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I know vibroswords have a slightly lower top end damage and slightly higher bottom end damage but am I able to just not use lightsabers and go with moddable vibroswords effectively I want to do this as I prefer the looks as lightsabers all tend to look the same as the hilts aren't that obvious. Are there any gameplay disadvantages to this?
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I know vibroswords have a slightly lower top end damage and slightly higher bottom end damage but am I able to just not use lightsabers and go with moddable vibroswords effectively I want to do this as I prefer the looks as lightsabers all tend to look the same as the hilts aren't that obvious. Are there any gameplay disadvantages to this?


Moddable vibroswords should have the exact same damage as a moddable lightsaber since the damage of both come from the same hilt mod so you should be able to do this fine.

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I'll just let you know in advance that the sheathing/unsheathing of vibroswords is terrible right now, at least it was when I was using one maybe a day after official release. At the time, I had a vibosword MH/ Lightsaber OH, and whenever I sheathed, my items would move around on my back after I put them there. Edited by Zerosyko
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Since when could you MH a Vibrosword and OH a lightsaber? I tried that the very first day when I hit level 10 but it said some crap about not being able to wear the LG off hand because of MH Vibrosword. Unless I was failing at equipping or something.
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I have a great time with the epic vibroswords I craft. if your going to be wielidng vibros make sure your an armstech missions and commendations pigeon hole you into lightsabers. if you can make epics though your a green lightsaber will be 7 levels behind your weapon and orange with blue mods( flashpoint) or a blue qualtity lightsaber will be5 level damage and stat wise behind, and an epic with have comparable stats but still be a few raw damage behidn your epic craft.


they are main hand only if you crap them but they add monster dps.

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The top and bottom end damage does change with the same hilt. It's not a lot, though. Like 2-5 points both ways.


And yeah, the sheathing is annoying, but not a HUGE deal. Essentially when you sheath them the animation shows you slinging both onto either side of your back, then the offhand pops over on top of the mainhand one.

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