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3 medals for 524k healing ~~ nice medal system BW


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i spent much of my pvp time today looking for a killing blow or a 2.5k hit or spamming kolto probe on anyone just to catch more kills possible, best healer in our team several times , always like 6 or 7 medals at max while other dpsing (even pretty bad some1) was at like 10 or 11... gona try dps spec for the first time since i got 50 with my operative...
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If you're healing during a fight at the nodes, you should have gotten defender medals too.


not if your team has one node and you are at a second one trying to help you team take it.


if you are just sitting at the one you already have, then sure.

Edited by Jeopardydd
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That's the reward for playing objectively in huttball as a healer^^^


So while I keep the tanks up who get 100+ commendations per game I'm lucky to get 60-70...


When is this going to be fixed? The fact the medals hasn't been fixed yet is pathetic BW.


3 is about the max you can get doing a single "factor" of any Warzone. Those tanks are guarding, killing BCs, scoring, and doing damage, which earn them those medals. Do more than heal and you will too.

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3 is about the max you can get doing a single "factor" of any Warzone. Those tanks are guarding, killing BCs, scoring, and doing damage, which earn them those medals. Do more than heal and you will too.


well that's too bad.

I actually want to "heal" as a healer in warzones.

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3 is about the max you can get doing a single "factor" of any Warzone. Those tanks are guarding, killing BCs, scoring, and doing damage, which earn them those medals. Do more than heal and you will too.


Shouldn't you still be getting the 10 and 25 kill rewards and 5k healing, in addition to any attacker rewards.

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well that's too bad.

I actually want to "heal" as a healer in warzones.


You can still heal and do abit of dmg.


As a lvl 38 sage i usually get 200k+ healing and 50 - 80k dmg. I always get killing-blow and 10 / 25 players killed. With the new medals added it's not that difficult to get 6 - 10 medals.


Haven't played any WZs on my 50's since 1.2 so my only experience is from the lowbie bracket.

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You can still heal and do abit of dmg.


As a lvl 38 sage i usually get 200k+ healing and 50 - 80k dmg. I always get killing-blow and 10 / 25 players killed. With the new medals added it's not that difficult to get 6 - 10 medals.


Haven't played any WZs on my 50's since 1.2 so my only experience is from the lowbie bracket.



well aren't you special.

as a republic non-premade, I often top the healing charts at around 200k healing, and only do that by pretty much only healing.


maybe it's just my server, but we get stomped by the Imps, especially Imp premades, a lot.


I see no reason to pvp anymore.

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