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Addon request: Identify players wasting my time by not hitting spacebar


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If he looks for a group and specifies this then yes, you are right. But the way the OP puts it, he does not sound like he is forming groups and defining that up front. It sounds to me like he just wants everyone to play his way and then boot people that don't.


And that's what people are getting so upset about. The OP should have written his post differently because, you're right he comes off very elitist. But the point is in those last few lines where he states he advertises for a group without cutscenes, and people are watching the cutscenes regardless. In the end, the thread is about him wanting to play the way he wants to, but everyone is getting hung up on the Boot people from group part.

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this is a story based mmo, if you don't want to watch the cut scene, specific this when forming a group.


We don't need add ons, people dont need to be kicked, people just need to use common sense.


he said that in the op. Thats the whole freaking point.

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This is a story based MMO, If you don't want to watch the cut scene, specific this when forming a group.


We don't need add ons, people dont need to be kicked, People just need to use common sense.


Another one trying to lecture people on logic, intellect, and common sense when he doesn't have the attention span to read the entire first post.


When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.
Edited by racsofp
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This is a story based MMO, If you don't want to watch the cut scene, specific this when forming a group.


We don't need add ons, people dont need to be kicked, People just need to use common sense.


Kanharn, if you read my original post, you will see that I do specify this when forming a group. And somehow people still refuse to hit spacebar.

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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


Remember to add the addon that adds this player type to the list as well. And the addon that makes those not taking a firm stance categorized, while at it. And another one that negates the whole bunch, just because it would be soothing. :rolleyes:


Thou trolleth M'liege?



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Having read this thread, I am simply appalled.


Not at the OP. With many of the responders..


Did read it. OP has issues. So do you.



Not everyone who plays an MMO is up with the leetspeak and short-hand. They may not noticed the 'no cutscenes.' And, instead of showing the slightest bit of maturity on the subject, he came to the board and ranted like that spoiled kid on YouTube.


So, it easily be an honest mistake. To one he is CLEARLY over-reacting.


But beyond that, I've been playing MMOs mostly on, with some off, since I stated UO 14-years ago. Lesson #1 is, you are only the hero in your personal drama -- and the spear carrier in everyone else's. Therefore, things don't always go the way you want in an MMO and you better learn to carry that spear well or you will have no friends and be marginalized.


Thing to do in a situation like that is to put up with it with a modicum of grace while it's happening, some maturity after it has happend and, of course, to protect yourself with appriate boundaries after it happens. I do this by putting the offender on an ignore list and otherwise find like-minded gamers.


I don't go to the boards to cry everytime someone offends me, in game, with the way they play the game...

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Another kiddy,


I did read the OP and its as pointless as your comment, If I run a FP again and someone in the group is running it for the first time, Im not going to cry like a little girl and make him skip the cut scene.


Its people like you who ruin the game for other people and turn a great story based game into a grind fest.


I agree its not the game, its the nubs who just play the game to grind and dont actually enjoy the game and try to ruin other peoples experiences.


That's for the insult, kid.


It's very clear you didn't read the OP:


1) He's forming groups with the explicit statement "no cutscenes"


When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


2) You are arguing that if you run an FP again you are not going to "make" someone hit spacebar. That's your opinion. From that, however, the post I responded to was


This is a story driven MMO, don't like it go back to Runescape where you can grind all the magic trees you want and dont have to wait on anyone else.


Talk about a moronic thread.


Can you explain to me how someone is supposed to get that you bothered to read the OP's post from that?


You can play the game however you like. If someone is grinding FP, and there are 3 people looking to grind them with no cutscenes, I'm sorry, but there is no defending someone joining the group, which has stated "we plan to skip cutscenes to grind faster" and forcing them to watch the cutscenes, when they could simply group with someone ELSE who isn't.


Bashing this person and telling him go back to Runescape is only identifying you as someone who doesn't really care about what anyone's experience is but his own, but yet hypocritically criticizes others for trying to limit his experience.


Not really interested in whatever disjointed mess you're going to reply with , so ignored, son.

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Dear Addon authors:


When Addons become available please make one that identifies the idiots with the attention span of a gnat so I can avoid grouping with them. Perhaps a little tag after their name in the shape of a dunce cap would suffice.


Thank you.


would you proudly wear yours?


do you think sitting through something you've seen many times over has anything to do with intelligence? or no wanting to sit through at all makes you an idiot?


i prefer reading as it's faster and sometimes i don't have my earphones handy and can't turn up the volume.

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+1 for this guy ^ leader option to set content on or off.




This would only end up people searching groups without them advertising that they do not want to watch cutscenes.


I wonder if instance is made only as a long straight tunnel with groups of boxes to fight along the way and an pyramid as a boss in the end the loot would be good... Would the rushers be still happy as this would be quick and easy and cheap to design too so more mmo could be easily done all the time ;D

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Why do you need an addon for this? You can tell when the rolls are entered for the conversations when somebody enters their selection.


I personally won’t hit the spacebar during flashpoints, however I also have the decency not to join your group if while spamming for a group you advertise it as skipping cutscenes.


Anyone here that’s complaining about your request, although it’s not needed, is just being selfish. If you’re told ahead of time you’re expected to skip cutscenes and you want to watch them don’t join the group.


Anyone who tells me mid run to skip cutscenes though can go to Hoth.

