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Marauder... Dont make one


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So I have found out after reaching level 50 on my marauder that they are not an ideal class at all. First off in pvp, its not like they're 100% gimped but they are definitiely not very good. Half the time when you use ravage it cancels and stops doing damage but you're stunned in place and keep channeling it while the enemy either runs away or beats on you. Also we have virtually no CC, cant heal, and only wear medium armor. Then in pve we're worthless too. As of right now no raid wants a melee class like marauder. All we offer is the same amount of dps as other dps classes, no crowd control, and we take more damage than ranged. Therefore no raid really wants you. As a marauder you may get lucky and the raid wont care and will send you an invite. But a progression raid group wont want you because all you do is hinder them slightly. So just a warning to anyone considering rolling marauder....think twice.
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I don't know about the raid part, but I do know that the pvp part is is wrong. Marauders do just fine in pvp, your characteration of ravage is not accurate. If you spec into carnage your target can't move. A week and a half ago I was the only marauder in pvp, now they are everywhere. You just have to play to your strength, burst dps then get away, you can close the distance quickly so after you escape charge back. Maras have some of the best defensive abilities in the game.
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I don't know about the raid part, but I do know that the pvp part is is wrong. Marauders do just fine in pvp, your characteration of ravage is not accurate. If you spec into carnage your target can't move. A week and a half ago I was the only marauder in pvp, now they are everywhere. You just have to play to your strength, burst dps then get away, you can close the distance quickly so after you escape charge back. Maras have some of the best defensive abilities in the game.


i know what youre sayign about them not moving, i am specc'd into it. but sometimes it bugs and like it doesnt go on cooldown or anything but im stuck in the channeling of it while it does no damage and i cant cant anything else until my guy stops the "ravage motion" so im basically stunned.

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ok nice video and all but it still doesnt fix the ravage thing, the cc thing, the heal thing. most of the kills by that marauder were when she wasn't targeted at all. that makes pvp really easy when youre not being targeted.

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None of those people as far as i seen are even 50 or 40 in the video, and it still took the mara a while to kill most of them. The class is clearly weak.


I'll be honest Maras are OKAY at the pvp thing imo. The damage part is fair they should all be even. I do have issue with no cc really but w/e we still fair okay, the ravage thing is what really pisses me off the others are just little bonuses that get irritating. But my biggest problem is that raids dont want melee. It has nothing to do with gear or skill its just the fact that they didnt want ANY melee other than tanks.

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So I have found out after reaching level 50 on my marauder that they are not an ideal class at all. First off in pvp, its not like they're 100% gimped but they are definitiely not very good. Half the time when you use ravage it cancels and stops doing damage but you're stunned in place and keep channeling it while the enemy either runs away or beats on you. Also we have virtually no CC, cant heal, and only wear medium armor. Then in pve we're worthless too. As of right now no raid wants a melee class like marauder. All we offer is the same amount of dps as other dps classes, no crowd control, and we take more damage than ranged. Therefore no raid really wants you. As a marauder you may get lucky and the raid wont care and will send you an invite. But a progression raid group wont want you because all you do is hinder them slightly. So just a warning to anyone considering rolling marauder....think twice.



We CAN heal. You haven't played Annihilation, have you? Bleeds + Berserk = Restores 18% of maximum health. And don't forget we can CC droids. Marauders can probably dish out the most damage in the game played right.


Problems in PvP? Then spec Rage. Problem solved. Anyone with half a brain can use it effectively and it DOMINATES.

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We CAN heal. You haven't played Annihilation, have you? Bleeds + Berserk = Restores 18% of maximum health. And don't forget we can CC droids. Marauders can probably dish out the most damage in the game played right.


Problems in PvP? Then spec Rage. Problem solved. Anyone with half a brain can use it effectively and it DOMINATES.


yea ive been considering playing rage for pvp, but my main objective was raiding lol. now thats it doesnt seem to be working that way maybe ill try rage and do pvp more. But i still hope they do soemthing about the raids. and as for annihilation i havent played it but i would assume that 18% heal thing has a huge cd, so its not like being able to heal constantly.

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yea ive been considering playing rage for pvp, but my main objective was raiding lol. now thats it doesnt seem to be working that way maybe ill try rage and do pvp more. But i still hope they do soemthing about the raids. and as for annihilation i havent played it but i would assume that 18% heal thing has a huge cd, so its not like being able to heal constantly.


The cooldown is dependent on how quickly you can build 30 Fury which isn't too long with the correct points placed.


Get 30 Fury --> Berserk --> Rupture --> Frenzy --> Berserk --> Deadly Saber then Rupture once it finished CD --> Get 30 Fury


Rinse and repeat then add Frenzy back in there once it finishes CD.


In PvP, with Rage spec, the only thing I really struggle with is geared Op/Scoundrels who knock you down to the ground and three-shot you, but then again a lot of people probably struggle against that.

Edited by Ardim
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The cooldown is dependent on how quickly you can build 30 Fury which isn't too long with the correct points placed.


