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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Glad you guys spent millions of dollars on this game. I hope you go bankrupt.


That's mean, but I kind of feel the same way right now. The texture thing, and the community relation/handling of it, are atrocious.




"We coded a poor piece of crap game, that we advertised with settings that we won't let you use, because our game is so bad that most people probably can't use those settings anyway. But, this is a MMO, and all MMOs are supposed to look like dog barf, so it's cool, we're cool, right?"

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Stephen you Do realize that you spit in the customers face when you present such an fabricated response? Is this a joke?

Does your development team even realize that basically NOBODY (of those whom I played with) had ANY problems with the in-game high resolution textures in the SUMMER BETA?

This is bull**** and I'm not accusing you of anything since you are merely a messanger, but as the developers of SWTOR are so fu**ng lazy to come and talk to us directly I apologize for having to shout at you.

It's just bull**** that this is the answer we got, if you think that the players of SWTOR will forget this, and yes I'm talking to YOU developers, not to Stephen, then you are mistaken.

We will create hundred threads if it's required, get high resolutions in game, and don't bullsh*t us, Period.




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Already the servers that were FULL and queued nearly constantly are dropping down to Heavy with no queue at all any more, Heavy servers have dropped down to Standard and Light servers...you're lucky if you see more than 12 people at your respective fleet half the time.



My server is Shadow Hand. At prime time the fleet has 200 to 300 people on, like last night with over 290 in fleet (Imperial side). I have never seen it much lower than 180, but I play mostly in the evenings. Feel free to check out the server for proof.

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Quote anything I said that involves me "bashing anyone's ideas", please. Quote the post in it's entirety, not a snippet of it that can be construed to look like somethiing it isn't.


oh yes lets give you more air time. welcome to my ignore list, troll.


How about the post you just posted (quoted above). Take it to the PM inbox, some of us are trying to have an on-topic conversation.

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So, false advertising and lies i gather is whatw e get and those of u that thought, hey its a conspiracy they are goign to not have high res textures al together and this is stonewalling so they can act liek it never was, so the test server thing isreal.


I AM EXTREMLY DISAPOINTED and TBH THIS WAS FASLE ADVERTISING, when u market a video game, with better rgaphics then it will have, that is the bulk of the product, people shop for video games based on their quality, you advertised a better quality then u sold us, and thats after advertising the game had 30 days play time including, in which case u also decided to not let us play unless we then also gave u another form of payment with a subscription.


THAT is 2 times i have been falsely advertised to by the game and your response on it has been extremly less then satisfactory, I wouls support a lawsuit on this topic, since, what was advertised is not what we got, and for a video game, texture res and graphics are the product,


I am sorry but this is not the product i paid for, and u guys trying to keep the high res textures now so that they cant be copied, is in essence sayign ya hey we have the profuct we advertised, we decided we dont want to risk u guys having them. thats the most bs ive ever heard, and basically u said no we dont get good graphics on this game, i am pissed off.


I supported u guys, i ran the graphics on high on a 5 year old machien in beta after the ban was lifted about talkign about it, and i promtoed this to my friends sayign how good the graphics were.


This was bs and not good enough.


LUCAS your paranoia has really hur tthis game and if u think this will just go away, that the community is this stupid, ur going to see it on subscription day.

'Starwars new mmo with the largest subscription growth in history, also had the largest subscription canellation in history' is what the titles will be reading.


I can not believe with 5 forums of thousands of pages of posts on thsi subject abotut he community tellign u we know its there we used them it wasnt a performance issue, u ahve decided to come back and say, oh it wasnt, we never intended it, sry we misled u, and we apologize for our graphics beign so crappy? ***

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You graphics hard-on folks are too much. Do you also play the lottery for the quality of the printed tickets? Come on.


Fact is, the "other leading MMO" right now is a hell of a lot uglier than SWTOR. Or have we forgotten how textures still stretch strangely across a male Blood Elf's chest, or how female Trolls still refuse to blink their eyes (7 years now), or the sort of clipping you get between limbs and body during certain animations... say nothing of the environment textures there... in that "other game" ...


I also enjoy seeing the EQ comparison screenshots here... where people are so focused on the texture on a character's belt, but completely ignore how ugly, bland, dark and uninteresting the blocky background architecture and texturing both are. Another case of not seeing the forest for the trees.


If you simply cannot have fun playing this game because "the textures on my character could be sharper" then don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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What do you think you're accomplishing by posting comparisons? No.one said high res textures didn't exist, but thaf they.caused performance issues. Argue against that, if anything.


We had high-res textures in beta during LOAD stress tests and there was no issue whatsoever.

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What do you think you're accomplishing by posting comparisons? No.one said high res textures didn't exist, but thaf they.caused performance issues. Argue against that, if anything.


It shows people new to the thread whats going on, so they can form their own opinion. Also, I see no harm in exhibiting some proof, do you?

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I just wanted to add my voice to those who claim to be unhappy with these developments.


I feel like I've been let down by Bioware now. The problem is, I think I'm being misled, and that's broken my trust.


In each and every case previously, we've had spot on feedback for problems, community engagement and a resolution.


However in this case, I don't think the response was honest. This is why :


1) It takes 3 seconds to tell the truth, it takes 3 days to make up a story.

2) To be told that adding hi-res graphics is a huge amount of work, concerns me, this is 2012 and high resolution graphics are assured, why on earth have we not got them.

3) I feel like the community are being treated as stupid regarding the 'bug' on the pulldown option.



Making unpopular choices is always made easier by being truthful. I think the graphics got cut due to performance concerns after Bioware heard the outcry that this game would seem like a single player game. They upped the volume of players that can play on each server, but at the same time had to dumb down the graphics.


The overall solution is awkward, annoying and I feel like I'm being penalized for investing in my gaming hobby, because someone else chooses to run SWTOR on a 8 year old Dell laptop.



An official apology and emergency community action is needed here. I hate being misled like this, in the marketing material, even in beta.


Why did you even try and invent a story to explain this, the people who spent upwards of $50 wanted this game to be a success and work with you to enjoy it, but you've alienated most of your player base through a very poor management decision to make an excuse, and leave the community feeling rightly upset.



I reject the explanation of a bug in the UI, please give us the real reason behind the change to remove high resolution textures and give us a timeline for a fix.

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