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Role Play servers - Why?


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WHAT THE **** you talking about?!

[Warning - This thread might give many different views]


I will tell you...


Star Wars The Old Republic need servers called "Role Play servers" - Why doing this?



two days ago i was just for fun following players and told them they was my master and i would follow them all the way just to have some fun he found it annoying(its okay) i left him, but he told me the server wasn't a role play server ...

and i was like OMG RLLY? have Star Wars already got peoples that plays for just playing? like World Of Warcraft got? or other kind of games i know...


My big sister and her husband quitted world of warcraft because of they were getting irritated of being spammed of Role Play ingame haters, which i understand...


yes, we need servers where, who of us want REALLY to play the game as nerds and not as Hardcore gamers, i would call them "Role Play Server" or "RPG Server".

Yes it wont help keep out the guys who dont care about Ingame role play but we who want to do this is meeting here.




Isn't this worthless?

- No this isn't even near worthless, it will make more players having fun and keep a good community.


Why this so annoying?


Charactar names





guys who makes name like this...

It's fun true, but annoying for RP gamers.


Yes your turn.




Think i'm not done? please tell me what i need and i will add it!


:sy_republic:Support for this?


Edited by Keefiir
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If you are asking for RP servers,...( I think!?!?)


they exist..





also to point out that you are annoyed with silly non-rp names,..then have sigs like


"I'm a Bloody Bounty Hunter and



makes me chuckle.,.




EDIT: oh ya,..not sure about non-US servers,...if not then I agree,. they should.

Edited by WelbyWars
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What are you talking about?


Darth Pwnnewbis was one THE most powerful Sith Lord of the pre-Old Republic era, considered to be a better duelist than Yoda and Palpatine. There's a 4,000 word article about how he revolutionized use of the dark side on Wookieepedia:



Edited by urborror
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you can report those names as most of the examples are against the naming policy even on non-RP servers.


also i think you can report ppl for not RP'ing on rp servers, i dont know if you have an OOC channel, they are enforcing rp on rp servers.

Edited by Mrshush
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Problem is that not all players are using RP while playing, they just play ...

so i want server named like [RPG]<server name>[PVP/PVE] You know what i mean


I'm not sure what you are confused about.


What you are calling "RPG" is what are referred to as "RP".


RP = Roleplaying.

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There are several RP servers to choose from as well as RP-PvP servers. You can find a list of the servers here: http://www.swtor.com/server-status


We also have an incredible roleplaying community which you can find here: http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=100


Since the question has been answered, we're going to go ahead and close the thread now.



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