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Commando Healing


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Is fantastic, I love it. I can easily heal through hard mode EV with rather poor gear. I think its a very under appreciated class with Commando DPS being so dominant. I throw bomb heals and have a wide variety of combinations of support. Its awesome and I also never die in PvP granted that doesnt mean much to me
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Combat medics are good healers. I enjoy the role immensely. But with the Sage AoE heal not being limited to 3 players and the bubble they get, they are going to be better.(especially in a raid situation)


The disparity in AoE heals between the classes is something that BW will need to address sooner rather than later. As it stands now, someone running a raid would have no reason to ever take a combat medic over a sage if the want to maximize healing.

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In PVE commando is probably the best healer because he can sustain forever and spam strong single target heals. Overcharge is a very strong skill.


Especially if you have biochem. I use the reusable adrenals so if things look like they are going south I can pop the adrenal then pop overcharge. Throw down a kolto bomb then heal everything with advanced medical probe. You can come back from almost anything with this.

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You use Hammershot to recharge ammo. you don't want to find yourself under 3-5 ammo because your ammo recharge rate will plummet.


Hammershot is more of a supplement to your main heals, probes. Periodically throw in a Hammershot and your ammo recharge rate will stay high.

Edited by Xhenn
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I think that the largest problem with CMs is the fundamental lack of understanding of SCC and how ludicrously strong it is. But I won't argue, it IS the weakest healing AC, don't be fooled. The other healers aren't too strong by a long shot, CM just needs MINOR tweaks, and I do mean very minor. Pushing it even slightly too far would break balance in a huge way.
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