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Pacific Late nighters...getting the shaft


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I lost 3 days of gaming last week ebcause of these patches happening so dam early it's ridiculous. I am a family man and can only play late nights but you guys feel the need to make it perfect only for CST...There is no way there are more gamers on early morning then nights, COME ON.


/flame away white knights

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This is rapidly becoming a deal breaker for me. My primetime is 1 am CST to 5 am CST. This is, basically, the only time I get to play. In WoW, maintenance always starts at 5 am CST or later. In ToR, it starts at 2 am CST. This means that during maintenance nights, I don't get to play at all that day. Whereas I can always log onto WoW and play it.


Like I said, this is a dealbreaker to me. If maint doesn't slow down or get a new time, I will quit this game based on this one issue alone. I will not pay to play a game that I cannot play so frequently.

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Bioware cannot appease everyone, either they do it during off hours or during peak hours for the majority of the population.


I am also a Pacific Coast sort and the maintenance occurs at midnight for me.


When do you suggest the maintenance to occur? 7AM? Noon? 6 PM? Bioware is shooting for

Edited by hattertea
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Bioware cannot appease everyone, either they do it during off hours or during peak hours for the majority of the population.


So lets appease the 60 year olds that are gaming at 6am? My buddy and I work evening so half the time when they patch this early (which like I said was 3 days last week) I get half hour to play the *********** game I payed an arm and a leg for...Change it up once in a while don't screw the PST late nighters every single week. Like buddy said this is becoming a deal breaker. Not to mention how boring Corellia was is really making me doubt this whole thing...

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I'm inclined to agree, BioWare you really need to rotate the maintenance based to the appropriate time zones:


2am (est)

2am (cst)

2am (pst)


2am Europe


and so one... thank you very much.


/signed I hate to sound like a 6 year old that didn't get the same size ice cream cone as the other kid....but this isn't fair play bro's

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So you're mad because they do maintenance during a time period at the very end of their playerbase's average play time.


If you are up at 11:59 PM PST you are almost literally the last person awake compared to the rest of the world.

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Bioware cannot appease everyone, either they do it during off hours or during peak hours for the majority of the population.


I am also a Pacific Coast sort and the maintenance occurs at midnight for me.


When do you suggest the maintenance to occur? 7AM? Noon? 6 PM? Bioware is shooting for


They copied almost 100% of the game from WoW, why not this? My suggestion? Same time as WoW. WoW has perfect maintenance times.

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So you're mad because they do maintenance during a time period at the very end of their playerbase's average play time.


If you are up at 11:59 PM PST you are almost literally the last person awake compared to the rest of the world.


Is this a serious comment? Have you ever played past midnight PST? Last person awake? I can log onto WoW and play with 10s of thousands of players at that time. 1 am PST is one of the major spikes in player population, actually, and usually results in players doubling compared to midnight PST.

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Stop and think for a second.


It's not early morning players that are causing maintenance to end in the early morning.


Early morning US is evening for Europe, a.k.a. peak time for Europe.


So you're saying that you want the servers to be up late night West Coast and consequently shut down the game during peak time in Europe?


Good luck with that.

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Wait they're doing lots of patches in the first few months of a brand new MMO?






No one is complaining about patches, we are complaining about the maintenance times. The servers go down during very popular hours. That doesn't make sense.

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Stop and think for a second.


It's not early morning players that are causing maintenance to end in the early morning.


Early morning US is evening for Europe, a.k.a. peak time for Europe.


So you're saying that you want the servers to be up late night West Coast and consequently shut down the game during peak time in Europe?


Good luck with that.


Why the Hell would the Europe servers have the same maintenance time as NA? That's just idiotic. That should NEVER happen.

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Stop and think for a second.


It's not early morning players that are causing maintenance to end in the early morning.


Early morning US is evening for Europe, a.k.a. peak time for Europe.


So you're saying that you want the servers to be up late night West Coast and consequently shut down the game during peak time in Europe?


Good luck with that.



I doubt he wants the European servers down then, since those are anyway on a different continent and all that.


The stupid thing is that even though bioware probally as atleast 3 server centers (westcoast, eastcoast, ireland) they insist on not staggering maintenance to suit the average gametimes of those area's.

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No one is complaining about patches, we are complaining about the maintenance times. The servers go down during very popular hours. That doesn't make sense.


They do maintenance at times when it's off peak for the most number of players. "Very popular" is something you don't have the ability to measure, while Bioware do.


Do you really think they didn't think this through?

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No one is complaining about patches, we are complaining about the maintenance times. The servers go down during very popular hours. That doesn't make sense.


Patches/maintenance/server down times/resets are to be heavily expected for the first few months of a new MMO. Complaining about it is futile.


I'd say Europe has a more legitimate concern than PST. Nothing but dirty unwashed hippies on that coast anyways.

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No one is complaining about patches, we are complaining about the maintenance times. The servers go down during very popular hours. That doesn't make sense.


If you think 2am is a 'popular' gaming hour, you're detached from reality.

MOST people don't game at 2am during the week.

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And we have us europeans, who gets the even shorter end of the stick by the downtimes, even more then any of the US timezones. :p


"We gotta patch, noon till evening. See this finger? Ooh yeeaah."


Seriously guys, before you find that sweet spot for when to apply patches, please separate US/EU servers.

Even dailies are reset at 1 PM. Whats that all about. That should be (very) early morning.

Edited by Mnc_
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Maybe they should stagger maintenance. I certainly don't disagree that this would be a better idea for a lot of the players. But then again, I don't really know all that's involved in doing maintenance, and maybe there's a good reason why they do it all at once.
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