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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will this game have a second free month?


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To possibly placate the players that are ready to mass exodus?


Keep telling yourself that. Not seen any hate for swtor in game, and only a small % uses forums. And only a small % of those will leave, and only a small % of those will actually stay away.

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Keep telling yourself that. Not seen any hate for swtor in game, and only a small % uses forums. And only a small % of those will leave, and only a small % of those will actually stay away.


I'm not telling myself anything, I'm just assuming that's what the OP meant by his post, since he wasn't clear really.

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Keep telling yourself that. Not seen any hate for swtor in game, and only a small % uses forums. And only a small % of those will leave, and only a small % of those will actually stay away.


Yeah, they said the same thing about SWG, Warhammer, Vanguard, STO, Lord of the Rings Online and about a dozen other failed or dying mmos. Be real..


Lets face it, with today's competing market and consumer standards, SWTOR is more likely to fail then succeed. Even if they hover around 500k subs, they'll have to consolidate servers and won't have the cash flow for huge, ambitious expansions - upgrades - etc. Frankly I think themepark mmos are a dying breed.

Edited by Dunzo
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I find it odd how people despise the game. Keep playing said game for the remainder of their month, keep saying how they hate it, ask for a second free month, to keep playing a game they apparently despise......amazing eh?
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All the comedians come out lol


Just thinking about unsubbing until patch 1.2 or maybe once they have fixed stuff like UI, ability delay, high res textures, and error code 9000


Rest of the game was fantastic but I expected more


And this warrent's a free month?


Did you ever play Aoc, Vanguard, FFXIV, Xyson, Darkfall?


I would imagine not because they were all worse then this game months after launch and they still only gave the first 30 days.


In 8 days the forums will mostly be whine free because all the people threatening to quit every other week hopefully will.....

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Hah... comparing TOR to FFXIV? As someone who can find positive things in most everything I thought that game was a HUGE mess. Kind of sad really, I hope they can keep turning it around. :p


Even if Bioware gave a free day or two I'd be shocked. I don't feel the launch really warrants much if any free time.


I like to charge people 90-105 (march 2012 right...? right?..) dollars to play a beta as well.

This is not some ebayer selling me his code he got emailed to him this is a *professional* company, or so I was lead to believe.

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Have you ever played an MMO from launch day before?

SWTOR has its buggs but let me tell you its not half as bad as most of them including the game that shall not be named :p

No free second month cos bioware are doing thier job, addressing buggs and in the meantime we have a playable and might I say GREAT MMO to play without stupidly extended maintenance periods :)

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I will have to side with the biodriods this time.


This game has had a pretty smooth launch compared to many out there.


Although im not saying it didnt happen, but:


1)Players complained the launcher crashed....a lot. Only happened to me once.

2)Bad frame rate. Im not getting that.

3)Game breaking bugs that would not let you advance. Never encountered that but i did encounter many bugs.


The best thing is that BW is actually listening and "trying" to fix issues. The patches so far have been less than stellar but patching crap up takes time.


Things i noticed have been patched so far.


1)the resetting corruption setting

2)the game does seem to run a little smoother and more responsive in pve.

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