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3 medals for 524k healing ~~ nice medal system BW


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I agree with the tunnel vision ... that's why healbotting in warzones is bad. Dps can play stupid but thx to babysitter in the back he gets away with it. Not to mention all the balance issues with pug healing vs premade healing, not limiting number of heals per pug etc etc ... I am not saying pvp healing is not fun for you. I am saying in this form it's not right for pvp.


And if you like challenge ... playing proper hybrid is much harder than just healing.


Using the words healbotting again just proves you either don't understand PvP healing or didn't read my entire post.

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I would like to add...


I think one easy fix would be giving protection medals for healers.


Like my Sage, I have shield I cast, if they made it the same as Tank Guard we would be fine. That would be a couple obtainable medals and encourage protecting and team work. :)

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That's the reward for playing objectively in huttball as a healer^^^


So while I keep the tanks up who get 100+ commendations per game I'm lucky to get 60-70...


When is this going to be fixed? The fact the medals hasn't been fixed yet is pathetic BW.


Aside from the fact that I'm 30% less effective in PvP (while everyone else is still 100% effective). This is one of the issues that really irks me as a healer.


The trauma debuff really doesn't slow me down too much, and I do think without it I'd be stupidly hard to kill, but I just don't like the implications of a blanket 30% debuff to my effectiveness.


I regularly heal in premades and get 5x or 6x medals with anywhere from 300-600k Healing done, mostly depending on how much of a fight the other team is willing to put up.


This is just absurd. Any Advanced class with a tank offspec can EASILY get 11-12x Medals. With Biochem and some effort they should get 13x or 14x.


The guys I play with regularly get anywhere from 10-14x medals per game, while I'm averaging 5-6x medals per game.


They of course get the MVP votes because people simply vote for the guy with the most medals/DMG done.


Then people complain about lack of healers in PvP. Maybe this is because to get more than 6x Medals I have to spend half the match attacking people. It's just absurd.


Furthermore in games like Huttball scoring the ball yields 0 objective points as does doing 150-200k Healing on JUST THE CARRIER.


The whole thing is a good example of how everyone, including developers view healing in a game.


So not only do I have to heal with a neon blue, clunker-face UI, but I get very little to no rewards for doing so, even when I do 500k+ healing.


I simply don't understand the thought process and feel that healers should get bonus medals for healing other targets, and get credit for kills made by players who have recently received a healing effect from us.


Trauma needs to be reworked too. I'm in very good gear. Champion/Rakata/Columi mixture for PvP and getting a 5k Heal as an operative is something I really have to work at. Good thing I have Biochem so I'm guaranteed that medal, but still it's quite ridiculous.


Doing 5k DMG is EASY.



The worst part about the whole thing is that I can respec Concealment and get 8-10x medals per game and have a hell of a lot more fun, especially when I'm Solo Queueing.






To all you high school drop outs who think healers should be "Doing DMG to get medals" you should really put your thinking caps on. If I have a spare GCD and someone who is SPECCED FOR DPS isn't topped off, then what do you think is a better use of that GCD? Healing the DPS (my job) or trying to subvert Bioware's medal system by doing 500-1000 DMG on the target?


Guess which one I'm going to do when I'm playing in a premade? The game should be about team work, not about dancing around a system that is specifically unrewarding to a full 1/3rd of the Trinity.

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To all you high school drop outs who think healers should be "Doing DMG to get medals" you should really put your thinking caps on. If I have a spare GCD and someone who is SPECCED FOR DPS isn't topped off, then what do you think is a better use of that GCD? Healing the DPS (my job) or trying to subvert Bioware's medal system by doing 500-1000 DMG on the target?


Guess which one I'm going to do when I'm playing in a premade? The game should be about team work, not about dancing around a system that is specifically unrewarding to a full 1/3rd of the Trinity.


Ok ... here is a quiz for you. You get pug warzone ... out of 16 ppl you get 8 healers who refuse to put dps abilities on their quickbars. What do you thing will happen in the warzone ?

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The PVP was better medals indepedent the role for things like:


- Make a point in huttball.

- Make a pass that results in a goal.

- Stealing the ball from someone.

- Etc


- Open the door.

- Disarm the bomb.

- Etc.


- Assaulting a base.

- Etc.

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Ok ... here is a quiz for you. You get pug warzone ... out of 16 ppl you get 8 healers who refuse to put dps abilities on their quickbars. What do you thing will happen in the warzone ?


First of all, you need to check your reading comprehension "SPECCED FOR DPS" (I even put it in caps for the slow people like yourself).


Second, you're delusional if you think you'll ever see 8 heal specced players in a WZ at the same time. It's just not going to happen.


Thirdly, who the hell said healers didn't put their DMG abilities on their quickbars? How the hell would you play 1v1 World PvP if you got caught with your pants down.


The point was, it's better to heal a DPS than to DPS yourself, for the sake of efficiency and teamwork. If you can't understand that then you might wanna go get that GED.

