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Life as a Sentinel


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First off let me just start off by saying im a very casual MMO player and by no means a pro.


My spec is Watchman because im a fan of the Juyo Form, and i am loving it as i found that it produced not only good damage numbers, but a fair amount of utility. Regardless however of what spec u choose, i know u'll be a very capable PvP/PvE'er, BUT I have noticed that other classes seem to be 'easy mode' in comparison to us because we heavily rely on L2P than any other class! To further elaborate on that, pretty much every other class can spam two moves and win a fight. Sents/Maras however, need to learn to use a majority of their arsenal to be able to be on par, and this seems to be where the noobs are separated from seasoned vets. Because of the learning curve many are quick to shout 'OMG need buffs now!' and while i do agree we need a lil extra something, atm we are quite viable.


In PvP i've beaten many ppl 1v1, i pretty much floor every Sorc i come across, BH's put up a good fight, but i burn them down too, IA's i kill rather quickly as long as they dont get the jump on me with their arsenal of stuns (which 'is' our kryptonite, ill get into this later), however i do get floored by Assassins, idk they just hurt LoL! Warzones right now r pretty imbalanced so i find it funny when ppl use those to explain balance in PvP, however it has allowed me to test my Sents potential capabilities from time to time. One such occasion was when i faced a sorcerer who was over 10 lvls higher than me, and i just kept burning him down, he spent half his time healing and had a heck of a time trying to kill me, however the lvl disadvantage did catch up at a certain point and he killed me! but this fight proved that if i was equal or at least close to his lvl, i would've won :D. Furthermore whenever casters/long range fighters see me approaching they run, in Huttball its quite common that once im on top of them they rarely try to actually face me, but rather run towards the nearest air vent to blow them to another part of the map haha!


Now onto the weakness(es) of the class, CC's, yea all my fellow JK's/SW's pretty much nodded their heads LoL! For a melee class i find it VERY odd that we have the least amount of CC's and CC accessories. First off is our one and only CC break, which also happens to be a on 1 min cd, awesome right, totally acceptable for a melee class :confused: ! Then the one real CC we have, we cant move while doing it, other classes can CC u and pummel u with other moves, some which have stuns to further keep u locked down! In addition, as squishy as we Sents/Maras are this IS unacceptable!


Now i would like to bring about possible fixes to our class that could make us more viable, w/o the incessant cries of being 'OP'!


~more CC defense, yes this would make us happy by itself

~give us some CC's/stuns to keep our opponents from escaping us so easily:

-while i find it strange that our Force Kick does no damage, i would be perfectly fine with that if perhaps it applied a 2-3 second stun (huge help)

-BW please let us stun Strong+ mobs and other players with our moves that apply stuns, u have no idea how this would greatly, on an insane scale, would make us happy, other classes who fight a 'distance' can do this, why not us?


as u can see BW my suggestions are simple and have no mention of any crazy changes that would require all kinds of programming or damage buffing!


Hope this was insightful, add anything u feel should be addressed, peace :cool:

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~more CC defense, yes this would make us happy by itself

~give us some CC's/stuns to keep our opponents from escaping us so easily:

-while i find it strange that our Force Kick does no damage, i would be perfectly fine with that if perhaps it applied a 2-3 second stun (huge help)

-BW please let us stun Strong+ mobs and other players with our moves that apply stuns, u have no idea how this would greatly, on an insane scale, would make us happy, other classes who fight a 'distance' can do this, why not us?


as u can see BW my suggestions are simple and have no mention of any crazy changes that would require all kinds of programming or damage buffing!


Hope this was insightful, add anything u feel should be addressed, peace :cool:


More CC defense would be great, I actually think a little tweaking here would put is in a great place PvP wise.


Giving ups More CC would help in PvP, but we don't really need it, our class is not about CC and control, more about raw consistent damage and healer destroying.


Force kick has a 6 or 8 sec cd, a stun of any kind on that would be out of control ><.


Using the special stun abilities of master strike etc on strong mobs would definately be helfpul for PvE. And if you were going to give us more CC master strike would be cool flavor wise, but then we have 2 channeled stuns and that sucks, plus I'd perfer the CC defense more.


