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Class's that need nerfing


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Obvious troll is obvious. Lmao saying every class needs nerfed and calling comments stupid because you're "obviously right". Well played troll, well played.


theres a diffrence between trolling and stating facts about class balance, i am stating facts about class balance therefore not trolling.

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Zomg assasins are the overpowered class. They wreck everything and kill me sometimes. They have these things i dont like and moves that are detrimental to my toons life!!!! OP!!!


Oh wait wait wait


I just remembered im a gunslinger and i cant be the best against every class. Assasins are my bane. So i should realize this and learn to deal with it while focusing on what my class is good at.


Wink wink, nudge nudge

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Maybe you are undergeared? An assassin last night just almost 2 shot me. From his stealth, I lost more than half health, I CCed him immediately. He got out of CC and killed me instantly.


I am lvl 50 with almost all champion gear. Maybe he is a bit better geared than me, but his damage is ridiculous.


The BH missile spamming is so funny to watch, but not really need to be nerfed, maybe changed a bit. It's annoying to see a BH spamming the same spell over and over.


wait till you get a operative and scoundrel doing that.


and also assasins have high burst damage if they do they they drain there force instantly leaving them with nothing to attack with and as squishy as they are even more vunrable to attack so if they dont have there 3 minute cd handy or 2 min with talent points they may as well just stand there they cant heal they have no defense's so yea and they ceretainly cant stand toe toe toe with most class's without getting facerolled.


maul is the backstab ability which takes half there force.

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pretty much what ever you said in your wall of text is meaningless you named basically all the ac's cept the one you play hahahah


assasins arnt OP lol



light armor no defense <--- squishy easily die

melee <--- rooted and snared means doomed

small force bar <-- got to be carefull what you spam or your left vunrable and cant attack



for how squishy assasin is tbh they are actualy lacking in damage if you ask me

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1. op/scound Burst designed for game where everyone has 25k hp minimum -- Nerf yep and it's incoming



2. Powertech/vangaurd - Able to out DPS a lot of DPS classes, heal, and tank 4 geared 50s at once


3. Merc/Commando - Too much damage in too few abilities



4. Sage/Sorc - Bubble absorbs too much damage and should be even weaker if you place it on someone else.


5. Guard - little too powerful


6. Pop balancing


7. overall tweak of ranged burst, making it more RNG less on demand, and Hyrbid taxing


8. Fixing Mirror abilities so they Don't favor empire


9. Solo que players separate from Premades




As for the rest:::


A. Sent/ Mara = No nerf, a survival buff if anything



B. Shadow/Sin = No Nerf, a rework/buff giving them more on demand burst





there that wasnt so har was it :p


yes bit of tweaking there but you have almost got it :)

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Yeah, they just see guys running around in white armor doing all sorts of stuff. As a gunneryspecced commando atm I cant say I feel all that overpowered. Yes you can dish out lotsa dmg with AoEs and also decent singletarget dmg if left unattended, easily yanking me high up on the statistics. But you suck donkeyballs against any halfdecent evengeared player 1v1. And you also have NO WAY TO GET AWAY FROM A FIGHT.


Chew on that one. You have no way to get away from a fight, and you're also squishy as *****. When the zergtrain comes, Im usually dead in 2-3 seconds with no ways to get out of harms way. The way that we have no real way to pick our fights, and no ways to escape needs to be compensated with high damage.


Without guard, commandos/mercs are arguably the squishyest class in the game. sages got force speed and their instantcast bubble, slingers got their portable coverbunker. commandos/merc got jack. Heavy armor counts for next to nothing in this game.


thats because it takes a zerg to put you down as they are doing less damage to you than your healign abilitys as your a dps heal tank


you dont need to get away when you can just solo walk in and faceroll everything

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For a start, it's a dps only, the tank aoe will hit for about 1k. As another point, it's not spammable, it's on a 15s cd, speccable to 12s. Thirdly, you've to be jacked up on stims/adrenals and double expertise buff to do it.


Referring to the 8k aoe, I have almost full champion gear, dps rage specced, biochem, 4 stacks of shockwave and 5 sunders and expertise buff and hit a squishy around lvl 15 and just about got 7k Damage once. There is no way in hell that anyone can achieve 8k on any lvl 50 player with decent pvp gear, it is possible to get over 5k smash with all conditions above but mostly it's in the 4k range for squishy lvl 50s

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Playing a darkness assassin and I feel in no way that assassins needs a buff/nerf. OP stated that he spam his maul so he runs out of force in 2 hits, so it's obviously a l2p issue. Deception assassin require timing and force management watching your buffs, played one while leveling and had no problem killing any reps i encountered.


how is it a l2p issue maul takes 50 force to use lol



and nope you dont get time to watch you buffs and force when you have to do as much burst damage as you can before getting ace rolled.



its not a l2p issue but a class issue

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What's obvious is that you keep getting owned and choose to blame it on every bother class being OP rather than just you being terrible at this game.


And now cloudxshadowbane has chimed in as well. The dynamic duo of derp strikes again!


far from


im realy good with my assasin i use my cd's when needed ad escape when i have to.


its not my fault bounty hunters and troopers are OP though is it and its not my choice to abuse the OP class's either

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Trooper is probably the most overpowered class in the game. My friend is a 38 Trooper (Im a 50 Slinger) and he out damages me by 30% 7 out of 10 times. Id figure theyd have less damage than the smuggler because the trooper wears Heavy. But what do I know?


