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This que is horrible


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its like this. i posted this in a few other threads.


Billy: But mom why does Sally get to play with the ball first?


Mom: Because she got it first. You can play with it in 10 min.


Billy: But i dont care. I want to play with the ball now!


Mom: I'm sorry Billy. You will just have to wait. Why don't you go play with your lego for now and in 10 min you will be able to play with the ball.


I am absolutely stealing this. Thank you.

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Honestly I am glad I didn't get in today. I will get in tomorrow and make sure to jump on the newest server at the time. Should help the queue immensely. In the mean time I guess I will be playing Ahri over on league...oh wait server is down.


Just between you and me, I am happy to get in tomorrow as well. I just wish all the other hundreds of thousands of folks could get in as well.

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Definition of the word "Queue"


A line or sequence of people or vehicles awaiting their turn to be attended to or to proceed.


To queue or not to queue, that is the question. Is it far nobler to troll about queuing or to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous misinformed minds...

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Yeah people are pretty ignorent on here as of the moment. I think a bunch of WoW kids are switching to TOR, sadly : ' ( i thought we were leaving them behind and this was going to be like EQ days when every one was mature... guess not

Says the guy that became a member of this community, what two weeks ago?

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Yeah people are pretty ignorent on here as of the moment. I think a bunch of WoW kids are switching to TOR, sadly : ' ( i thought we were leaving them behind and this was going to be like EQ days when every one was mature... guess not


actually, you might be pleasantly surprised. once those wow kids are emersed in the wonder that is star wars, and the story fills them with the desire to see the next chapter, they will realize that they have been led astray by a bad way, and come to the dark side.

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To queue or not to queue, that is the question. Is it far nobler to troll about queuing or to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous misinformed minds...


This above all — to thine own self be true;

And it must follow, as the night the day,

Thou canst not then be false to any man.

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"They took Christmas away."


bah, my birthday is christmas day, they can have it for all i care, i learned to dislike it when i was a kid and found out that you can get christmas/birthday presents, and when i got older and found out you could never celebrate your birthday with friends.

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Says the guy that became a member of this community, what two weeks ago?


Old account was deleted for some reason bud, but hey, ive been playing star wars games sence the begining, i have probly been playing MMOS alot longer than you too. So i could care less if i didnt get my old account back because they made a mistake and deleted it, big deal. And thats the only logic that you have? Ha okay bro cool story, come say something when it makes sense in your head before it leaves your fingures.

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Old account was deleted for some reason bud, but hey, ive been playing star wars games sence the begining, i have probly been playing MMOS alot longer than you too. So i could care less if i didnt get my old account back because they made a mistake and deleted it, big deal. And thats the only logic that you have? Ha okay bro cool story, come say something when it makes sense in your head before it leaves your fingures.


Well this is one of the crazier things I've heard today and when I tell you about the rest of my day, you'll appreciate..."

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Herbert (Obi-Wan Kenobi): Mos Eisley spaceport. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Cleveland (R2-D2): My sister Regina-D2 lives here.

Quagmire (C-3PO): Is she single?

Cleveland (R2-D2): She's a lez-bot.



quoted for giggity

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Old account was deleted for some reason bud, but hey, ive been playing star wars games sence the begining, i have probly been playing MMOS alot longer than you too. So i could care less if i didnt get my old account back because they made a mistake and deleted it, big deal. And thats the only logic that you have? Ha okay bro cool story, come say something when it makes sense in your head before it leaves your fingures.


So Bioware so how deleted your account? Now that IS a cool story. More likely you were banned.

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bah, my birthday is christmas day, they can have it for all i care, i learned to dislike it when i was a kid and found out that you can get christmas/birthday presents, and when i got older and found out you could never celebrate your birthday with friends.


so dont do it that day.lol. you dont HAVE TO be celebrating both that day. split it up. do your birthday new years eve. then its easy to get a party.. :D

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Old account was deleted for some reason bud, but hey, ive been playing star wars games sence the begining, i have probly been playing MMOS alot longer than you too. So i could care less if i didnt get my old account back because they made a mistake and deleted it, big deal. And thats the only logic that you have? Ha okay bro cool story, come say something when it makes sense in your head before it leaves your fingures.


^^ obviously not new, aye? not at all..

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Pretty sure id know if i was banned or not? And if i was why would i be able to use the same email adress to register on this account as i did with the other? Hmmm..


Funny thing about the internet. You can say pretty much anything. Does not mean I am going to believe it. Good luck selling it.

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