Glad to see your enjoying Sentinel unlike plenty of others ><

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First off let me just start off by saying im a very casual MMO player and by no means a pro.


My spec is Watchman because im a fan of the Juyo Form, and i am loving it as i found that it produced not only good damage numbers, but a fair amount of utility. Regardless however of what spec u choose, i know u'll be a very capable PvP/PvE'er, BUT I have noticed that other classes seem to be 'easy mode' in comparison to us because we heavily rely on L2P than any other class! To further elaborate on that, pretty much every other class can spam two moves and win a fight. Sents/Maras however, need to learn to use a majority of their arsenal to be able to be on par, and this seems to be where the noobs are separated from seasoned vets. Because of the learning curve many are quick to shout 'OMG need buffs now!' and while i do agree we need a lil extra something, atm we are quite viable.


In PvP i've beaten many ppl 1v1, i pretty much floor every Sorc i come across, BH's put up a good fight, but i burn them down too, IA's i kill rather quickly as long as they dont get the jump on me with their arsenal of stuns (which 'is' our kryptonite, ill get into this later), however i do get floored by Assassins, idk they just hurt LoL! Warzones right now r pretty imbalanced so i find it funny when ppl use those to explain balance in PvP, however it has allowed me to test my Sents potential capabilities from time to time. One such occasion was when i faced a sorcerer who was over 10 lvls higher than me, and i just kept burning him down, he spent half his time healing and had a heck of a time trying to kill me, however the lvl disadvantage did catch up at a certain point and he killed me! but this fight proved that if i was equal or at least close to his lvl, i would've won :D. Furthermore whenever casters/long range fighters see me approaching they run, in Huttball its quite common that once im on top of them they rarely try to actually face me, but rather run towards the nearest air vent to blow them to another part of the map haha!


Now onto the weakness(es) of the class, CC's, yea all my fellow JK's/SW's pretty much nodded their heads LoL! For a melee class i find it VERY odd that we have the least amount of CC's and CC accessories. First off is our one and only CC break, which also happens to be a on 1 min cd, awesome right, totally acceptable for a melee class :confused: ! Then the one real CC we have, we cant move while doing it, other classes can CC u and pummel u with other moves, some which have stuns to further keep u locked down! In addition, as squishy as we Sents/Maras are this IS unacceptable!


Now i would like to bring about possible fixes to our class that could make us more viable, w/o the incessant cries of being 'OP'!


~more CC defense, yes this would make us happy by itself

~give us some CC's/stuns to keep our opponents from escaping us so easily:

-while i find it strange that our Force Kick does no damage, i would be perfectly fine with that if perhaps it applied a 2-3 second stun (huge help)

-BW please let us stun Strong+ mobs and other players with our moves that apply stuns, u have no idea how this would greatly, on an insane scale, would make us happy, other classes who fight a 'distance' can do this, why not us?


as u can see BW my suggestions are simple and have no mention of any crazy changes that would require all kinds of programming or damage buffing!


Hope this was insightful, add anything u feel should be addressed, peace :cool:


The bolster stat does help you out quite abit. So being 10 lvls below doesnt really mean much. When stats arent bolster in world pvp. Thats when true skill comes into play when fighting a higher lvl. Getting your Damage outhealed while having doc heal you. Be set for being in for a long fight. 2 on 1 fight and it still took me forever to kill a sorc who was 1 lvl higher than me cuz of his healing. and popping out of stealth.. Finaly stacked up my focus interupt his healing applied cauterize and cripple throw and force stasis to reinterupt and took a huge chunk out of his life with master strike. when he started to run with his leg between his tails all across tatooine where I chased him down whooping his *** till i finaly killed him.


thinsg that will fix our class and have us do our roles correctly as a Melee PURE DPS class.