Other way around, a smuggler uses a pistol/blaster while a trooper carries an assault canon. What were you thinking? your trying to say a glock should do more damage than a .50 cal machine gun......./facepalm


I play a 43 trooper and get my *** kicked by most melee when singled out, problem is many of the complainers dont understand the class so they dont know how to beat it. In WZ i've had many players who do understand the class overcome our weaknesses


1) need for distance

2) allowed to fire on targets uninterrupted


Heck i've have operatives stun me and kill me within 3 seconds with a knife against heavy armour. So all I can assume is that you dont know how to pvp

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*Fxt for Accuracy


OP class players, knowing they are OP, proof and evidence shown on countless threads showing they are OP, trying to make posts saying any other X class is overpowered to try and move the spotlight off them WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE.


For everything else there is Mastercard


Actually I don't think any class is particularly OP. I keep laughing every time you mention people making claims with no evidence, though. Reminds of that thread not long ago where you claimed the existence of mathematical evidence but couldn't produce any and resorted to backpeddling, yelling at us for not showing evidence despite you claiming you had yours.


Good times, good times. Do you backpeddle as much in pvp as you do on the forums? That might be why you lose so much and think everyone is OP.

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I am playing full specced DPS assassin and i dont have any problems killing ppl or surviving, true from time to time i get unlucky with agents and scoundrels but hey it goes both ways.


Secondly troopers are hard to take down but in a 1 vs 1 i will win about 60% of the battles, BH again hard to take down but pretty even again. I dont really see any class that really needs a huge nerf like you are saying.


sure you will on your fully geared lvl 50 assasin fighting low lvl troopers and bounty hunters

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Zomg assasins are the overpowered class. They wreck everything and kill me sometimes. They have these things i dont like and moves that are detrimental to my toons life!!!! OP!!!


Oh wait wait wait


I just remembered im a gunslinger and i cant be the best against every class. Assasins are my bane. So i should realize this and learn to deal with it while focusing on what my class is good at.


Wink wink, nudge nudge


yes i learned to deal with OP class's by posting about them being OP to get them nerfed thats how you deal with OP broken class's

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how is it a l2p issue maul takes 50 force to use lol



and nope you dont get time to watch you buffs and force when you have to do as much burst damage as you can before getting ace rolled.



its not a l2p issue but a class issue


That's why you don't spam Maul, you can use it as an opener if you want but in combat you should only use it while having the Duplicity buff up. But hey there's so many assassins out there so i don't expect all of them to know what they are doing. But if you wanna play a smash your face against the keyboard class and get away with it maybe you should think of rerolling.

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far from


im realy good with my assasin i use my cd's when needed ad escape when i have to.


its not my fault bounty hunters and troopers are OP though is it and its not my choice to abuse the OP class's either


No, really. Stick a melee that actually knows how to play and watch the BH/Trooper struggle because they have major issues maintaining distance from aggressive melee and their signature move is vulnerable to interrupts.

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nerfing one OP ability and buffing other abilitys is just going to take them back to square one.


lets nerf that OP ability and make this one OP instead DERP!


So I see you keep crying about other OP classes do you have anything to back up your claims other then "I get pwned in the face all the time by class X! NERF THIS NOW OMG!!!" Or other bad players crying the same thing? If you learn how to play your class you wont have this issue.



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Referring to the 8k aoe, I have almost full champion gear, dps rage specced, biochem, 4 stacks of shockwave and 5 sunders and expertise buff and hit a squishy around lvl 15 and just about got 7k Damage once. There is no way in hell that anyone can achieve 8k on any lvl 50 player with decent pvp gear, it is possible to get over 5k smash with all conditions above but mostly it's in the 4k range for squishy lvl 50s


watch the vid he just runs around spamming the 8k aoe on everyone its insane aoe's normaly do low damage i mean that is just nuts.

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Actually I don't think any class is particularly OP. I keep laughing every time you mention people making claims with no evidence, though. Reminds of that thread not long ago where you claimed the existence of mathematical evidence but couldn't produce any and resorted to backpeddling, yelling at us for not showing evidence despite you claiming you had yours.


Good times, good times. Do you backpeddle as much in pvp as you do on the forums? That might be why you lose so much and think everyone is OP.


if you actualy checked the forums enough you would see the video's players post showing the OP ness of ertain class's


there is your evidense its right infront of your nose

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That's why you don't spam Maul, you can use it as an opener if you want but in combat you should only use it while having the Duplicity buff up. But hey there's so many assassins out there so i don't expect all of them to know what they are doing. But if you wanna play a smash your face against the keyboard class and get away with it maybe you should think of rerolling.


if you want to do any damage you have to because if the target your fighting turns around and actualy starts attacking you your hp just disapears in a second.


light armor isnt fun not as a melee class with no defense's

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No, really. Stick a melee that actually knows how to play and watch the BH/Trooper struggle because they have major issues maintaining distance from aggressive melee and their signature move is vulnerable to interrupts.


lol an asasin cant stand toe to toe with a BH or trooper but a jedi knight or warrior could

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