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Expand OPEN World PVP On PVP Servers


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if they change it like all these "on the boat" posters agreed then it would be too brutal a world and level 50 pvp players would follow you around your whole mission killing you everywhere you go and nobody would want to help you because you're just level 15 or whatever.

fix something that is unsatisfactory, not change something that is already satisfactory.


PVE servers are available if PVP servers are "too brutal." With the mentioned fixes to medical centers, nothing should be game breaking.

Edited by -Fenix
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It's unfortunate that the devs have decided to further baby down PVP. First with Voss, and now with Ilum. They are going to "fix" camping of medcenters and have safe zones for a "battlefield." Addition #1 (on OP of this thread), would "fix" camping of med centers, but I doubt they've taken it into consideration.


Sub has run its course and probably won't be re-upping until they stop trying to kill their game and alienate a portion of their customer base.

Edited by -Fenix
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I want to see some pvp action I want SULLON ZEK!


Agreed and signed!


I played Everquest 1 (Sullon Zek faction PvP server), Shadowbane and World of Warcraft (PvP server) extensively, and by far the most fun I had in all 3 was when participating in open world PvP.


It was fun experiencing how different factions fought over and took control of zones in SZ. It would be great if the planets were almost 100% open for PvP combat so that battles for control of each one took place over the course of months. Also, "coining" opposing players and moving up on the standings in SZ was tons of fun. Set up a server-wide ranking system to encourage open world PvP!


Where are the server forums? Trash talking in forums was almost as fun as PKing! There is no sense of community without server-specific forums to post on! Where do you go brag after you beat someone one on one, or your guild completely dominates an instanced PvP match? How will Guild rivalries ever form? How do you become a notorious PvPer?


If you want to avoid too much griefing, simply reduce the worth of grey level players compared to equal or higher level players. Or if you PK the same player x numbers of times within x amount of time, stop giving out "points". Item looting might be to hard core, but what about credit looting? Obviously not take your whole bank's worth, but what about a very small percentage?


Sullon Zek died due to lack of support. WoW is still going strong, but the reason why I personally stopped playing several years ago was because open world PvP died completely and turned into boring arena point farming matches.


Hopefully this game adds more value to open world PvP, but in my 28 levels of play so far I've seen 1 player of the opposing faction (besides instance PvP) inside a cantina where I couldn't attack. Apparently there is no open world PvP to speak of except Ilum, where some serious valor farming is going on and there really is no PvP. That is sad, and will eventually force a lot of players to look elsewhere for good PvP.


I'm a fan of the Star Wars theme and PvP, so I'm hoping that Bioware turns this around and creates full support of open world PvP.

Edited by PellaeonSZ
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I'm a fan of the Star Wars theme and PvP, so I'm hoping that Bioware turns this around and creates full support of open world PvP.


They'd have to completely redesign from the ground up. This game is WHOLLY designed to NOT be conducive to open-world PvP. Making an entire zone PvP and calling that zone a planet and therefore calling it world PvP is an absolute joke and shows they have NO CLUE on how to do open world PvP.


You should check out DOMINUS which will be out later this year, it looks like it will have the sort of meaningful, open PvP that you desire.

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Just wanted stand up and be counted as another supporter =D Open world pvp, with objectives, is the type of pvp I love the most, and I would love to see more of a focus on it, rather than warzones.


The warzone, quick-match style of pvp can be fun-ish....I guess. I've never really gotten into it in any of the games that featured that style. It feels like too much of a controlled environment, and completely disconnected from the actual "world".


Oh and I really don't like Huttball, at all.

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Agreed, as long as people simply can't attack people who are 10 levels below them. I can see massive gank squads of level 50s going to places like Tat and Ald and ganking the crap out of people who are just trying to level.


Did you not see this?


To all who may post, leave your ganking/camping/griefing complaints to yourself. On a PVP server, those things should be allowed and encouraged, else there be no difference between PVE and PVP servers.


Also, that's what guilds are for. Ganks turn into guild wars.

Edited by -Fenix
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Ive caught a few sith on Hoth, and 1 on tattoine.


The problem is they were questers and i felt bad for attacking them.


I had full level 40 blues and they were obviously in green, no companions.



Don't feel bad. Okay, the few times I've killed lowbies or the lesser geared in other games, I felt bad too. :)


I guarantee that unexpected attacks like that will make the game more exciting for them. A gank costs nothing other than a bit of time. They can't handle that, well they should have rolled PVE.


While I'm not a ganker, I do enjoy random world pvp action and hope to see the opposing faction soon! My Imp just started on Tatooine; my Repub still has a ways to go yet.

Edited by Gragus
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um... so i am "mildly" confused...


can someone plz explain to me, how there isnt open pvp already? unless we are talking about the ability to kill ones own faction, isnt there already open pvp? Ive seen mo medical stations with exhaustion zones around them, and the closest thing that even comes NEAR that description, is Anchorhead.. which, u CAN get into, as my grp has proven repeatedly. In fact, i havent found a single safe "area" for the repubs yet, aside from them entering a phase of some sort...


plz clarify for me. I am all for pvp, and i really would like to understand what it is im missin

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*read OP's post only*


I fully support it. World PvP is the most interesting PvP there is, compared only to competitive arena-style one, which requires class balance of much better quality then swtor has.


And, Ilum have nothing in common with world pvp. It's a planet made for pvp, which have no resources on it apart from valor chunks being the other players. Basically, it's the same as instanced PvP. Back in the old days of wow, alterac walley (huge snowy warzone) could last for weeks, and Ilum just lasts forever, have just as boring looks and is much less interesting then other pvp spots, but it forces you to participate due to the huge honor(alterac walley-wow) or valor (swtor) gain.


I think they need to open 1 more planet in a content patch of some sort, with non-istanced PvE, and along with that, let players fully customize their gear, aswell as let crafters make 56 mods\barrels\enhancements etc.


Then you just place some resources which will can't be gathered by companions, on this new fancy planet and increase the number\spawn rate of them depending on how many players are on the map, and let's say give more *fancy purple crafting material* from one pile, if you have less people of your faction on a screen.


Then you make some good landscapes and maaaaadgoood leveldesign (which bioware is hardly capable of), and here you go - not only you've made crafting useful, gave players freedom of gear customatization, as a result - unique look for every character ingame, you've also improved game's economy, and you'll see players tearing each other's throats for the fancy resource.


Just give them something to fight for - and you'll have good world PvP. You don't need objectives or anything else.

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