1. Our offhand weapon being scaled correctly. It does crap dmg in all honesty.

2. We should get a better speed boost.

3. Force Camo to be extended cuz it useless at 4 seconds.

4. Have our stuns work on elites pvp.

5. And give us another gap closer. We should have gotten a force pull

6. Shorter cool downs for defense and CC breaks.


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Although I am only lvl 32 at the moment, I spend majority of my time in warzones(32valor) and would have to disagree with the above statements regarding adding additional cc, cc defense, increasing off hand damage, gap closer ect.. As a watchman spec user, I have no issues staying on a target and feel like the only thing stopping me from wrecking everyone right now is the cc. I don't want the class to be too easy as I enjoy the challange. The only thing I could agree on is speed boost but I can't really say if it's actually needed or just being greedy. Camoflauge as it is does not need to be changed, it gives us enough time disengage when we are being focused by multiple players and jump back in. I do feel the JK is missing something but just can't put my fingure on it. The only thing bothering me right now is slash, the slow animation just doesn't seem to flow.
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More CC defense would be great, I actually think a little tweaking here would put is in a great place PvP wise.


Giving ups More CC would help in PvP, but we don't really need it, our class is not about CC and control, more about raw consistent damage and healer destroying.


Force kick has a 6 or 8 sec cd, a stun of any kind on that would be out of control ><.


Using the special stun abilities of master strike etc on strong mobs would definately be helfpul for PvE. And if you were going to give us more CC master strike would be cool flavor wise, but then we have 2 channeled stuns and that sucks, plus I'd perfer the CC defense more.


Glad to see your enjoying Sentinel unlike plenty of others ><


i see what ur saying about giving a stun to Force Kick, however giving like a 1 or 2 sec stun honestly would just be putting us on par with other classes as they have a plethora of CC/stuns.


The bolster stat does help you out quite abit. So being 10 lvls below doesnt really mean much. When stats arent bolster in world pvp. Thats when true skill comes into play when fighting a higher lvl. Getting your Damage outhealed while having doc heal you. Be set for being in for a long fight. 2 on 1 fight and it still took me forever to kill a sorc who was 1 lvl higher than me cuz of his healing. and popping out of stealth.. Finaly stacked up my focus interupt his healing applied cauterize and cripple throw and force stasis to reinterupt and took a huge chunk out of his life with master strike. when he started to run with his leg between his tails all across tatooine where I chased him down whooping his *** till i finaly killed him.


thinsg that will fix our class and have us do our roles correctly as a Melee PURE DPS class.


1. Our offhand weapon being scaled correctly. It does crap dmg in all honesty.

2. We should get a better speed boost.

3. Force Camo to be extended cuz it useless at 4 seconds.

4. Have our stuns work on elites pvp.

5. And give us another gap closer. We should have gotten a force pull

6. Shorter cool downs for defense and CC breaks.


yes i and every other Sent/Mara out there would absolutely love to have our offhand damage scale better, no argument there. But as to the Bolster comment, the example that comes to mind is: lets just say ur up against a person of equal strength and talent, however the other guy has more tools on his belt, he has the clear advantage! and 10 lvls higher thats already a full tier of moves acquired!


I do feel the JK is missing something but just can't put my fingure on it. The only thing bothering me right now is slash, the slow animation just doesn't seem to flow.


we've stated what we needed haha :rolleyes:

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on a further note I have noticed others bringing to light ability lag and clunky animations to some of our moves, namely Slash, the latter I don't think anything is being done for as of yet, but the ability lag I think is being addressed in the next patch.


And it seems that only the Guards r getting the buff treatment for now, hopefully that changes soon.

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I like your line of logic, I think we are sligtly underpowered and our survivability rate is a bad, but anyone can over come that with experiance. I think once they fix the animation and combat action ques, alot of our problems will be fixed. I do agree on the CC ability though.
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I don't feel like the Sentinel needs more CC of their own, maybe just a better way to circumvent the CC of other players. One idea I had was for resolute to fill the resolve bar. Sometimes I also feel like the Unremitting talent from the guardian tree should just be a basic function of force leap, at least the anti CC portion of it. There's nothing quite as frustrating as getting knocked back mid leap or directly after a leap.


The combat tree feels like its a bit lacking compared with the watchman tree but I've no decent suggestions for it.


My biggest problem with the sentinel right now is the animation stuttering issue that costs me 2 or 3 global cooldowns almost every fight. Do other classes suffer from this problem? I often tell other people about it and they don't have a clue what I'm talking about. For me its game breaking, almost enough by itself to make me quit playing sentinel. If they fixed it I think I would love this class, at least watchman.

