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Dark Side/ Light Side Points HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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So last night I decide to finally get my Dark Side points to 10,000 so I can get Dark V, only to discover that because in ONE quest I selected light side and was given 150 LS points, my dark side points are now CAPPED at 9850. With NO WAY that I can find to remove those stupid Light side points. Why would a story driven game have such a stupid restriction? No word of warning anywhere about this when you start your character in a system where you can never go back and change it. This needs to be fixed ASAP. I need a way to remove those 150 light side points. If there's a way then please let me know because I haven't found it. I'm missing out on level 50 relics and a cool speeder because no one told me you have to take Dark Side answer EVERY SINGLE TIME in order to make Dark V. What kind of story is that? That forces me to always choose a specific answer, which in turn can hurt my affection ratings on my companions? HORRIBLE SYSTEM. PLEASE FIX!
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I agree. I want to play the way I feel my character would react to his surroundings. That's mostly dark side, but there's just no depth or development if I choose that every single time.


Having said that. I think this topic would get more attention if you added just one more exclamation point.

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Yea you should be able to just keep gaining DS until your light is gone and you hit 10000. Did you actually attempt this or just hit 9850 and stop? If you kept tryign for DS points and it didn't give them to you, then yes there's a problem for which you should put in a ticket. But if you haven't done any more quests to recieve DS points, try a few and see if it changes your levels.


I did a few DS options in game (because I honestly thought they were better options even though im LS) and last night hit my 10k LS cap, eliminating all my DS points. This should happen for you as well.

Edited by DammitCat
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So last night I decide to finally get my Dark Side points to 10,000 so I can get Dark V, only to discover that because in ONE quest I selected light side and was given 150 LS points, my dark side points are now CAPPED at 9850. With NO WAY that I can find to remove those stupid Light side points. Why would a story driven game have such a stupid restriction? No word of warning anywhere about this when you start your character in a system where you can never go back and change it. This needs to be fixed ASAP. I need a way to remove those 150 light side points. If there's a way then please let me know because I haven't found it. I'm missing out on level 50 relics and a cool speeder because no one told me you have to take Dark Side answer EVERY SINGLE TIME in order to make Dark V. What kind of story is that? That forces me to always choose a specific answer, which in turn can hurt my affection ratings on my companions? HORRIBLE SYSTEM. PLEASE FIX!


When you have 10000 dark side points and 150 light side points, the next time you get dark side points they will reduce your light side points till you get to 0 light side points. And are back to Dark V. I've been jumping up and down between Dark IV and Dark V doing diplomacy missions that reward LS and DS.

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Nasties if you believe that you're in for a big surprise. The system caps at a TOTAL of 10,000 points (LS+DS). You need exactly 10,000 points for Level V DS or LS. This means that if you ever have ANY LS points. EVEN ONE, then you can NEVER achieve Rank V. I was at 9000 DS, 150 LS and I ran Black Talon like 5 times. Each run will give you 400 DS I believe. Once I hit 9,850. I capped. I could not get any more. I would need to DROP the 150 LS to be able to cap DS at 10,000 and make Rank V. All this without so much as a warning. Sorry for all the exclamations, but I'm just really pissed about this. If they really care about story then they would have a much more flexible system. They need to give a way to remove LS/DS points, or change the caps. Make 9000 Level V not 10,000. Something needs to change.
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You are not capped at 10k total points unless you are severely bugged. You can still do quests to get more.


If you have the common misconception a lot of people do you might think it's capped. Darkside/lightside points are not applied until completing the quest they were earned in. So try running a BT to completion and chose the darkside option. Once you complete the run the points should apply to your character.

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Ugh, I had ONE misclick that gave me 100 LS points. Was hoping that wouldn't affect me down the line. But surely there must be more than 10k LS/DS points in total?


But yeah. Even though it kind of funny it's a horrible system, just as in ME and DA (and I love those games). It takes away all the "what would you do" aspect of RP, and instead turns it in to a "what do I need to choose to get the points I need for X item"-game.

