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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Companion armor help...


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Hi all :) So, on my companions stat sheet (Abilities pane) it says she (Kira) can wear Medium armor. So I went to the GTN and tried to buy her some, and it wouldn't let me equip her with it. I then bought a cheap light armor component and it wouldn't let me equip her with that either. So, can companions not wear armor off the GTN? Or what am I missing?
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I'll take a look at the dark/light angle. Off hand I didn't see that as a requirement on the pieces I bought. Yeah, must be a bug then, it deff said Medium on her abilities pane. Like I mentioned, I did buy her a cheap pair of light gloves, and she couldn't use them. Matter of fact, all the pieces I saw on Light armor were blacked out for her. She's level 21, and this stuff was entry level. Doesn't make sense, unless it was all "dark". I did get her some boots at a Commendations vendor today, and they were light armor, that I was able to equip her with. Edited by GrageVonSydow
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Companions can't equip items which have


- class requirements (e.g. Jedi Consular)


- alignment requirements (e.g. requires Light II or above)


- social requirements (e.g. requires Social II or above)


Anything else they should be able to equip, assuming they have the armor proficiency for it.


There are some crafted orange pieces which don't have any requirements, as well as moddable pieces on the commendation vendors.


You can also give them green pieces you get as drops if the stats are beneficial to them. They won't be the best, but they're okay placeholders.


Many quests also give companion upgrades, so if you don't need the commendation and your own reward is a downgrade, just get upgrades for her.

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