Edited by Guardianbuzz
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We don't need buffed damage, we don't need a longer Force Camo, we don't need to move faster, we don't need to try to imbalance the class for the sake of being able to curb stomp other players while wearing level 49 questing greens. That being said, there are two areas that we do need help in:


1) We need an active knockback resistance. By active I mean you have to activate an ability which grants you knock back immunity for a short time. This could be a new ability, I mean I still have the Alt+Shift+Ctrl+A key unbound...could put it there. Or attach it to an existing ability like Blade Ward or Force Camo. All classes should have this, not just us.


2) We, as well as all Melee, need to have the 100% root affect our resolve bar. As it stands now, Melee has 2x the amount of CC that can be used against us - stuns, mez, snares, and roots vs stuns and mez for ranged since they can still do damage in the latter two. Simply by knocking us back and rooting us in place they take us out of the fight. On the other side, Melee has nothing like this to use against range.


There is nothing more infuriating than a Sorcerer stunning us with their stupid finger lightning, then whirlwind us, then knocking us back AND rooting us to the ground. A well played Sorc or Sniper can effectively remove melee from the fight for a good 18 seconds.


In addition for PvP, make the CC break (Resolute) reset every time you die.

Edited by Maefly
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We don't need buffed damage, we don't need a longer Force Camo, we don't need to move faster, we don't need to try to imbalance the class for the sake of being able to curb stomp other players while wearing level 49 questing greens. That being said, there are two areas that we do need help in:


1) We need an active knockback resistance. By active I mean you have to activate an ability which grants you knock back immunity for a short time. This could be a new ability, I mean I still have the Alt+Shift+Ctrl+A key unbound...could put it there. Or attach it to an existing ability like Blade Ward or Force Camo. All classes should have this, not just us.


2) We, as well as all Melee, need to have the 100% root affect our resolve bar. As it stands now, Melee has 2x the amount of CC that can be used against us - stuns, mez, snares, and roots vs stuns and mez for ranged since they can still do damage in the latter two. Simply by knocking us back and rooting us in place they take us out of the fight. On the other side, Melee has nothing like this to use against range.


There is nothing more infuriating than a Sorcerer stunning us with their stupid finger lightning, then whirlwind us, then knocking us back AND rooting us to the ground. A well played Sorc or Sniper can effectively remove melee from the fight for a good 18 seconds.


In addition for PvP, make the CC break (Resolute) reset every time you die.


as much as i would like the damage we do buffed, i dont think its of 'great' need right now so im 50/50 with u there. However, i do agree completely with ur statement of the CC/knockback defense issue! We absolutely NEED something to counter these as way too often it takes us out of the fight long enough for others to play target practice with us! Its always the same: i close gap, get knocked back, stun/kite, shoot, repeat if i've gotten close again!


and the other issue which needs to be addressed is the damn GCD's that prevent us from true damage max'ing cuz im A) watching my hotbars as much as fighting and B) not being able to use a move i need cuz another temporarily shut it down! and the 1 minute CD's of the moves that help us stay alive like Pacify and Awe should be reduced.

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I dont think we need CCs.

what we need is DAMAGE.


This is the way I think:


They can hide, they can cc, they can push us, but once we got in range. we should do A HUGE amount of DAMAGE!!


And i dont see this. what i see is they fighting us and we have to use our camouflage to run away in fear.


that is so wrong.

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Sentinels can do great, but speaking as someone who has multiple alts across different playstyles, including ranged DPS, tanks and healers, the biggest issue is just how much sheer EFFORT you need to put in to do it.


Every second of PvP combat as a Sentinel/Marauder is a mad rush to apply CCs, debuffs, refill your focus bar, counteract CCs and Debuffs on you, use your Centering buffs, position, keeping in melee range, strafing, and all that with extreme squishiness and the fact that as soon as the enemy sees two lightsabers in your hands they focus fire you like no tomorrow.


Every moment is nuts. Other classes are ridiculously easy in comparison, and THAT'S the big issue, not damage output, not anything else other than the long list of finicky little things Sentinels/Marauders need to deal with to even match other classes.

