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I don't understand!!!!


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huh? I don't understand what u mean


Basically, frowning upon something means you can do it but people don't like it.


Forbidden means do it and you get punished.


A jedi can learn to use dual-sabers or the saber-staff, but the Jedi order at large believed that both styles are just ways that are more effective at killing. Which, contrary to the history of the order, is not something Jedi stand for. Jedi believe in the protection of all life.


So the use of such styles that involve two sabers or the saber-staff are seen as being the opposite. Why do you need two blades to protect people when one suffices?

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Originally, according to the fluff coming out around the time of Episode 1 (Darth Maul), double-bladed or 2 Lightsabers was discouraged later in the Order. The reason given was that these styles emphasized more combat prowess and focusing on the destruction of your foe. Combat is always a last resort and focusing more on combat was not the Jedi way and so they moved away from it. It was recorded several times though that in times of great war that some Jedi would employ these styles because the need was great...


So, if the galaxy is gonna blow-up, Jedi can use whatever style they want. In times of prolonged peace, they stick to the single blade. It was even mentioned that Mace Windu would have used 2 lightsabers and been a beast in combat if he were born a few centuries before he was. As it is, he most likely would have been SIth. He has a special connection to the force and he was almost not admitted to the Order because of this.

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Originally, according to the fluff coming out around the time of Episode 1 (Darth Maul), double-bladed or 2 Lightsabers was discouraged later in the Order. The reason given was that these styles emphasized more combat prowess and focusing on the destruction of your foe. Combat is always a last resort and focusing more on combat was not the Jedi way and so they moved away from it. It was recorded several times though that in times of great war that some Jedi would employ these styles because the need was great...


So, if the galaxy is gonna blow-up, Jedi can use whatever style they want. In times of prolonged peace, they stick to the single blade. It was even mentioned that Mace Windu would have used 2 lightsabers and been a beast in combat if he were born a few centuries before he was. As it is, he most likely would have been SIth. He has a special connection to the force and he was almost not admitted to the Order because of this.


Yep. Mace Windu was second to only Yoda, IIRC.

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