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Too many issues.. But the straw that broke the camels back..


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I never played WoW because I don't like to play terrible games.
And yet you play WOW IN SPACE.


Private servers are a joke. Saying private servers have thousands of people on them is just stupid.
Translation: I"m going to stick my head in the ground and things that I don't like don't exist. LALALALAL I CAN"T HEAR YOU LALALALA.
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It's one stupid post after another with you. I don't care if it had a million members. I don't go to game review sites because they always have the most wrong opinions in the entire world. Saying SWTOR is a dating simulator could possible have taken the cake as the stupidest thing ever said on the forums. Ever. Just wow.


So you haven't chosen which of your companions you want to "date"? What's wrong you don't like that feature of your mmo? Don't worry soon they will allow same sex "companion dating" maybe that's more your style.

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And yet you play WOW IN SPACE.


Translation: I"m going to stick my head in the ground and things that I don't like don't exist. LALALALAL I CAN"T HEAR YOU LALALALA.


This is not WoW in space. If this was WoW in space wouldn't you like it. Lawyered on your first point.


Why would I want to acknowledge things I don't like that's like continually sticking a knife in my leg. Why would I want to keep sticking a knife in my leg. That is how I feel about terrible MMO review sites and MMOs. Why would I want to play/read them. It would be torturous.

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what are you even saying? go back and read our conversation. you have some corrections to make


I did.


We were discussing SWTOR and you decided to throw Starwars Galaxies in there out of the blue.



Originally Posted by Morcova

Because a cutscene in a video game is totally innovative!

lolwut? find me a game that's remotely like SWG. PLEASE!

The question wasn't "Find a game like SWG" it was about innovation.

Edited by Morcova
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Of course. Profit is dollars_per_sale*number_of_sales - cost_of_doing_business. And number_of_sales is a function of dollars_per_sale. If you plot the final profit as a function of the amount you charge for it, it will always be some form of bell shaped curve (maybe not a bell, curve, but something you can convert to a bell curve with an appropriate transformation of the x-axis :p), and whether profit is increasing as you drop the price is going to depend on which side of hump you are on.


This doesn't really weigh directly into my argument. Validation is expensive. It is very expensive because it requires a huge amount of man hours to get done. For complex software, more man hours are spent on validation and debug than on development. This is likely true across the entire software industry. That is my main point.


The factor I neglected to mention that I probably should have is time-to-market. In the gaming industry this is very important. In an industry where expectations on the level of content are increasing rapidly, sales will directly translate to when the game is released as well. Sure, I can spend more man hours debugging and validating for another year, and my game will be better a year from now than it is today in terms of the number of bugs. But in terms of the quality of the graphics and the depth of content? It will be a year behind. And that will reduce my sales by a huge amount.


that point, which I forgot to mention before, is the one where the gas station analogy breaks down. Gas is a basic commodity. Gas today is no different than Gas that is a year old. Not so with software.



Sure, what you're saying is reasonable - and I agree for the most part. I think it would have been foolhardy to delay the game another year. But I do think that they either 1) Should have had more staff involved with testing, or have 2) waited another month or two before releasing the title.


Time to market is important, but quality is important, too. The gaming industry has been inflated lately with cheap, quick-to-put-out games with plenty of content, and just as many bugs. Like most of our society, game developers have become consumed with "I want it now" instead of "I want quality". I understand that the longer you spend in development, the more cost you have to make up in sales before you can even begin to profit - but I also understand that there are still many of us who would prefer to have a quality game, with fewer bugs - instead of a game that FEELS unfinished.


Yes, every MMO has bugs. But not every MMO has bugs that make the game feel unfinished. Anarchy Online, released a decade ago now, still has bugs that have been present since launch - but after 10 years the game is still running relatively strong (considering its age), because it feels like a GAME to players - not like a test environment.


That's my point - perhaps they should have focused on fixing the bugs that would most inhibit gameplay first, instead of having their staff focus on how fluidly capes move (I dunno, random example. Everything has to be tested - but the order in which you test matters).


EDIT: And I mean focus on those bugs before launch - they've done good with fixing the bugs after launch, such as the chat bug. I'm not complaining about that. I'm just complaining that they allowed a large issue like that, or the raid problems, to be there at launch in the first place.

Edited by lentWolf
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WoW looks like a game that came out in the 60s. That is why people don't get lag. I don't get lag on SWTOR because I have a good computer shocking I know.


I don't like you and you are wrong in everything you are saying. That being said your logic is flawed.


I haven't even been following what you two have been going at (or whomever was involved with that) ... but lol, I wish I had been able to play a WoW-like game in the 60's.

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I have seen much quicker responses to bug fixes and communication requests from Bioware than I have from any other MMO release, and seeing the release list you posted it seems you're fairly new to the game of MMOs which explains why you're so ignorant.


What! Did they put out more babies since the last "Babyname patch" ???


They are rabbits I tell you, rabbits!!!

