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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What players are saying about EQ/SWG and WOW


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I was there for SWG. Massive excitement in the office. I played and was hooked for a year. It became part of life. I took the PC with me on holidays so as not to miss out on rare resource spawns. I became the 2nd master weaponsmith on the server. There were only 3 of us. We formed a guild and had a player city. Massive real life effort to get the necessary players to join us, buy and build houses, village hall, and a shuttle port. We even had other players accounts that we logged on just to pull it though. Playing for hours in the evenings until early hours in the morning - mostly crafting or talking to others. So much talking. We had village halls meetings and group hunting parties for rancors. The game was a massive time sink. Nothing could be done solo, you always needed online players to do anything meaningful, even to heal yourself you needed an online doctor. To buy a house you'd need to travel to the ends of the world and find the ONLINE architect to sell you one. Hours nad hours trying to find someone to do anything. Hours spent "shopping" where we would visit a planet and scour the country side for any houses in case they had vendors selling anything nice inside. To play this game you had to have no life, no family, no friends. And the rewards were pitiful.


Then I got on to WoW just as it came out. I had one negative impression about how primitive crafting was in WOW compared to SWG. But the rest of the game simply blew me away. I could play WOW and progress solo - unheard of in SWG. I could group if I wanted to, go grind a few mobs, run an dungeon - I also had rested bonus. I would reach the top level in any way I chose, there were no restrictions. I would explore an open, smooth world. I would be attacked by invading Horde (on a PvE server) and scared to leave Auberdine. The trip from Auberdine to Astranaar, the exploration, excitement, anticipation, the damned Horde hiding behind the trees ready to pounce, the atmosphere. The sea shore on the one side, the mountains on the other, with a thousand places to go to and explore. It would take you 10-15 minutes just to run down to Astranaar assuming you never stopped to look, never got attacked. And that was 1/20 or even less of the map.


It was an immersive fully three dimensional world where you would quest, PvP, solo, explore - anywhere you wanted and when you wanted. Every zone you visited would immerse you in its own atmosphere, and if you dared you would try to run from one zone to the other trying to hide and stay alive. Ironforge was a bustling place your graphics would crawl to a halt from the number of players around you, Stormwind was awesome, PvPing outside the front gates of both cities was immense, the trade chat was flaming. It was an unbelievable world. No loading screens, massive in size - all you ever wanted was there.


I am sorry to say SWTOR is a miserable excuse for what WOW was in 2004 and much more what it is now. There is no immersion, there is no exploration, there is just endless corridors, marked paths, loading screens. You spend so much time in your own instance, be that your hangar, your spaceship, your quests. You run on planets but you cannot explore because it is all props on either side of your path. You meet people it's true but there is nothing like the world of WOW. It is just a series of single player games taking place on disjointed little maps, called planets, no continuity, no immersion. Total failure. Completely failed to captivate me. Grinding through Coruscant tested all my strength as an MMO player and Nar Shaddaa was the final straw. Running around on Tatoine with invisible walls and obstacles and backdrops all the way, nothing to explore. What a waste of money this has been.


I really prefer to level another toon in WOW and relive the experience, even though I have seen it all, than to grind levels in this single player, sterile world which has more loading screens than explorable places.


And then we can also talk about all the omissions and all the bugs.

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Nah, SWTOR wasn't a waste of money, it's one of the best single player RPGs I've ever played in my life

Trololol. Seriously. Go back to your other game. Why are you still here? You canceled a week ago.

Edited by Merex
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Nah, SWTOR wasn't a waste of money, it's one of the best single player RPGs I've ever played in my life


That isn't fair. It's a Co-op game with mmo elements duct-taped on to it. Its the sith apocalypse, yo. Bring friends.

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Inb4 Ganadorf/Shady. Dude seriously posts something nonsensical in every thread.



Back on topic. Beating a dead horse here. Numerous threads have popped up about the same feelings you have. The game is what it is and creating a more immersive world is probably a lot more work than Bioware is up for now that the game has launched.


Some people don't mind the themepark style and others consider it so drastic that Swtor shouldn't be classified as an MMO. WoW is still there for you.


Edit: WOW I still couldn't beat Ganadorf. Unbelievable. I work the night shift at work and it's 4 AM. Why are you even up? Guy doesn't sleep. Trolls all day.


Did you even read what I said? I complimented the game

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I'll take this OP with a grain of salt to. There was no issue solo leveling in SWG. And crafting was just a *****, but some people enjoyed it. The player cities where awesome but poorly implemented. Vanguard did the SWG style player housing and cities right. Unfortunately it suffered the same fate as SWG. People don't wantsandboxgames with freedom.


Also since when was you as one person "players" you're one player.

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I think its a fair assessment.


I am enjoying the game at the moment, but i enjoyed WoW for about 4 years. This one will probably last me about 3 months if im being totally honest then i may just give up MMO's altogether. They just seem to be going backwards

Edited by sw_dragon
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We would like to bring your attention to this message from Senior Community Coordinator Allison Berryman:


Hi Everyone!


Part of our goal for the Star Wars: The Old Republic community is to ensure that our Forums are a great place to come to discuss all aspects of the game, and to make them a friendly environment for our players. We welcome all kinds of constructive discussion and feedback, but want to remind everyone that we expect your posts to be:

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If you haven’t done so recently, you might want to review the Rules of Conduct, which we do enforce on the Forums.


While we absolutely welcome constructive feedback regarding the game, we’ve seen many threads recently that are not constructive or helpful. We encourage you to share ideas about what you’d like to see in the game, but will not permit discussions that do not have any constructive suggestions or content, or those that are made solely to trash the game or community or offer no topic for discussion. Our developers and the Community Team are always reading the forums and gathering your feedback, but constructive criticism is much more useful to us than posts that have no explanations or details and suggestions.


Constructive, well-reasoned feedback that offers specific suggestions about what you as players would like to see is extremely useful to us, and we’d like to see more feedback of this nature. However, feedback that states “this game sucks” and doesn’t offer actual suggestions about how to improve the game is not useful and only serves to incite argument, which in turn can make the forums very unfriendly to those who are looking to constructively discuss the game.


We will be closing more threads that do not offer constructive feedback or have degenerated into unhelpful flame wars. We expect everyone on the Forums to respect each other, even when disagreeing, and will not tolerate insults or disrespectful posts. Please remember to use the flag feature to report posts that violate the rules to our Community Representatives – don’t fight! Responding in kind to someone who has broken the rules only makes a thread worse.


We want to work with you to improve the Forums experience and to encourage constructive discussion, and we look forward to your feedback!


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