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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Expand OPEN World PVP On PVP Servers


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Open World PvP will be all ganking unless they offer rewards anyway so who cares? They need to put a reward system in for Open World but not have it apply to killing lowbies.

did you ever play anything other than WOW? because wow does NOT have pvp well it does but the sporty one.. 5v5 2v2 etc thats fun but boring.. there are been pvp games like WAR, SWG, DarkFall and in the near future GuildWars2 etc and im missing lot more.. were PVP is about grouping.. with all your realm not just your guild and your guild is just part of a massive army were leaders communicate and take on different task to conquer the world inside the MMO... this brings strategy, planning, tasks, thinking that you only do by yourself on pve focus games like WOW.. the fun of OpenWorld PVP is just limitless and if well done(bioware has the potencial since this game is been smooth done, and the story behind it) that SWTOR could be a success not only for PVE, not only for individualists sporty types of pvp but also for military/strategy type of openworld PVP... this last one is missing and WE NEED IT! PLEASE or 1/3 of us will get bored 1 month after we hit 50.., I will not do any PVE RAID.. is boring repetetive and im not to be spamming DPS to one computer mob for 15-30m for a piece of gear.. if SWTOR does not improve on openworld PVP 1/3 of your base players will leave when GW2 comes out..

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You have two factions AND the old Mythic team (will ignore the horrid decisions made in Warhammer). World PvP should have faction wide consequences, this self-gratifying but utterly useless cage fighting in instances should be something for people to do 'on the side', but should never be THE focus for PvP. I have yet to step into a warzone and probably never will. I didn't roll on a PvP server to do warzones, I rolled to find some meaningful world (factional) PvP. I don't care (and even prefer) if I get no personal gains from open world PvP, but there should be a reason, at the faction level, for people to do it. DAoC's relic system was awesome, something similar could/should exist here.

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You have two factions AND the old Mythic team (will ignore the horrid decisions made in Warhammer). World PvP should have faction wide consequences, this self-gratifying but utterly useless cage fighting in instances should be something for people to do 'on the side', but should never be THE focus for PvP. I have yet to step into a warzone and probably never will. I didn't roll on a PvP server to do warzones, I rolled to find some meaningful world (factional) PvP. I don't care (and even prefer) if I get no personal gains from open world PvP, but there should be a reason, at the faction level, for people to do it. DAoC's relic system was awesome, something similar could/should exist here.



This^^ but plzzzzz make "Ranks" meaningful something to achieve and enhance your char

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Tim Tebow supports world PvP and this thread.


Now how about a /Tbow emote.




I don't mean to spark a separate debate but... Open PVP YES! Tebow NO! (Tebow fails... I'm waiting for a new teary eyed press conference and an update telling us the Bronco's will never lose again)

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Again, my vote goes for OWPvP!

I support this thread!

OWPvP a must in pvp servers..startin with lvl 10 if you ask me..


Plus, it's really sad passn thru zones and different areas gettin message; this is contested pvp area and not seein opposing faction...


PvP anytime, anywhere..



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There are a few facts here that people may not be aware of but which greatly hinder any chance of Open world pvp being expanded as the MAIN form of pvp in this game.


Open world pvp requires better server hardware because it has many more players crowded into various zones and more hardware is more expensive.


It is much more cost effective to have a measely 8v8 warzone instance going on and that is why you see it as the flagship choice for MMOs which reach critical mass like WoW and SWTOR.


They do not care that RvR is hands down the best kind of pvp there is, but whatever will placate the masses for the cheapest price, and that is instanced warzones sadly enough.


I for one am sick to death of instanced artificial pvp like warzones provide and WoW provided for 7 years before that. I am hungry for real chaotic pvp action where anything goes and no one knows whats coming.


There is always Guild Wars 2 I suppose, they are having a massive open world pvp type area where three servers go against eachother taking keeps, towns, towers, caravans, and other such things for a 2 week long battle. At the end of the two weeks it rotates what other two servers your server is facing. Massive battles of thousands of players in the maps. Not since Dark age of camelot have we had something like that.. i cannot wait =)

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Where are the wars in this Star Wars game. I dont want to Pve whole time. I rolled on a PvP server for a reason.. To fight Sith. Not in those dumb instances..those are lame.. yes fun sometimes but lame.


There should be epic scale wars going on. That was also advertised. I wanna fight and kill Sith. I wanna attack their fleets and cities.


And it has to give rewards and incentive like in wargrounds. PvP open world could last for years and years..while grinding those warground for gear is BORING


People rolling on PVP servers want this.. when are devs going to learn.. NO GUARDS, NO INVISIBLE WALLS and much OPEN WORLD PVP on a PVP SERVER

Edited by Kortak
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There are a few facts here that people may not be aware of but which greatly hinder any chance of Open world pvp being expanded as the MAIN form of pvp in this game.


Open world pvp requires better server hardware because it has many more players crowded into various zones and more hardware is more expensive.


It is much more cost effective to have a measely 8v8 warzone instance going on and that is why you see it as the flagship choice for MMOs which reach critical mass like WoW and SWTOR.


They do not care that RvR is hands down the best kind of pvp there is, but whatever will placate the masses for the cheapest price, and that is instanced warzones sadly enough.


I for one am sick to death of instanced artificial pvp like warzones provide and WoW provided for 7 years before that. I am hungry for real chaotic pvp action where anything goes and no one knows whats coming.


There is always Guild Wars 2 I suppose, they are having a massive open world pvp type area where three servers go against eachother taking keeps, towns, towers, caravans, and other such things for a 2 week long battle. At the end of the two weeks it rotates what other two servers your server is facing. Massive battles of thousands of players in the maps. Not since Dark age of camelot have we had something like that.. i cannot wait =)


You had planetside!!

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There are a few facts here that people may not be aware of but which greatly hinder any chance of Open world pvp being expanded as the MAIN form of pvp in this game.


Open world pvp requires better server hardware because it has many more players crowded into various zones and more hardware is more expensive.



What stops them from having different servers for openworld zones? and who says what type of servers they already have? we do not know.. but even if you are right, nothing stops them from adding one more server to the pool to start with with the kind of RVR we want for each server of heck!! just one for every 3 servers and have 3 servers all join to make greater numbers.. so 1 powerfull server for each 3 of them.. also pick up mixed Europe/US/Etc so they always populated with RVR action..

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