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I have high res textures now?


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I noticed for the first time when I logged intoday that the metalic parts on my and my companions armor shine for the very first time. :eek:


Did BioWare flip the switch and turn char shaders on?


Has anyone else noticed a difference?


I notice that the shader effect comes and goes. I am not sure exactly why yet.


I will say that it looks very nice, and I really want to use high res textures. A lot of the armor in this game has a lot of detail that you simply cant see on med settings. The detail just turns to mud. :(

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Bioware are not coming out with high-res textures. The 1.1 patch will change graphics to low and high choices only, with high being the current medium. The screenshots and gameplay videos used to promote this game were all lies.
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Ok so they still seem to be the med textures, but some of my armors metallic textures now have a reflective shader on them that makes the armor shine. It works on some guns and my companions armor too.


Interesting thing is that it works in my hanger, but not in the fleet station.

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