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To all you high school drop outs who think healers should be "Doing DMG to get medals" you should really put your thinking caps on. If I have a spare GCD and someone who is SPECCED FOR DPS isn't topped off, then what do you think is a better use of that GCD? Healing the DPS (my job) or trying to subvert Bioware's medal system by doing 500-1000 DMG on the target?


Guess which one I'm going to do when I'm playing in a premade? The game should be about team work, not about dancing around a system that is specifically unrewarding to a full 1/3rd of the Trinity.


I don't know if you were referring to me, but I don't think healers should be doing DMG to get medals. I think they should be doing DMG to help the team win. Preventing someone from capping an objective or planting a bomb in Voidstar or Alderaan is more important than topping off a DPS nearly 100% of the time, as is killing or stunning an enemy ball carrier in Huttball.


Maybe you play on better teams than I do. Ideally there would be a DPS around to handle those things so I don't have to, but that is often not the case. More often they are chasing down solo kills and completely ignoring the objectives.

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The PVP was better medals indepedent the role for things like:


- Make a point in huttball.

- Make a pass that results in a goal.

- Stealing the ball from someone.

- Etc


- Open the door.

- Disarm the bomb.

- Etc.


- Assaulting a base.

- Etc.


I'd like to see ones that include supporting the objective as well.


Here are a few from me:



-Protect the ball-carrier from X damage

-Heal the ball-carrier for X amount

-Deal x damage to enemy ball carriers

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if they make it easyer for "healers" to get medals then all there doing is giving more medals to those that your ************ about getting.....you dont want to do any work then you dont get medals thats how the system is.....
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I don't know if you were referring to me, but I don't think healers should be doing DMG to get medals. I think they should be doing DMG to help the team win. Preventing someone from capping an objective or planting a bomb in Voidstar or Alderaan is more important than topping off a DPS nearly 100% of the time, as is killing or stunning an enemy ball carrier in Huttball.


Maybe you play on better teams than I do. Ideally there would be a DPS around to handle those things so I don't have to, but that is often not the case. More often they are chasing down solo kills and completely ignoring the objectives.


Then it's your dps that are 'tards. Sure if I have to throw up some DoTs, a Telekinetic Throw, or maybe a stun or something to prevent a guy from capping an objective I'll do that. But if the dps in your warzone have half a brain they'll already be there doing that and you'll be helping them stay alive to do it while other people are beating on them. Each person is doing what they're most effective at and the guy trying to cap the objective goes down fast as does the friend or two that inevitably come to defend him.

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I don't know if you were referring to me, but I don't think healers should be doing DMG to get medals. I think they should be doing DMG to help the team win. Preventing someone from capping an objective or planting a bomb in Voidstar or Alderaan is more important than topping off a DPS nearly 100% of the time, as is killing or stunning an enemy ball carrier in Huttball.


Maybe you play on better teams than I do. Ideally there would be a DPS around to handle those things so I don't have to, but that is often not the case. More often they are chasing down solo kills and completely ignoring the objectives.


Who said I wasn't going to interrupt a cap? Where are we getting all these crazy assumptions from?


Point is interrupting a cap isn't going to get me a 2.5k DMG medal, much less a 5k DMG medal (next to impossible for a healer).


Do you know how much time I have to spend DPSing as an operative to get a 75k DMG medal when I'm heal spec?


I Shoot the guy to interrupt the cast and continue healing. I'm not going to waste my time dancing around for 10 minutes trying to kill someone when I can be healing the guys next to me who'll really lay the pain on the other team.


I regularly carry the ball in huttball as an operative healer and certainly guard doors more often than my DPS party members who are off jumping around in a pack of red names trying to get more medals, while I stand back, heal them, and watch the door, usually while tanking 2-3 DPS who think they have a chance at killing me.

Edited by Sprigum
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if they make it easyer for "healers" to get medals then all there doing is giving more medals to those that your ************ about getting.....you dont want to do any work then you dont get medals thats how the system is.....



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if they make it easyer for "healers" to get medals then all there doing is giving more medals to those that your ************ about getting.....you dont want to do any work then you dont get medals thats how the system is.....


I have to agree with Mekrath on this.




Edited by Leiloni
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your all saying you want more medals for doing nothing but healing....ok so they add more. now the ppl that play the system for what it is just got more medals to go after and you get to come back and whine about it some more Edited by tindin
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at lvl 30 i can get off 3-4k heals.....so how badly do you suck?
I play a 50 merc BH with full champ and never have healed for 5k but get over 300k healing all the time.can you post a vid of a bh merc healing for 4k at lvl 30? i dout it.
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I play a 50 merc BH with full champ and never have healed for 5k but get over 300k healing all the time.can you post a vid of a bh merc healing for 4k at lvl 30? i dout it.


are you healing speced? do you have a good crit rate? my guess is no

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First of all, you need to check your reading comprehension "SPECCED FOR DPS" (I even put it in caps for the slow people like yourself).


Second, you're delusional if you think you'll ever see 8 heal specced players in a WZ at the same time. It's just not going to happen.


Thirdly, who the hell said healers didn't put their DMG abilities on their quickbars? How the hell would you play 1v1 World PvP if you got caught with your pants down.