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Just yesterday while doing the PvP daily I was just chilling a bit trying to stay back for a bit before engaging. My friendly neighbourhood Shadow "jumps" into the fray and gets attacked by 3 of the 5 people defending the door. I decide that maybe I can give him and the Smuggler that just popped up behind one of the Imps backs a helping hand. It didn't even take 2 seconds for 4 of the 5 imps to shift their focus from my Shadow friend(now at 60% health) to me.


It's like whenever I unsheathe my sabers a huge sign pops up over my head that says "Easiest target to focus down, right here!" and I'm dead in 3 seconds due to trying to use my CC breaker and use any of the defensive CDs but it takes 2 seconds for it to actually fire off and then the cooldown on it is spent and I'm at 3% health.

Edited by Satsujinki
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Having played my Sentinel to level 28 and all PVE, I have done something a bit different than the rest of you. Until I went to Alderaan, I never used a single skill point. Not a one! Then I went to Alderaan and life changed. I made the mistake going there before Tatooine and now I am there. I was trying to take on a single elite npc and he owned me and my companion each time. He was level 29, so I decided to use all of my skill points in the combat tree. Things should be much easier now right? Wrong. I found no change at all. I was extremely surprised since there is a day and night difference in other MMOs like Rift. So far I have to say I am disappointed in the skill tree. Like I said before, I've done this with other MMOs and you know the difference even on the easy mobs.
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since I had hit lvl 40 and from my time spent on Hoth (now I'm lvl 43 on Belsavis) I've noticed the game getting a bit harder as the mobs now snare, stun and knockback A LOT. We need defense against these things BW, I have faith that u guys will address this!
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To the OP:


You have stated this better then any thread that ive read so far.. We arent broken, we are just harder to play. Some if the ranged classes have a AoE that can kill packs much faster than us...


But I will say this..as watchman..very few classes can wreck havoc 1vs1 like us.. On my server combat is the more popular spec however, but I like watchman more

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since this is my Sentinel Journal I try to keep this updated frequently not only for myself but for those interested in stuff besides 'theorycrafting'.


Now this bit of info is for the JK New Jacks out there, this applies to all, AND is a 'slight' spoiler. When ALL JK's hit lvl 40 put 'some' effort into gearing T7 as I'm hearing that the final story quest will require him. Just a heads up

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BW please give us some CC/knockback defense, i cant tell u how frustrating it is to be knocked back, CC'd, close gap, rinse and repeat. applying a defense to our moves such as Rebuke or Saber Ward(should be both) or possibly to saber forms that would reduce the chance of us being affected would greatly be appreciated


Thanks for listening. peace

Edited by SuperPancho
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Honestly, fix the ability stutter and maybe give force leap a 2-3s CC immunity and we'll be owning... It would also be really nice if stasis was an instant.


I admit, at earlier levels I had a hard time in PvP. But from 40 onwards it all seemed to come together.

In one on one fights I can kill anybody. If I get focused by a bunch of sith then I go down like a sack of spuds, but really that's to be expected.

It's not like we dont have anything to deal with it. Rebuke, sabreward, camo, awe, pacify, transcendance and guarded by the force etc give you a ton of options.

There's been a few times I've been focused by three or so sith and still managed to kill one of them.

My experiences of world PvP with Doc have taught me, that given a little healer love we become very very nasty. I've killed a lot of sith several levels higher than me. Even killed a level 50 bounty hunter at level 42... And if you cannot kill a healer then you are doing something wrong. Keep them interupted (watchman ftw) then they are dead men walking. Even at higher level than you.

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ok so for an update after the last patch here is my experience on PvP killing fields, in other words Warzone:


The 'ability lag' although not completely fixed, has actually gotten tremendously better! My instant abilities still don't fire off right away, but at least it doesn't take 10 button presses and a 5 second lag to execute anymore! Keep up the good work. In addition, because my WZ PvP was so terrible I avoided it for almost 10 lvl's! But last night I was topping damage charts, and once was even on top! Heck even those pesky Assassins were even beatable, something that for 'me' anyway, wasn't possible.