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SWG was innovative. RIFT was not.



I disagree wholeheartedly. RIFTS soul system is awesome and flexible. RIFT will go on the be the basis of how to create a game that can be both level based and maintain a sense of sandbox.


I would also say that RIFT/ Trion set the stage on how to launch an MMO. They did a far better job than Bliz and BW combined. playable, polished like a mamma-jamma, and they were HYPER aggressive with post launch clean up, patching, and content. Trion would push out fixes rapidfire and the patch updates were far more frequent and detailed than I have seen from this game so far.


I am using Trion as my basis of comparison on a game launch, and I kills me to say how let down I am with Bioware. I expected Trion styled support and pro-activity. I want to see answers, reasons and good for real information. Not Coy, elusive and vague output.


If Bioware is going to impress me at this point with their post launch production, I need to see a map of attack for their plans to clean up the inside of this game.



SWG was beyond innovative. I honestly think SWG was too complex for a lot of people.

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It's BioWare's fault that your main tank has a bad computer?




The client crashed our MT out of the game into a queue, we were left waiting, no other MT online for hardmodes.


We understand the odd bug or glitch (we go back to Sleeper in EQ and C'thun in WoW etc~) but as the title says, it's the straw that as broken the camel's back. We have been plagued by bugs, glitches, client crashes, queues and god knows what else.


This is the culmination of weeks of annoyance and frustration, most people replying here have no understanding of the bugs and problems most of the people posting complaints are even discussing. The ability delay is a game breaker and yet is almost unnoticable by the average gamer, I've seen replies like "go back to wow" or "stop crying" or like the one I quoted above.


Seriously, were out as will many other people will too, all the people wanting to slam the door on our backs your welcome too it, quite frankly the level of community on this forum is in the toilet.


Careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

Edited by Moitteva
inappropriate content
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Pretty horrible discipline on your MT's part to be PvPing while the raid is assembling.


This I cannot argue with, what can you do, the guy is a very, very good player but sometimes a little selfish.


We're all human.

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Yup, because Bethesda releases are known for being super bug free at release!



Good luck with that. :p



*seriously all for a game for every boy and girl no matter what it happens to be*


I'd be extremely happy to play a FUN game with bugs rather than this crappy game with bugs...

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Exactly! If you want a game that's worth your money where developers actually seem to give a care about your gaming experience.


lolwut? You consider wow to be this way? I'm just wondering what you're smoking...and if I can have some?

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He's wrong for expecting a quality product for his money? Why should he be held accountable for TOR's failures? Quit coddling BioWare. They need to hear the very, very, VERY legitimate criticism of their game if they are to ever improve.


The leveling experience of this game is quite short and players should have a functional and enjoyable end game experience. By refraining to implement such an experience, it is basically an admission of not only releasing an unfinished product but also of incompetence.


Wrong, the leveling experience of this game is quite short ONLY if you play it all day. Solution, get a job and get a life outside the game. I have a job, have a gf, work 40+ hours a week and just finished school, I got in on the 13th of December 2nd wave in the morning and I am still not 50 yet. The problem is people who level to 50 so fast and expect a similar end game experience wow has to offer. Believe me I have my complaints against the game myself and I am no where near a faboi, but seriously look at the big picture here, not just 1 month of release.


Keep in mind WOW had 7 years or so of polish and additional content added to it. Just because SWTOR does not have THAT MUCH end game YET does not mean it is unfinished. Bioware DID NOT release an unfinished product. You got your story, you got SOME end-game raids just like WOW. You got flashpoints and PVP and crafting. Are there issues? Of course, but this game is no where near unfinished and Bioware is not showing incompetence. Before you are so quick to judge, why don't you go out there and make a AAA MMORPG and see how well you do?? You dig?

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Good news is Bethesda has won the lawsuit we should have a fallout mmo real soon, since they have been working on it for years........... It should happen rather quickly


Aren't Masthead studios making it for/with them? I suggest you try Earthrise (actually I don't I suggest you read about Earthrise). Sadly I really can't see anything worth while coming from Masthead.

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Are you retarded?


The client crashed our MT out of the game into a queue, we were left waiting, no other MT online for hardmodes.


We understand the odd bug or glitch (we go back to Sleeper in EQ and C'thun in WoW etc~) but as the title says, it's the straw that as broken the camel's back. We have been plagued by bugs, glitches, client crashes, queues and god knows what else.


This is the culmination of weeks of annoyance and frustration, most people replying here have no understanding of the bugs and problems most of the people posting complaints are even discussing. The ability delay is a game breaker and yet is almost unnoticable by the average gamer, I've seen replies like "go back to wow" or "stop crying" or like the one I quoted above.


Seriously, were out as will many other people will too, all the people wanting to slam the door on our backs your welcome too it, quite frankly the level of community on this forum is in the toilet.


Careful what you wish for, you might just get it.


all I got from this is that all of your computers suck and you have no friends to do raids with

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