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Nasties if you believe that you're in for a big surprise. The system caps at a TOTAL of 10,000 points (LS+DS). You need exactly 10,000 points for Level V DS or LS. This means that if you ever have ANY LS points. EVEN ONE, then you can NEVER achieve Rank V. I was at 9000 DS, 150 LS and I ran Black Talon like 5 times. Each run will give you 400 DS I believe. Once I hit 9,850. I capped. I could not get any more. I would need to DROP the 150 LS to be able to cap DS at 10,000 and make Rank V. All this without so much as a warning. Sorry for all the exclamations, but I'm just really pissed about this. If they really care about story then they would have a much more flexible system. They need to give a way to remove LS/DS points, or change the caps. Make 9000 Level V not 10,000. Something needs to change.


Of course I believe it, it happened to me. When you reach 10000 total DS/LS points, when you complete a quest that gives DS points it adds to your DS and subtracts from your LS. This is how it is working for everyone I know; you are the first person I've heard of who is having an issue. If you really can't seem to get up 10k, then submit a ticket.

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Let me be clear. I ran BT 5 times last night. You get 400 DS points per run. I had 9,000 DS and 150 LS when I started. 400 * 5 = 2,000. 9,000+2,000=11,000. My DS points are 9,850 and my LS points are 150.


Sorry editing to clear up. I had 9,000 NET DS. So 9,150 and 150 LS


Now either DS-LS points are capped at 10,000 or I have a bug. Can someone from Bioware please let me know?? Do I need to open a ticket or is there a hard cap like I experienced?

Edited by Datajack
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So what you are suggesting.. is that people get the elite gear (dark side gear or light side gear) can change at any point of time, and gets the gear no matter what? even if you don't have dark v or light v?


To me. the fact that I can choose all dark side stuff and get the elite dark side gear is a reward for being all darkside..


Great system IMO: it actually rewards people for doing something all the way through.

Edited by Chuckskyline
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You definately can get Dark V no matter how many Light points you have (people in my guild have done this), you just have to farm, once you hit the 10k Dark Side cap then it will start reducing your Light Side points.


For example, if you have 8000 Dark and 2000 Light you will need 4000 Dark to hit Dark V.


If you can't get above 9850 Dark then you are definately bugged.

Edited by Noodz
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Nasties if you believe that you're in for a big surprise. The system caps at a TOTAL of 10,000 points (LS+DS). You need exactly 10,000 points for Level V DS or LS. This means that if you ever have ANY LS points. EVEN ONE, then you can NEVER achieve Rank V. I was at 9000 DS, 150 LS and I ran Black Talon like 5 times. Each run will give you 400 DS I believe. Once I hit 9,850. I capped. I could not get any more. I would need to DROP the 150 LS to be able to cap DS at 10,000 and make Rank V. All this without so much as a warning. Sorry for all the exclamations, but I'm just really pissed about this. If they really care about story then they would have a much more flexible system. They need to give a way to remove LS/DS points, or change the caps. Make 9000 Level V not 10,000. Something needs to change.





I had 400 Lightside Points & 9600 Darkside points, I went did Black Talon at 50, Solo in 2 runs(took total of 15 mins for both together). I erased that, each run gives you 200 Darkside points & if you have Khem about +400 affection points each run.




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You have a bug, open a ticket and it will be fixed. I had the same thing happen to me and I came to find it was just a bug and thankfully got my full 10,000 Dark V status up again.


It is a system I think would work better if you were not required to keep the status and could just buy the item and keep it regardless of light/dark requirements allowing a person to explore more vast moral choices throughout. There has been many times during my questing that the light side choice was a more interesting and deeper choice than just simply "you die now" simplicity.


I am leveling up another character with the intention of exploring those options on the lightside, but it would be nice to be afforded some ambiguity in my choices allowing my character to develop more naturally.

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Also make sure you actually "FINISH" Black Talon, all way to very end & fly back to space dock. Because it won't award the Darkside, Affection, or social points until that point when you step out & on the space dock.




Edited by JJDrakken
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DammitCat man I hope you're right. I'm opening a ticket right now. Thanks to all of you who replied so quickly.


np man, hope things get resolved for you. Like I said, while questing I ended up with about 400 DS points, and am currently sitting at 10k LS , 0 DS. I won't be able to find the thread but BioWare stated that the system is in place so that, if one so desired, they could go full Light V, change their mind, and grind back to Dark V, hence the LS/DS options in mission crew skills like Diplomacy. GL man

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