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We need mailboxes in our ships


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How would the physical objects you receive in the mail get to your ship?


i can carry the corpse of a man in my pocket for bounty hunter quests

whenever i travel in a taxi mako goes into my pocket and appears at the

other end of the journey....realism try to escape it in game like the rest of us


regarding mailboxes why even have them? this is a futuristic world

i dont need postman pat to deliver things into a physical mailbox

i should have a datapad for instant mail. Maybe ships for bought items ?

or a companion bringing you the item like they would when they scavenge etc

Edited by Alpha-Llama
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Feel free to come up with a reasonable explanation to why mailboxes naturally belong on a spaceship, if you're so imaginative. It's a fair comparison given the complete lack of logic involved.




Because smugglers live in space.

Maybe you're wanted and can't step foot on a planet.



Those are just two which i really didn't have to think about, it's just a given.

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Why is the time it would take for the ship to dock at the orbital station it's sitting next being compressed down to zero seconds any more logic breaking than the time it takes for something to be shipped from across the galaxy being compressed to zero seconds?


It's shipped to a destination that's inherently not available for shipment. The courier rarely put up with a chase across the galaxy to eventually deliver objects, through space battles and asteroid hazards. You give them credit though. :p


Abstraction follows a certain logic. That of time compression. Delivery to an object that's out of reasonable bounds of delivery, follows no special logic.



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Because smugglers live in space.

Maybe you're wanted and can't step foot on a planet.



Those are just two which i really didn't have to think about, it's just a given.


You don't get a mailbox for that. You might pay for an event delivery.



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Feel free to read the thread before posting, if you're so smart. I have repeated myself enough already.





lol and you got faced.


Just face it, there are plenty of good reasons to have a mailbox on your ship.


Every argument you've brought up has been debunked with real world examples of how or why.

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Sounds like a good idea. I fully support this. I would also like a "recall to ship" option on 1 hour timer or so.


I would also like to have a shared account bank and guild bank. If I can access these from my ship that would also be sweet.


And yes I do realize that I am lazy.

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You don't get a mailbox for that. You might pay for an event delivery.




LoL @ you don't get a mailbox for that? How would you know, you know many smugglers that live in space?


Didn't think so.


Point is, it's possible to do it with technology we have today. It should be something that is possible in the SW universe.

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LoL @ you don't get a mailbox for that? How would you know, you know many smugglers that live in space?


Didn't think so.


Point is, it's possible to do it with technology we have today. It should be something that is possible in the SW universe.


Possible and plausible is two different beasts altogether. The latter is largely ignored for some reason.



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ok so just imagine your ship has a 'cargo bay' which connects to a delivery shute directly to your storeroom. Even out in space you could dock with cargo ships who deliver packages


Sorry missed this one. Yes, I like it since it comes with some sort of logic attached. They would have to split up physical and digital mail as a game mechanic this way though?



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It's shipped to a destination that's inherently not available for shipment. The courier rarely put up with a chase across the galaxy to eventually deliver objects, through space battles and asteroid hazards. You give them credit though. :p


Abstraction follows a certain logic. That of time compression. Delivery to an object that's out of reasonable bounds of delivery, follows no special logic.




When you're sitting in space, you can generally see the planet right in front of your ship. You are far closer to the station orbiting the planet where you could easily dock to pick up mail than Tatooine is to Dromund Kaas. How is instant mail from Tatooine to Dromund Kaas more logical than instant mail from the space station your moments away from to your ship?


When you're in your ship, it's not like you're sitting in deep space. You are right next to the orbital station you just took off from. I fail to see where the logical inconsistency is. A courier isn't delivering it to you, the few minutes it'd take you to fly and dock with the station to pick up supplies is just being compressed.

Edited by Putok
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Seems like a bizarro world if we can't read email from our ship. :)


Stick a mailbox in the captains quarters please.


Also add GTN, instant travel to flashpoints to the ship, daily quests npc´s and commendation vendors... i hate leaving my ship! *sigh*

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When you're sitting in space, you can generally see the planet right in front of your ship. You are far closer to the station orbiting the planet where you could easily dock to pick up mail than Tatooine is to Dromund Kaas. How does instant mail from Tatooine to Dromund Kaas more logical than instant mail from the space station your moments away from to your ship?


