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Mixed feelings


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Hey , ive been having mixed feels since beta. I lvled a jedi shadow to 50 and have been taking some heroic flashpoints , i feel like ive been getting hit very hard. Are shadow tanks going to be viable as main tanks come heroic mode operations or should i go ahead and lvl a guardian.
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Hey , ive been having mixed feels since beta. I lvled a jedi shadow to 50 and have been taking some heroic flashpoints , i feel like ive been getting hit very hard. Are shadow tanks going to be viable as main tanks come heroic mode operations or should i go ahead and lvl a guardian.


Considering the shield absorbtion/defense chance mechanics are broken/poorly designed at the moment No assassins/shadows are not viable. Not until they fix the mitigation mechanics (the devs do not acknowlage the problem exists despite the fact its been constantly reported sense closed beta) They ether need to correct this issue or boost the armor bonus from dark charge to bring the mitigation back in line with heavy armor tanks.

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Considering the shield absorbtion/defense chance mechanics are broken/poorly designed at the moment No assassins/shadows are not viable. Not until they fix the mitigation mechanics (the devs do not acknowlage the problem exists despite the fact its been constantly reported sense closed beta) They ether need to correct this issue or boost the armor bonus from dark charge to bring the mitigation back in line with heavy armor tanks.


Okay i thought something was a little wierd , im almost full epics from pvp and such and ive been getting hit hard in hard mode flashpoints to where im almost un healable

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Considering the shield absorbtion/defense chance mechanics are broken/poorly designed at the moment No assassins/shadows are not viable.


The statement above is true in PvP, but not in PvE. My Shadow has successfully tanked every HM FP and Eternity Vault Normal Mode. He is one of my Guild's primary tanks. The mits seem to work correctly in PvE where the attack types or more balanced.


I think it's mainly a gear issue for the OP. Upgrading gear and getting a better Armor score makes a big difference. While gearing up, blow your mit CDs whenever possible. Once you start adding some gear with +Armor, +Shield, +Absorb you will begin to notice a considerable difference in ease of tanking. At this point, my Shadow only has to keep Kinetic Ward up at all times, and maybe blows a Resilience or Deflection when the shat hits the fan.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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If you're tanking in PvP gear, look at the stats and where they are diferent from PvE gear. In most games PvP gear doesn't give you much of an advantage in PvE, the only game I have played that PvP and PvE used the same stats was warhammer and this doesn't to be mechanically the same.
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