Soloed him by myself as well. That fight. was. a. *****.

Edited by Ovan_Oh-One
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Glad I'm not the only one. Of course we get the few people who just have to let us know that they "apparently" killed him on the first try. Well at least this fight is being looked at, and I can get my master title without having to sucker other players into helping me with a class quest. Hope the fix comes soon.
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i cant even get past the first bit with no healer. cheers bioware. its like a cruel joke. 'get reliant on your healer as a JK sentinel, then we'll just take it away on your last quest'. hahahahahahahaha ****s.


And to top it all off I haven't given any new gear to T7 in at least 20 levels. So I get to use a companion with lvl 30 gear to help kill the emperor at lvl 50? Thx bioware.

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I tried the quest earlier today and the Emperor just kicked my *** with no remorse. I think I got as close as ~30% and even that took ridiculous RNG(I would need T7 to survive at least two waves, if he died early it was a wipe for sure). Even the trash leading up to him was brutal, I think I died as many times on that trash as I did the rest of my questing experience(I rarely if ever died and the few times I did were because I did something silly).


I went back just now with two guildies. We get to the Emperor, I Force Leap, and...that's it. The fight bugged. I spoke to the Emperor and...won the fight. How anticlimactic. :\ Still I'll take it considering how much headache he put me through earlier.


One thing to note though, if you do bring a group, the quest scales. In other words, you'll fight a lot more mobs. It's still easier than going solo but don't expect to steamroll through even with a group because additional mobs will be added.


But yeah it should definitely be rebalanced. I have no doubts some people may have soloed it, but it's just a huuuge spike in difficulty compared to the rest of the leveling and it shouldn't take some gimmicky los strategy to take him down.

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  • 1 year later...
Finished it up about a month ago. It totally wasn't hard. Basically I went into his cave, went through the cut scene. Tab-targeted him, sent T7....and T7 1 shotted him....I'm guessing that something got screwed up at some point.
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If your talking about the doomsday mission, then i'm not sure what your talking about. I went in at lvl 49, was stuck with the droid i haven't used in forever and thought i was boned. Then I got a chest that gave me new parts for the droid, and I thought that was pretty neat, and he actually started helping.


As for the emperor himself, i was kinda disappointed. I hit him with everything i had, and he dropped. I saw a bunch of other emperor lookin guys, but just kept hitting the original and it was over pretty quick.


I have to say, the finale for my shadow was so much tougher its not even funny.

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hell i beat him back in beta when the clones were unkillable. I even got a wisper from someone at bioware asking how i did it because you weren't suppoed to be able to do it.


The fight is not hard you just need to learn how to play your class and interrupt one shot mechanics... if you hadn't figured that out by the time you hit him then you were simply carried though the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you are talking about the final fight for the end of the story, then it was probably the easiest fight... But I also hit 50 before getting to corellia and was sporting my free 50 gear. I don't think my health dropped below 75% and I was kinda disappointed with the fight.


My advice if you can't beat him, go finish getting to level 50, get your free gear and go back and beat the hell outta him :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

By the time the Emperor spawned his adds he was already half dead for me. Focused him down and then just did a little 8v1 on his clones. The entire fight took me about 30 seconds.


Did mine at 50, Watchman. Tionese armor, Recruit sabers, War Hero Relics/Ear (severely overgeared for this). Used HK as a companion, no heals required for me outside of my self heals from Burn crits.

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