When you're in your ship, it's not like you're sitting in deep space. You are right next to the orbital station you just took off from. I fail to see where the logical inconsistency is. A courier isn't delivering it to you, the few minutes it'd take you to fly and dock with the station to pick up supplies is just being compressed.


You might be in deep space doing battles, the time you see the planets are in dominance because of the time abstraction. It's not logical to get steady delivery into a mailbox inside your ship, because you're supposed to be moving around when in a ship.


That the game abstract the time you see certain planets more than the hyperspace sequence, or the occasional space battle, does not mean you're automatically available at all times for a steady delivery of physical items, into a certain object in the ship.



Edited by Sernon
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You might be in deep space doing battles, the time you see the planets are in dominance because of the time abstraction. It's not logical to get steady delivery into a mailbox inside your ship, because you're supposed to be moving around when in a ship.


That the game abstract the time you see certain planets more than the hyperspace sequence, or the occasional space battle, does not mean you're automatically available at all times for a steady delivery of physical items, into a certain object in the ship.




I fail to see how compressing the time it takes to travel to the space station to pick up mail (which could be done by just clicking on the door to land, this simply avoids the loading screen) is any way less logical than allowing our companions to take your ship (while you're on it, possibly even doing a space battle) to simultaneously travel to 4 different corners of the galaxy to collect items for you.


Honestly, assuming that you docked to pick up the mail, and just never had to bother directly performing the action seems far MORE logical than allowing companions to take your ship to five different places at once while you're sitting on it. If you're ok with multiple weeks of travel to five different locations happening at the same time while you're sitting on the ship that your companions would have to borrow, why is picking up mail from the nearby space station without having to click on the door an issue?

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I Agree that you should be able to access your mail from your ship, Most evenings I complete the space missions and then have to dock and go through the whole saga of through the dock to just see what the mail is... In the day and age that SW is set surley Electronic mail is possible from any location..
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I fail to see how compressing the time it takes to travel to the space station to pick up mail (which could be done by just clicking on the door to land, this simply avoids the loading screen) is any way less logical than allowing our companions to take your ship (while you're on it, possibly even doing a space battle) to simultaneously travel to 4 different corners of the galaxy to collect items for you.


Honestly, assuming that you docked to pick up the mail, and just never had to bother directly performing the action seems far MORE logical than allowing companions to take your ship to five different places at once while you're sitting on it. If you're ok with multiple weeks of travel to five different locations happening at the same time while you're sitting on the ship that your companions would have to borrow, why is picking up mail from the nearby space station without having to click on the door an issue?


You seem to indicate an action to pick up mail, circumventing the mailbox, and apply rules of positioning in order to pick it up. This is fine by me, by these criteria.



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Possible and plausible is two different beasts altogether. The latter is largely ignored for some reason.




of course its plausable, you fool. You just choose it not to be. Like I said, lack of imagination. The way you insist to think inside the box is a perfect example.


I kinda feel sorry for you.

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bioware already use it in ME2, is e-mail so hard to imagine?


I suspect the difference between physical and digital mail might elude some people. Did you get physical items in this manner in ME2? I haven't played it in a while, but strange if they allowed that.



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of course its plausable, you fool. You just choose it not to be. Like I said, lack of imagination. The way you insist to think inside the box is a perfect example.


I kinda feel sorry for you.


By all means. If you insist on making everything black and white, the world will most likely comply. A credible explanation for mail delivery beyond faerytale adventures will however suffice in this context.



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lot of the morons against it saying how do they get items to ship teleportation dont exist


tards never went to Belsavis yet?


You uncover Rakata teleport pods that you can use, alternate to the taxi, and is much faster, it instantly teleports you around. There is a tiny mini quest where the girl is happy she can now use rakata teleport technology to teleport goods and materials to other colonies.


so teleportation does exist in game.


all we need is a rakata teleporter on ship and good to go.



half the morons whining there isnt teleport must be low level.

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