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Falling damage? Why?


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Now, I know it exists in most MMOs, but I think TOR has the best reasons ever to eliminate falling damage completely, FOR ALL CLASSES (so no one thinks this is a "make Jedi/Sith teh bezt EVAR!!!11 post.)


Jedi/Sith: Well, we see them take tremendous falls in the movies with no problems. 'Nuff said.

Bounty Hunters: Have rocket packs. Again, 'nuff said.

Troopers: High-tech parachutes built into the armor. Maybe even just a breakfall repulsor field.

Smugglers: Ascension guns, like in Ep I.

Imperial Agents: Either Trooper or Smuggler solution would work.


Really, I feel this could give all the classes a cool little "trick" when taking certain shortcuts. If you still want to have some areas be deadly falls, just say that the "whatever" doesn't work beyond a certain maximum distance, which is the same distance as an autofatal fall.


Yeah, there's a lot of more important things in the game right now, but I just had to get that off my chest.

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I disagree. I think fall damage is an essential part of MMOs. It adds a whole new aspect to combat. For example, when dueling on a ledge or cliff, you have to avoid facing the edge in order to avoid being knocked off, or vice versa one can attempt to knock another player/NPC off a cliff in order to help themselves out.


EDIT: Oh yeah, I forgot how awesome the roll is when you fall a long way. A great addition.

Edited by CharlieMitchell
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i rather they fixed the humty dumpty jumping and make it a mare agile jump if you jump you dont slow down you accualy leap faster forward , good example is from battlefield 3 .. i know its a fps shooter but jumping realy feels lifelike , and als ojump animations look liek crap .. liek he's want to take a crap in the air ... oh yeh and whenever you try jump over some rocks or try to get soemwere you get stuck between rocks or .. realy should all be more fluent ...
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It's ridiculous. I can force jump 15-20 ft, and hurt the other person, but god help me if I fall 10 or more feet! Anyone ever play Matrix Online? Obviously you're in the Matrix, so falling damage was non-existant, even when jumping from the highest building. I don't think it should be like that here, but come on. In Episode III, during Yoda and Palpatines fight, Palpatine hits Yoda with some force lighting, and it backlashes causing Yoda to go flying hundreds of feet to the cold hard floor below. Sure, he looks hurt, but he gets back up. He didn't even land on his feet, and he was alright.
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I thought it was ludicrous when I found out that fall damage would scale with level. I still think it's ludicrous.


It is vary common in MMOs to have fall damage scale. This is to stop the orbital max level drop effect. Where a max level character can drop from rededicates distances. And it could be worse. Many MMOs use a percentage of total HP system for falling. But some just have a cut off distance everything under it is unnoticeable everything past it instant death. Some use a safety net allowing any fall distance but leaving you 1 HP instead of killing you.


For this game though I find the fall distance fairly decent. Only the random elevator mishap has gotten me.

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