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This que is horrible


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This is my third launch of a MMO and I must say it is by far the worst that I have experienced. I do not like the mushroom treatment I feel we are being given. They should have given us some clue of when to expect to get invited rather then have us sit in limbo for seven days possibly. This is a terrible way to treat customers.



Thank you for the bump but unless you have some thing relevant to add to this discussion please refrain from posting in this thread.


They don't want to give people a clue because the day you are let in could vary depending on whatever the numbers they are looking for say. I am not saying it is the best way to handle it but the crying is ridiculous. It is just a game - but it's cool, Let's keep up the stereotype that games are for children or immature adults. :)

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That's not the money i'm talking about. Good god man. The money for GAME TIME. TO ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME. God, I wish I could talk to intelligent people on these forums.


Well maybe looking at my avatar, my name, working out I am not a MAN might help you get somewhere.

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That's not the money i'm talking about. Good god man. The money for GAME TIME. TO ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME. God, I wish I could talk to intelligent people on these forums.


This thread is about them not telling us when we get to start. The only communication we have from them is every one will get at least one day. That does not tell me when I or any one else gets to actually log in and play. They don't even offer a estimate. That is poor business practice, you don't tell a customer we will get to you when we get to you and we have no clue when that will be.

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Its spelled Queue...


This is exactly how you launch clients to applications. This is how we do it in the private sector too. Why don't some of you head over to Amazon and pick up Comp-Tia's A+ so you can understand the basics of the network layer/OSI model and how hardware and clustering work. Keep it up Bioware i personally don't want to move servers in 3 months. For those of you that are civilized and need something to do pick up the E-book "The Old Republic Revan" great read i might add.



Still not getting how this will prevent server merges, if they wan't to let all people play without Queuing. There Servers will have a max capacity, so if you let 2 million players in on one day or over 7 in the end the number of Servers will be the same. The only way they can circumvent Server merging is if they don't have a drop off after the free month. Thats what causes server merges dwindling subscriber numbers. there will probably 3+ million players after the 20th and they need enough servers to play. If now only half will pay after 30 days server merges will occur, no matter if you open the Gates at launch or like SWTOR with waves.

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Two subjects here:


Game Launch and access.





This is the smoothes launch I have ever witnessed with no downtime and great FPS. Game is working fine and people who are in are having fun.





The other is the people who want to gain access to the servers who want to play that have not yet been invited. At no point was anyone guarenteed a full five days access. Yet knowing this people still purchased the game. Stephen has stated that anyone that who has pre-ordered will get some Early Access, unless you enter a code on the 19th Dec.


Gaining early access is based on first come first served on who entered the pre-order codes. So for example people who entered a code on the 21st july got in before people on the 22nd etc.



The options were to either open the flood gates and allow everyone in at the same time causing queues, Dc's, bad lag, servers dying and even more complaining or do it this way which is controlled and things work.



It is all sour grapes. People want to play, which is good, but do not like it when they are not the first ones chosen.

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Well I can call ******** on a lot of that, at least half of the people who got in day one could have been told they are getting in by at least the end of the day. Then everyone else could have been given a range of dates I'd say make it between two days on the projected scale.


Now following the first day they can change their numbers since they were told no date is finalized as to when they'd. IN FACT if they did this a lot more people would probably be happy because they'd most likely be getting in before their time (and it seems things are going smoothly in game and they are ahead of their schedule so it's safe to assume this- Only the way its being conveyed to the public is being handled like **** not the actual release) if things are going smoothly. At this point you've eliminated the majority of the rabid fanbase and taken away any rational anger and are only left with the irrational(which you are going to get regardless, it is the human condition).


And although I truly feel bad for Stephen Reid for all the **** he has to put up with, he and the company are kind of bringing it on themselves by leaving us to speculate everything. Speculation leads to the dark side of the force Stephen!

Edited by EsteManhandler
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Two subjects here:


Game Launch and access.





This is the smoothes launch I have ever witnessed with no downtime and great FPS. Game is working fine and people who are in are having fun.





The other is the people who want to gain access to the servers who want to play that have not yet been invited. At no point was anyone guarenteed a full five days access. Yet knowing this people still purchased the game. Stephen has stated that anyone that who has pre-ordered will get some Early Access, unless you enter a code on the 19th Dec.


Gaining early access is based on first come first served on who entered the pre-order codes. So for example people who entered a code on the 21st july got in before people on the 22nd etc.



The options were to either open the flood gates and allow everyone in at the same time causing queues, Dc's, bad lag, servers dying and even more complaining or do it this way which is controlled and things work.



It is all sour grapes. People want to play, which is good, but do not like it when they are not the first ones chosen.





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I don't understand why people are saying the game doesn't launch until the 20th.




It launched on the 13th.


Want proof ?


This was posted on the 13th December ...


This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, BioWare’s largest and most ambitious project to date, and we’re very proud that you’ve been able to join us. It’s an honor to be able to share this game with you.




Direct link : http://www.swtor.com/blog/welcome-star-wars-old-republic


Regardless of what you think, the company believes it has fully started - not pre-launch, not EGA, full launch .. same reason they had launch parties at various cities around the globe .. again , not pre-launch / EGA parties.


As for the rest of their current 'wave' system *no comment*

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i got in at 7 am yesturday, it the game was very smooth all the way up to 4 am this morning when i stopped playing, no issues, minor bugs, very enjoyable experience, next time pre-order on time, especially when they EARLY ACCESS IS DEPENDENT ON WHEN U ENTER YOUR PRE-ORDER CODE, in translation that means only you deserve a full 7 days cause you pre-ordered last week(google translator ftw), i forgot sorry.
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This is my third launch of a MMO and I must say it is by far the worst that I have experienced.




1) Game hasn't launched yet.

2) Not the worst. I played all evening yesterday with not a single issue. Don't mistake people's inability to pre-order in a timely manner to get early access with a bad game launch.

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Pre-access is a gift. The size of the gift (the gift in this case...when you get invited) is immaterial.


Launch date is December 20th...it was announced months ago. If you don't like your gift return it. But to sit in the home of the gift giver and complain it isn't good enough for you shows a lack of social graces.


I too am excited about playing...I am in the September pre-orders. Every minute granted before December 20 is something I will appreciate.

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Pre-access is a gift. The size of the gift (the gift in this case...when you get invited) is immaterial.




No it isn't , pre-access was a selling point for " Pre - Ordering " , it isn't a gift , it is part of the " SALES PACKAGE " .


Also , everyone who pre-ordered paid a small fee up front , that also removes any form of a gift .


I don't pay people when they give me some chocolates as a gift ..........................

Edited by Kediec
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