CC is still our worst enemy, and being stunlocked for a good duration of ur fight is still prevalent, but hey, this goes to show u that were VERY capable fighters and should be feared, peace

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  • 3 weeks later...

since my IRL friends and CoD clan got jealous of this game i had to take a bit of a hiatus so thats why i havent updated my Sentinel Journal in a good minute haha :p! So as before this isn't a QQ thread, nor a thread to demand my class become the next OP-FOTM, this thread was meant to share my experiences, tips on killin' mobs and offer 'suggestions' to areas we 'could' use an 'adjustment' too.


when i finally hit lvl 50 (a month and half after release, hey im as casual as they get) i noticed that things did indeed get tougher, although still completely manageable. Usually being a lvl or two above the mobs i was killing definitely made me feel like the Terminator plowing through a group of Oompa Loompas, although if there were more than one strong or an elite in the group then i'd definitely suffer a few good gashes haha! But now that the mobs are the same lvl as i, things have scaled in difficulty more, but, if i keep an eye on my cd's and use my abilities wisely i can still cut them down and leave a bloody mess. One thing to never do is underestimate the stopping power of trash mobs, just cuz a few swipes of ur glow stick can take them down, don't mean they hit like a b*tch! If theres 2 trashies and 1 strong/elite, i send Kira after one trashy and i kill the other, afterwards i just focus bomb the strong/elite then done. If however theres more than two trashies and/or strongs then things get tricky, but very doable. I send Kira to attack one of the trashies, then i leap to another, hit Zealous strike, Force sweep, then use either Pommel Strike or Oppurtune Strike, then finish ... the next dude u hit with Blade Storm then again use either PS or OS, finish him (pun intended) then kill the Strong/Elite, and yes ur defensive CD's will definitely be used! When facing two Strongs or Elites i start off with using Awe, then me and Kira just Focus bomb one of them, then proceed to the other, two strongs WILL go down, two elites r gonna put u to the test!


my lvl 50 WZ experience has been a bit rocky i must say, facing down others who r all decked out in champ/BM gear will definitely tear u apart if u happen to be less than better than them! i only have two pieces of Champ gear, a relic and implant (yay me :( ) and on more than one occasion I have been beaten down by other Sents/Maras who had the gear advantage! since the lvl 50's have been put into their own tier u no longer have the ability to kill lowbies and rack up kills, cuz lets face it the scaling dont help much if theres a substantial difference in lvl between u and the guy who's putting ur head in the toilet! So now that a majority of my opponents have all kindsa crazy gear it definitely has become much more difficult... but not impossible, so dont start tearing up haha!


Now onto class ‘adjustments’ :D


~Now I have been seeing some complaints about our Merciless Slash, which I too agree that in comparison to the endline abilities of other class trees is rather lack luster!

-Merc Slash as it is is 'ok', it gives us burst and reduces it CD but i think it should also accommodate our DOTs since thats what the Watchman spec is all about. Merc Slash could have the ability to reset whatever DOTs have been placed on ur opponent, this is something that would be beneficial w/o going overboard.

~The CC issue has been ongoing for quite some time and it really is the only thing that keeps my Sentinel/Marauder bruthas and sistas down!

-Force Leap/Charge should have a CC/knockback defense for 3 seconds or so.

-Rebuke and Saber Ward could be given something like a 40% chance to resist CC's and knockback

-or perhaps make our Stances have a passive CC defense: Ataru Form- x% chance to maneuver through a knockback; Juyo Form- x% chance to power through Stuns/kites; Shii-Cho Form- x% to resist stuns/kites/knockbacks (obviously lower than the other two forms)


alright everybody please /sign if u agree with my 'suggestion's haha. peace :cool:

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Well, this is refreshing. A sentinel thread that does not consist of whining and trolling. *sigh*



I am not a serious PvP'r, so let's just get that out of the way. The primary reason I don't PvP, is cause of the CC issue. I don't like the fact that I get Kb'd, and rooted every 30 seconds, and spend a lot of my time in the dead box as a result. Now, I know why I end up there; I'm boss. Again, I am not a PvP'r to the core, I'm a casual across the board kinda guy. A little of this, a little of that. If I had to be incredibly immodest, I'd say I'm a decent sentinel. I frequently land within the top 5 in damage, and very rarely am I less than top 3 for objectives - which is what counts, IMHO. If I can close the gap, I can wreck a lot of people. But that is a big IF.


