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Most expensive single player game I have ever bought, but thanks for trying BW. Just came across this quote from one of your people.


"Cross-server queuing for PvP is something that the development team wants to happen."


Along with no server forums this is the nail in the coffin on the mmo community. You have clearly shown that you have no knowledge of what keeps an mmo going for years, it is not fancy raids or cool gear or even good story. It is COMMUNITY, and you have forsaken it for the last time. I will keep playing your game because it is fun and I love star wars. But the day you bring this change to the game I will not play another minute. I had hopes that this would be the game that I could find a home at for many years to come. But it has become clear now that this is just a short stopping point along the way to true innovation.

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Don't blame BW for your lack of social skills. I know people that have leveled from 1 to 50 without being alone in their groups.


As for your other points, stop being a child. Development takes time. The game that you are probably comparing this one to had 5 years of Dev time PLUS 7 years of live testing.

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Don't blame BW for your lack of social skills. I know people that have leveled from 1 to 50 without being alone in their groups.


As for your other points, stop being a child. Development takes time. The game that you are probably comparing this one to had 5 years of Dev time PLUS 7 years of live testing.


Again you failed to even read my post and are simply commenting on the topic. I never made any mention of problems grouping. I simply stated that BW has shown that it has no interest in a strong thriving community and it will be the ultimate downfall of the game. I am not comparing it to any other game in fact I hope it stays away from WoW in that aspect. Cross server pvp took away a huge part of the community of wow and is generally agreed to have been a bad thing. However, coupled with the lack of server forums I guess it doesn't really matter, since without them closed realm pvp has no meaning. But please, don't let me stop you from trolling away, the days of rational discussion online ended a long time ago.

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Oh man, those cross server warzones are really going to kill the community alright! Nevermind the fact that Illum and world pvp are still server side.


Quit pandering for a community in a mini-game you troglodyte.

Edited by Wolfbad
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Oh man, those cross server warzones are really going to kill the community alright! Nevermind the fact that Illum and world pvp are still server side.


Quit pandering for a community in a mini-game you troglodyte.


World pvp hasn't been a real thing since the early days of vanilla wow. No one cares about world pvp because the games that have created since have all but shunned it. Please do not try to build it up as something that it is not, I already see so many posts talking about your vaunted world pvp and how it is just a base trade for quest fulfillment. As much as I would love to have a game that allows spontanious pvp we all know that is a thing of the past. PvP servers thrived by the competition and bragging rights of defeating the enemy in battle. Epic struggles between pvp guilds in the arena or raiding the enemies towns. Posting about it on the server forums and allowing people to show off the best and worst parts of the human condition.


Same server pvp may have made for slightly longer queues but it ment you might actually know the players you were up against. This made it all the more satisfying when you fought them and were able to talk about it after. When cross server pvp was brought into the picture suddenly you had no idea who you were playing with or against, everyone because a faceless name, just another set of pixels to blow up. If implemented this will be another massive blow to an already crippled community. But as I said, without server forums the point is pretty much moot. I really wanted to love this game, I tried, but all I am left with is sadness. :(

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