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What I've been waiting for


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From the 1.1 update in the Test Forum





The shuttle room in Dorn Base Command Center on Hoth is no longer considered contested territory.

Ka on Voss is now a PvP Sanctuary.



Level 50 players now participate in their own Warzone bracket and will not be matched with lower-level players.


Kudos to Bioware for finally fixing the bracket issue. I now hope they will take a long, and reasoned approach before attempting to nerf any classes.

Edited by Chiricahua
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Very nice - the pieces will all fall into place in time, Bioware can do it - I just hope that they do not swing the nerf bat, on anyone.


I agree with your statement about the nerf bat. They need to crunch numbers before even attempting any nerf. I've played all the classes except mando, and my favorite to play is the one most think will not be nerfed. It's all about your play style. For example I've never been use to popping cover, and shooting as a smuggler.

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Personally, I think 50's without any champion/centurion/battlemaster or columi/rakata/tionese gear on should still be able to be q'd with 1-49.


In that case the difference isn't that huge, and by implementing this you're just really, really punishing the fresh 50's going up against the older 50's that were able to farm Ilum, and warfronts by hitting 50 quickly.

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Personally, I think 50's without any champion/centurion/battlemaster or columi/rakata/tionese gear on should still be able to be q'd with 1-49.


In that case the difference isn't that huge, and by implementing this you're just really, really punishing the fresh 50's going up against the older 50's that were able to farm Ilum, and warfronts by hitting 50 quickly.


If that's a problem then do your own Ilum daily/weekly farming to get gear without worrying about trying to PvP in warzones without the gear.


trying to separate tier geared 50s from non-tier geared 50s would be too much of a hassle. What's the cutoff point? One piece? Two? Three? I could sit one piece below the cutoff and have an advantage over fresh 50s. If its only one piece, I'll still be gimped compared to the full gear 50s.


See? It'd simply be way too bloody complicated. The system is fine.

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Personally, I think 50's without any champion/centurion/battlemaster or columi/rakata/tionese gear on should still be able to be q'd with 1-49.


In that case the difference isn't that huge, and by implementing this you're just really, really punishing the fresh 50's going up against the older 50's that were able to farm Ilum, and warfronts by hitting 50 quickly.


yeah im lvl 46 and stopped questing and all i do is pvp now so i can get at least some ok pvp gear so i dont get stomped when this happens but as i like to say everything will work out in the end

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If that's a problem then do your own Ilum daily/weekly farming to get gear without worrying about trying to PvP in warzones without the gear.


trying to separate tier geared 50s from non-tier geared 50s would be too much of a hassle. What's the cutoff point? One piece? Two? Three? I could sit one piece below the cutoff and have an advantage over fresh 50s. If its only one piece, I'll still be gimped compared to the full gear 50s.


See? It'd simply be way too bloody complicated. The system is fine.


1) Did you not notice where I said FRESH 50's? As in people who hit 50 post Ilum change. Obviously once they change Ilum (which is a good thing), farming dailies/weekly's won't be nearly as easy, if even doable due to faction imbalance (e.g. how the hell is an imperial to find Republic to kill, or whatever).

2) I agree it would be difficult to seperate it out and find a good cutoff point, and that it would be a hassle. All I'm saying is that they're not addressing the central tenent behind WHY 1-49's complain about 50's, and that's the expertise in 50 gear. When I hit 40 I could get around 1% expertise, but 20/30's still feel like they can compete against 40's, right?

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