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2nd day of planned 4 waves, joking surely?


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Well I am and I was 19th August, so the waves are definitely expanding date wise if not numbers. Wouldn't be suprised if all of August and some of Sept are in by end of today.


yup speculation at this point is saying that ~Sep 10~ is the cutoff for the next wave and the 20th for the final of the day, which would be pretty good I think if it actually happens

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Well I am and I was 19th August, so the waves are definitely expanding date wise if not numbers. Wouldn't be suprised if all of August and some of Sept are in by end of today.


If you're in and entered at 19th of August they jumped exceptionally.

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If you're in and entered at 19th of August they jumped exceptionally.


the "august PO post here" or w/e thread it is I saw someone from the 23rd, thats the latest date ive seen, with many 20th orders posting so its going well I think

Edited by Patstone
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the "august PO post here" or w/e thread it is I saw someone from the 23rd, tats the latest ive seen, with many 20th orders posting


I am a September 27th. Seeing this I suddenly became a huge optimist. Afaik, September is the month with the least pre-orders.

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How can you invite "more people than yesterday" while "sending four waves of equal size"?


Well It kind of works like this... (Numbers are not real)



4 waves of 100 people = Total 400 people



4 Waves of 5000 people = Total 20,000 people

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Rift allowed everyone into their open beta. TOR let everyone in their last beta pretty much. I don't know why they can't increase the waves. Before they said we would get an email on which day we could play, no email. What did they expect when they said to check your folder everyday for next five days.


I 100% Agree with the way they are doing the waves


1) It keeps the servers stable

2) lessens chances of server crashes / corruption

3) Lessens lag as people are "staggered" and not all piled into the n00b areas at once

4) they monitor the servers to see how they handle the load


True they did have a stress test weekend(s), but that NOTHING compared to the FULL total # of pre orders (as not all pre order ppl beta tested). I've been a part of a ton of MMO launches that let ALL preorders in during EGA.. and it was a server lag, population crowded nightmare with people fighting over getting quests/quest items, mobs, etc.


in addition EGA was supposed to start TOMORROW... instead they started it TWO DAYS EARLY. So I don't see why people are ************. If they had started it on the 15th as planned.. many people who put in codes in Aug, sept, oct, wouldn't have gotten in till this weekend (or closer to launch).

Edited by dduttonnc
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So another 7 hours of invites...maybe 5 hours of invites from their team doing invites...man. Must be tough. Sure wish this was a "rolling invite" like they had led us all to believe instead of "do a little then do nothing for 17 hours


Well Aug 24th pre-order here and just got my email. While I am happy to get my e-mail I am still saddened by how things are being handled. I'll try to keep in touch

Edited by Joretur
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So my question is, is that if I get 2 or 1 and a half days of play (because they said they were gonna shut it down before launch.) How come I'm paying the same amount of money as the other guys to "Play Early."


Who cares.. the early access fee is $5... if people are worried about $5.. then they shouldn't be able to afford the game to begin with

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So my question is, is that if I get 2 or 1 and a half days of play (because they said they were gonna shut it down before launch.) How come I'm paying the same amount of money as the other guys to "Play Early."


Its called a line. People that get in line first get to play first. You payed to enter the theme park, and get in line at the ride, the people that came in earlier are in line earlier right?

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The argument: The game "launched" yesterday. Not December 20th. Everyone should be in.


My question: When you pre-ordered they had ONE date defined: December 20th... and if you pre-order you could get up to 5 days of Early Access. So when you pre-ordered what did you think Early Access was? I mean your logic is as soon as someone gets in, *thats* the official launch. So when they called it Early Access back when you pre-ordered... what were you thinking it was? Clearly you thought it was something different than a launch yes? What were you thinking December 20th was? When they said Early Access was going to be based on when you pre-ordered and not everyone was going to get in at the same time... what were you thinking was going to change that once Early Access starts?


Please, explain to me what you were thinking when you pre-ordered that made you think anything going on presently would be different?

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Anyone able to decipher the "more invites over longer period of time" comment? At this rate they are done in 1 hour. Thats not over longer period of time than yesterday. It may be more invites but unless they are doing several "bonus waves" I dont get it.
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I know right and we should have totally all been let in yesterday. I mean come on its two days earlier than we were told it would be and that's just not fair it should have been last month. And how dare they try and make sure our beginning play is as smooth as possible by spreading g out the waves. It's a greedy corporate plot.





Thanks for making my morning entertaining.


I know right!!! i mean cause fun for me is as a JK running around with 25,000 other JK JC trying to kill the same 20 flesh raiders in the quest area!!! Good times!! lol

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dunno what servers you are looking at but ALL the US servers are sitting at high or full already


Yes well of course they are now as some of todays 4 waves(what a joke) have logged in, but from when I came online at 0800GMT until todays first wave the servers were reading 90% light with 10% at standard. I think if I went back to about 04:00 gmt when all the good americans went to bed, that would give us 10 hours of almost empty servers and players sitting here this AM in EU being denied access and wondering why, until the first wave was let in today.

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At least they aren't overcrowded and crashing


Most people are at work/school. I guarantee they will have lots of people tonight


It's prime time in EU, people has got out of school and office hours are done for today, and yet I don't except anything more than 1 to max 2 hours of peeking to "Full" on EU servers. Why? Yesterday EU servers were "Full" for about 2 hours before dropping to "Light" as it was *********** NIGHT over here.

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