The point was, it's better to heal a DPS than to DPS yourself, for the sake of efficiency and teamwork. If you can't understand that then you might wanna go get that GED.


Right ... I remember ez healing from WoW. Buy blue gear, learn your pve rotation ... be god in pug battlegrounds. Only downside is half the players jump the ez train with you. If healing is the safe way to play pugs in warzones, as the game matures more and more ppl will pick that role. Now it's common to see 2 healers in warzones and the number is not going to drop.


As for the sake of efficiency ... you have a very narrow view of what can happen in PvP. Sometimes putting pressure on someone is much more important than healing someone who is at 50% hp and has retreated into safety.

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Since a hybrid spec/gameplay grants you more medals than a pure healer, they seriously need to introduce a dual spec feature. Switch to a hybrid spec when PvPing and switch back to a pure healer spec for Flashpoints/Operations.


There would be less healing in PvP I would guess since all the healers would spec DPS hybrid or pure DPS and games would be lost because of that but hey atleast we got more medals.

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Who said I wasn't going to interrupt a cap? Where are we getting all these crazy assumptions from?


Point is interrupting a cap isn't going to get me a 2.5k DMG medal, much less a 5k DMG medal (next to impossible for a healer).


Do you know how much time I have to spend DPSing as an operative to get a 75k DMG medal when I'm heal spec?


I Shoot the guy to interrupt the cast and continue healing. I'm not going to waste my time dancing around for 10 minutes trying to kill someone when I can be healing the guys next to me who'll really lay the pain on the other team.


I regularly carry the ball in huttball as an operative healer and certainly guard doors more often than my DPS party members who are off jumping around in a pack of red names trying to get more medals, while I stand back, heal them, and watch the door, usually while tanking 2-3 DPS who think they have a chance at killing me.


I play a Scoundrel so I know exactly what you are saying. I generally get both the 2.5k medal and the 75k medal from a few well placed airstrikes. But, I don't do the airstrikes to get the medals (which I could generally give a rats *** about), but because when there are 5 enemies gathered in a tight cluster around an objective, that airstrike keeps them from capturing the objective for a few seconds, and mitigates a ton of damage as well because it makes it that much quicker and easier for my teammates to clean up a bunch of enemies at low health.


In a typical win in Voidstar or Alderaan (never mind Huttball as it's a whole different deal), I'm generally somewhere between 250-350k healing and 150-250k damage, and I get plenty of 'great heals' comments.


Granted if I was on better teams (I queue solo on Republic side) my heal number would likely go up some and damage down a bit. The point I was making is that I am not trying to score medals in any way, it's just a natural result of doing what I have to. Like I said, I could care less about medals as commendations are virtually worthless for getting gear from what I have experienced.

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your all saying you want more medals for doing nothing but healing....ok so they add more. now the ppl that play the system for what it is just got more medals to go after and you get to come back and whine about it some more


Well I already offered suggestions to that end a few pages back, so I'll just quote myself:


They should start by making only healing spells award points for healing in warzones. So no medpacks or any junk like that. They should also make it so Sorcs/Sages can't abuse Noble Sacrifice (not sure how they'd do this). After that any non-specced healer only has two mediocre healing spells they can use to get healing medals, so if they use them in any decent quantity, they're going to be gimping their dps to do so.


I would also add that any action not done near an objective gains less points. So you can't just farm damage on people in the middle of a warzone. You can but it would count for much less towards medals than if you were to damage near an objective.

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Well I already offered suggestions to that end a few pages back, so I'll just quote myself:


ok if only healing spec can cure then healers (yes i'm a healer) cant get rewards for dps....



this isnt pve where keeping your tank up is your number 1 thing this is pvp and hey if some one dies they just come back. so if your just worrying about healing then deal with it as it is...

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I play a Scoundrel so I know exactly what you are saying. I generally get both the 2.5k medal and the 75k medal from a few well placed airstrikes. But, I don't do the airstrikes to get the medals (which I could generally give a rats *** about), but because when there are 5 enemies gathered in a tight cluster around an objective, that airstrike keeps them from capturing the objective for a few seconds, and mitigates a ton of damage as well because it makes it that much quicker and easier for my teammates to clean up a bunch of enemies at low health.


In a typical win in Voidstar or Alderaan (never mind Huttball as it's a whole different deal), I'm generally somewhere between 250-350k healing and 150-250k damage, and I get plenty of 'great heals' comments.


Granted if I was on better teams (I queue solo on Republic side) my heal number would likely go up some and damage down a bit. The point I was making is that I am not trying to score medals in any way, it's just a natural result of doing what I have to. Like I said, I could care less about medals as commendations are virtually worthless for getting gear from what I have experienced.


Screenshot of a match where you did 350k healing and 250k DMG please.


Valor is important for gaining ranks and getting the Battlemaster pieces.



I've done 831k healing, 156k dps, and 12 deathblows on my Sage and only received 7 medals. IMO shield needs to count as protection for healers


While a DPS guardian/jug can do 300ish dps some protection and gain 10 medals



Again, screenshots please. I simply don't believe this, and why should I?

Edited by Sprigum
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