The majority of the people I cross on my server are... decent players. They aren't great, they don't get the basic mechanics of PvP, and they make a lot of mistakes. I have no idea how solid PvP'rs feel, because if *I* notice the mistakes, they must be laughin their butts off. But even with that, it is damn hard at times to do well on the scoreboard, because the vast majority of classes have several ways to deal with us.


Now, I don't want buffs to damage. I also don't want more CC, or to have our CC taken off channel. I think it is fair the way it is. Honestly, if we could cc and close to beat them, we'd be OP. Too easily abused, IMO. And as for more damage? Why, we already wreck, if we can close the gap. Buffing our damage would only result in a nerf someplace else, down the road. And with a decent healer, or smart management of our defensive cool-downs, our squishiness can be overcome for the time it needs to hurt the other guy. As I see it, our only real issue is gap-closers.


That can be overcome with either new ways to actually close the gap, or by limiting things like root/snare/KB. I am all in favour of a passive resistance through spec. Like, say, adding it to something like 'defensive forms,' or even 'defensive roll.' Gives the Combat spec something a little more appealing, but doesn't put it too high into the spec that others can't benefit from it. As for additional gap-closers... i am not so in favour of that, as I play watchman and I get some decent force-leap action going there. I really like the idea of havin a KB resist inherant to Leap, or even spec'd to be so.



/sign on the idea of a low % passive resist to KB/Root/snare OR a (spec'd) resist made apart of Leap.

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My main is a GS and I feel like he is as difficult to do well with especially where pvp is concerned. So many skills what to use and when is as important if not more so in pvp with a GS. However to be honest I almost chuckle when a marauder approaches my GS. Free kill if we are both at full health. Sadly enough sent/marauder and my mirror (sniper) are my favorite targets, every other class is hard to kill with a GS 1v1.

Pvp with sentinel is easier overall honestly until I get focused but that is hard on any class. For some reason I can burn down a sorc much easier with my watchman spec sent than any spec I have tried on my GS. Strange that but I still feel like sent is a tad underpowered for how much micro management they require. Not bad just not what one would expect for the difficulty level in playing one. I would put them on par in this respect with sniper/gunslinger overall.

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~more CC defense, yes this would make us happy by itself...

Possible, but has to be very strategically placed. Giving this to someone in full watchman would be a very bad idea.

~give us some CC's/stuns to keep our opponents from escaping us so easily:

-while i find it strange that our Force Kick does no damage, i would be perfectly fine with that if perhaps it applied a 2-3 second stun (huge help)

You want a SUB 10 SECOND COOLDOWN ON A STUN? Give this to ANY class, take away 50% of that class's damage, and the class is still overpowered because of it. I've seen this idea before, and quite honestly, it's always been absolutely insane.

-BW please let us stun Strong+ mobs and other players with our moves that apply stuns, u have no idea how this would greatly, on an insane scale, would make us happy, other classes who fight a 'distance' can do this, why not us?

Again, both skills that stun normal mobs are on very short cooldowns.... There is not a single class with a stun on a cooldown shorter than 45 seconds traited.


Sentinels are closer to overpowered than underpowered. Stuns need to be carefully monitored, and even giving us one on a 60s cooldown (separate from Stasis) threatens to make this class untouchable if the player knows what they're doing. Keep crying for a stun, if we get it it'll be at the cost of nerfing something else.


About the only thing beyond some Resolve tweeks (immunity to roots given by full resolve) I think this class could justify needing (and guardians need it too) is a "Blade Dance" (maybe "Death Storm" for Warriors?) of the same mold as Mortar Volley- a 1 minute cooldown that does heavy channeled AOE damage. Only obviously for us it'd be a melee range channel, possibly uninterruptable or just immune to knockback, though I would introduce it as a standard channel at first. This would primarily help with leveling, but would also give us a area-clear in PvP. Sweep can do heavy AoE damage, but it's intimidation factor isn't there because people don't see the animation if they're not actively watching you. However people tend to scatter when they see ground-AoEs.

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