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My own first 3 episodes


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Well after much debate as to decide if eisode 1, 2 and 3 sucked or not, i've decided to build my own senario just to see what i could come up with. I personally find the prequels full of loopholes and inconsitencies. So without any further ado here my version.....enjoy you will or will not


Episode 1 : A tremor in the force


-Darth Sidious (yeah palpatine) manipulates the force to create the perfect futur apprentice. through this manipulation he chooses an innocent women on a backwater planet to be it's incubator.

-Anakin is born, Yoda sensed a big tremor in the force that day, a being of great power is born. It's time to investigate and make sure the jedis get to him first.

-He embark on a mission to find the source with his own apprentice....Obi One Kenobi (remember in episode V, Obi says that Yoda was his master....loophole fix here)

-They get to the kid in time, bring him back to coruscant to train him as soon as possible.

-In the mean time Palpatine (sidious) is giving a watchfull eye on his futur prospect.

-Palpatine as gained favor of the people by helping a lot of systems in need and is now gaining much respect in the senate, he also works closely with the jedi order to ensure all emerging conflict are pacificaly negociated and keep an eye on Anakin

-Sidious secretly hires Black Sun organisation to wreck havock in the inner core system with the help of his secret apprentice and assassin Darth Maul and the clone army sent from kamino

-Palpatine as no choice but to ask the jedi order for help in this matter since there is a dark jedi involved he convinced them to help him.

-Anakin Now older will take part in this battle and eventually defeat Maul (which will return as a cyborg in some comic book)

-Palpatine is elected as supreme chancelor for his siding in this conflict and Anakin is made a hero.


Episode 2 : Fading light


-After tasting the hype of battle and power gained from defeating Maul, Anakin is starting to feel the temptation of the dark side.

-Palpatine now as supreme power on the senate and begin turning the tides.

-Knowing the strict rules of the jedi, Palpatine takes advantage of a young anakin and makes him doubt as to why he could'nt live a life with wife and children. Anakin is fondly in love with a female soldier he met while waging war with the clones.

-Ben warns him that the jedi codes forbid such a relation.

-Palpatine tells Anakin to only listen to his heart and feelings and Anakin decides that he was to get married and have childrens.

-Meanwhile Palpatine negociate to acquire the clone army, the senate goes with it even though the jedis find this to be ratter troublesome.

-Ben exposes Anakin's relation to the concil and they decided to outcast Anakin which finds the code to be too intrusive.

-Palpatine seize the opportunity to put some fuel on the fire.

-Anakin's wife grow wary of the situation and inform Ben of her concerns.

-While discussing the matter with anakin a battle enssues and Anakin's wife decides to split but anakin leaves her a departure gift in the form a force choke.

-Having lost his loved one because of the jedi he decides to make Ben pay for selling him out and have him outcast and get's his *** whipped.

-The girl as the child but she died giving birth like a women sometimes die giving birth.

-The kids are seperated Ben now as to dispatch them and make sure they are hidden.

-Sidious rescues anakin and saves his life making him Darth Vader and offering him a chance to wipe out all the jedis which he accepts without screaming "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"


Episode 3 : Rise of the empire


-Palpatine as the power, his army and his apprentice. He names himself emperor and all hell breaks loose

-Deathstar plans are approved, construction begins.

-Vader is chasing the remnants of the now outlawed jedi order all over the galaxy.

-Ben sensed that Luke is force sensitive so yoda tells him to stay on tattoine and cloak the boy from force probe

-Leia is raised on Alderaan but there lots of conflict with the empire and Bail Organna is secretly raising a rebellion against the empire.

-Leia is trained as a spy and is doing recruiting on many outer rim planets.

-Winds of a rebellion gets to palpatines ears, he tightens his imperial grips

-Bothan spies inform Leia of the location of the death star construction site.

-Leia now rushes back home to get the plans to her father with a sense a victory....will she ever get there in time.


Thanks for reading, i think i've nailed all the loopholes but hey, it's possible there are still some but at least there is no Jar Jar and no midi-chlorians. That is my 15 minutes 3 episodes senario brainstorm :)


Post yours too!!!:D

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firstly, spellcheck. lots of words misspelled and missing letters. i like your idea for the first movie, the second has promise, but the third...yea don't think you captured the third. did the lucas thing and tried too hard to connect it all at the end. all in all its still a million times better than what is actually on film.
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I really like the idea of having Darth Vader with his mask killing Jedi on different planets :) We only see him for 2 minutes in the end of Episode III.


In your Episode I, why does Palpatine select a women from a backwater planet if he knows Yoda and other Jedi can "sense" the force in the child ?

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The fact that the women is selected on a remote world is just to put some distance between him and the child. Even though he can manage to hide his dark powers better try and not rise suspicions.


And there is no one on hoth so...

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1. Set Episode 1 ten years later, so Anakin is introduced in his late teens. The events of 2 and 3 would take place when he was in his late 20s.


2. No Naboo, have Padme come from Alderaan.


3. No podracing or other crap that only existed to sell videogames.


4. Find someone other than Lucas to write the dialogue.


5. Make space battles interesting like they were in the original trilogy. If 1970s cardboard special effects need to be used to achieve this, use them.


6. Maul and Grievous had potential that was completely squandered. Unsquander it.

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1. Set Episode 1 ten years later, so Anakin is introduced in his late teens. The events of 2 and 3 would take place when he was in his late 20s.


2. No Naboo, have Padme come from Alderaan.


3. No podracing or other crap that only existed to sell videogames.


4. Find someone other than Lucas to write the dialogue.


5. Make space battles interesting like they were in the original trilogy. If 1970s cardboard special effects need to be used to achieve this, use them.


6. Maul and Grievous had potential that was completely squandered. Unsquander it.


+1 on that

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