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I get that, just saying we don't need add ons, people need to use common sense.


That is not what you said, let me quote:


This is a story driven MMO, don't like it go back to Runescape where you can grind all the magic trees you want and dont have to wait on anyone else.


Talk about a moronic thread.


Just putting that out there.

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I get that, just saying we don't need add ons, people need to use common sense.




And think of how many groups there will be, when this game has been out for a couple of months, that'll say "No cutscenes! Will boot you if you want to watch a story!"


I dunno about the majority, but I wanted to play this game for the story. So, I will watch and rewatch the story in a dungeon 5,000 times if need be. Esseles never gets old for me. :)


And as for the no cutscene people? Don't pug it! Get a guild to do it for your own specifications, because I will not obey you in a pug. :)

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I get that, just saying we don't need add ons, people need to use common sense.


Ok then lets have that discussion, which I tried to start a few pages back amid the troll spam.


No I don't think the addon he proposes is a good idea, but as someone else proposed, an option could be given to Group Leaders to set things to Cutscenes/No cutscenes. I narrowed it down, saying this would be a good idea if only applied to FPs and OPs, not for groups in general.


/Attempt to get thread back on track

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i think the only real solution to this would be a condition flag for global skip cutscene



same as you can flag a instance for normal/hard mode. maybe have a set flag for no cutscenes.


i think there should be a penalty though. to cut down on social point grinding. ie you turn off cut scenes you get no alignment points, or social points.



the problem is. people want to eliminate the story. but want the benefits of the story as well.


you shouldn't get it both ways.

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There are SO many players in this thread who would whisper "I'm in" to the original poster's LFM message and then start to watch the cut-scenes, I'm amazed - How rude is THAT?


I really can't understand how so many of you can make yourself first agree to a set of rules and then break them. That's really bad mmo-spirit in my opinion.


Do you also say that you're well geared for your first Operation and then show up in all greens since it's a storydriven mmo?


Well I, at least, would join your group OP and I would skip the cut-scenes as I agreed to when I joined it. :)

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So many negative posts. It says in the OP that the group was formed for "no cutscenes". If people join a no cutscene group and still watch them, then they are in the wrong. If there was no indication that the group was to be a no cutscene group, then watch away.
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Thing to do in a situation like that is to put up with it with a modicum of grace while it's happening, some maturity after it has happend and, of course, to protect yourself with appriate boundaries after it happens. I do this by putting the offender on an ignore list and otherwise find like-minded gamers.


I don't go to the boards to cry everytime someone offends me, in game, with the way they play the game...


While I can agree with you, that this is one way to handle it - but what is more efficient?


Having a right click on the group leader to toggle content on/off or taking the steps you have outlined?


I don't think he is crying at all - I think he is asking for a legitimate feature.


Mark my words, if nothing is done about this in the future you will see this being used to grief people. Soon no one will want to sit through the VO's in Flashpoints and there will be that guy... you know the ones. He will refuse to hit space just to drive people up a wall.


Sure you can boot him, but now you are back to looking for more...

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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.




You are part of a group, it is not YOUR group, slavery was banned in the world long time ago. Regardless how many times you state it in the LFM you need to negotiate and reach an agreement.

If I can suggest you something, before STARTING the flash point, POLITELY request the people if would they kindly (no pun intended) use the space bar to skip the group conversations. If one of the members of the team don't agree, just leave the group and continue wasting your time spamming LFM until you find enough people that supposedly would agree on that (still it wouldn't guarantee that someone would not lie to you and will still not use the space bar). Possibly it would take you way more time finding a group of like minded people agreeing (and complying) in that request than dealing with the supposed "delay" that enjoying the whole flashpoint experience, with group conversations and everything would take. And do you know something? There is NOTHING that you can do to prevent that.

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do you think sitting through something you've seen many times over has anything to do with intelligence? or no wanting to sit through at all makes you an idiot?


People also do watch movies again and again since they like them. If i like something in a game i will do and watch it all over again many times.


Now if someone is looking for group with "no-cutscene" option, i will not join.

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And think of how many groups there will be, when this game has been out for a couple of months, that'll say "No cutscenes! Will boot you if you want to watch a story!"


I dunno about the majority, but I wanted to play this game for the story. So, I will watch and rewatch the story in a dungeon 5,000 times if need be. Esseles never gets old for me. :)


And as for the no cutscene people? Don't pug it! Get a guild to do it for your own specifications, because I will not obey you in a pug. :)


I totally agree.

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You are part of a group, it is not YOUR group, slavery was banned in the world long time ago. Regardless how many times you state it in the LFM you need to negotiate and reach an agreement.

If I can suggest you something, before STARTING the flash point, POLITELY request the people if would they kindly (no pun intended) use the space bar to skip the group conversations. If one of the members of the team don't agree, just leave the group and continue wasting your time spamming LFM until you find enough people that supposedly would agree on that (still it wouldn't guarantee that someone would not lie to you and will still not use the space bar). Possibly it would take you way more time finding a group of like minded people agreeing (and complying) in that request than dealing with the supposed "delay" that enjoying the whole flashpoint experience, with group conversations and everything would take. And do you know something? There is NOTHING that you can do to prevent that.


You quoted his post. In the post he says he does EXACTLY what you say he should do.

Moving on.

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