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The whole forum is speculations on when you are getting in.. does anyone else...


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find this completely ridiculous?


Isn't it about time someone gives us a straight answer and let's those who pre ordered november/december to not waste our time anymore?


So frustrating, i'm really starting to dislike this company. Very poor customer service,

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find this completely ridiculous?


Isn't it about time someone gives us a straight answer and let's those who pre ordered november/december to not waste our time anymore?


So frustrating, i'm really starting to dislike this company. Very poor customer service,


They are doing it exactly as they said they would.


If you ordered in November/December, and they are doing July.August today, simple logic will dictate that November if looking at tomorrow at the EARLIEST, most likely friday.


Stop acting like you are entitled to something that was in no way shape or form promised, and is all based on assumptions made by uninformed people.

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Worst launch of ANY mmo and unfortunately I find it quite unforgivable. If this is how they treat us before the game is even launched how will it be for the duration of the game?


extreme fail bioware,


I have played launch of ao/daoc/eq/wow


this is the worst.

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They are doing it exactly as they said they would.


If you ordered in November/December, and they are doing July.August today, simple logic will dictate that November if looking at tomorrow at the EARLIEST, most likely friday.


Stop acting like you are entitled to something that was in no way shape or form promised, and is all based on assumptions made by uninformed people.



I have paid the same amount as anyone else, I preordered before the launch date. Why am I not allowed to play while others are? It is the worst feeling to not be at the launch of an mmo i was excited about. My excitement has slowly and miserably dribbled out the window and all that I am left with is rage at this company who clearly have no clue what they are doing.

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Bioware knows exactly what it is doing, you don't know what they are doing because you haven't taken the time to look.


The reason they are not stating who can and can't get in is because they don't know. It's based on server performance, so it varies. They don't want to promise in people then not be able to deliver.


The reason you are not in and orders are is because of the date pre-orders were redeemed, which was announced when pre-orders became available. Again, information that is readily available to you.

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I have paid the same amount as anyone else, I preordered before the launch date. Why am I not allowed to play while others are? It is the worst feeling to not be at the launch of an mmo i was excited about. My excitement has slowly and miserably dribbled out the window and all that I am left with is rage at this company who clearly have no clue what they are doing.


Bioware has always said that the sooner you pre-ordered, the sooner you get into EGA. They also said you would get UP to (but in no way guaranteeing) 5 days of EGA.


Today is 6th day of EGA. If you got in tomorrow, you still get the 5 days advertised. The people getting in before you are those who pre-ordered before you. It is a line. You have taken your number. You have to wait for your number to come up before you get serviced.


Complaining and getting mad because you have a late number won't make the numbers move any faster.


And no, I am not playing the game yet. I am waiting for my number to come up too, only I am not seeing any reason to get mad about it.

Edited by jgoldsack
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I'm tired of posting the reasoning behind how things go so I will just say:


I feel for you and hope you get in soon. Hang in there pal, because once you do get in; the game is actually running smoother than any other MMO I have played at launch. Good luck and may the force be with you.

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