Get 30 Fury --> Berserk --> Rupture --> Frenzy --> Berserk --> Deadly Saber then Rupture once it finished CD --> Get 30 Fury


Rinse and repeat then add Frenzy back in there once it finishes CD.


well thx for the tip, ill try rage first and if i dont like that ill try annihilation

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If you guys are complaining about marauders then you have not seen a decent marauder play.


The class is broken in pvp to the point where its just a joke. Self heals, invulnerability, vanish. They have more situational/selective survivability then Juggernauts in PvP and hit like a small freight train.


If you think that marauders are a bad class then you don't know enough about the game.

Edited by Schwarzwald
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as a merc healer in pvp I can tell you that a well-played marauder can seriously lock me down and force me to use cooldowns with stuns+interrupts for a very long time when played and timed correctly. I played against a few very good ones today and I could hardly do a thing when one was on me and cooldowns were gone.
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If you guys are complaining about marauders then you have not seen a decent marauder play.


The class is broken in pvp to the point where its just a joke. Self heals, invulnerability, vanish. They have more situational/selective survivability then Juggernauts in PvP and hit like a small freight train.


If you think that marauders are a bad class then you don't know enough about the game.



I think that my 50 merc facerolls marauders like they're made out of cheese sammiches and he's a fat kid with four arms and a love for cheese sammiches.


I think that my 50 merc, being arsenal, can burst you into the floor if I'm willing to deal with pop vent heat...or just kite you, 'cause I'll be holding my jetpack in reserve just for you if you force leap me.


G'head, fus roh dah me and I'll show you how ranged DPS is done. Fusion missle, couple of fire dots, pop my energy barrier when you wind up for ravage and set the heal to charging. When you're done, you'll have seen my HP bar move and then go right back, 'cause my crit/surge is enormous, and my self heals easily crit over 4k 38% of the time.



I do it all the time. All. the. Time. Your class is broken and you're giving bad advice to someone with a legitimate complaint; it should not be this easy for me to run around a WZ and just cherry pick warriors and guardians to just ...choose my own adventure in how high I want my killcount to be this session.


Assassins and consular, now there are some hard targets. They got toolboxes, and they're a wild ride when they're played by someone that knows how to use them.


Agents popping me for 6k with knockdown and another 2k+2k before I even get up? Beastly; good stuff. I gotta work to take them down.


Sorcs? They've got a functionally deeper pool of their resource to 'mana dump' with than I do, and their shield bubble is wicked, but ya know, there's nothing quite so gratifying as when a sorc knocks me back and gets it wrong...and then I jet burst -them- into the acid or fire and electro dart them.


It's like beating them at their own game.


But warriors..warriors got nothin'. You only 'dominate' against people that can't playe their class. Anything else played skillfully will eat you, sometimes in several different ways to the none you bring to the table.


It's not your fault. It's the designers' fault for apparently deciding that melee DPS and even melee tanking were just gonna be the class architectures they dropped the ball bad and hard on with release.


Dunno how it got through beta like that. I was in several phases of beta; it was a known thing. None of this is new.


I reckon they wanted more data before editing classes and waited to see how the first few months of live added to the picture, but that's just me rationalizing in the hope that they're acknowledging the problem at all.


Still, don't tell people that marauders can be awesome if they just do it right; everything sucks if you do it -wrong-. Do anything right, and anything is better than a marauder.


That's just the way it is. Have fun with it if you can, but be honest about the state of things. Or they don't get fixed.

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I think that my 50 merc facerolls marauders like they're made out of cheese sammiches and he's a fat kid with four arms and a love for cheese sammiches.


I think that my 50 merc, being arsenal, can burst you into the floor if I'm willing to deal with pop vent heat...or just kite you, 'cause I'll be holding my jetpack in reserve just for you if you force leap me.


G'head, fus roh dah me and I'll show you how ranged DPS is done. Fusion missle, couple of fire dots, pop my energy barrier when you wind up for ravage and set the heal to charging. When you're done, you'll have seen my HP bar move and then go right back, 'cause my crit/surge is enormous, and my self heals easily crit over 4k 38% of the time.



I do it all the time. All. the. Time. Your class is broken and you're giving bad advice to someone with a legitimate complaint; it should not be this easy for me to run around a WZ and just cherry pick warriors and guardians to just ...choose my own adventure in how high I want my killcount to be this session.


Assassins and consular, now there are some hard targets. They got toolboxes, and they're a wild ride when they're played by someone that knows how to use them.


Agents popping me for 6k with knockdown and another 2k+2k before I even get up? Beastly; good stuff. I gotta work to take them down.


Sorcs? They've got a functionally deeper pool of their resource to 'mana dump' with than I do, and their shield bubble is wicked, but ya know, there's nothing quite so gratifying as when a sorc knocks me back and gets it wrong...and then I jet burst -them- into the acid or fire and electro dart them.


It's like beating them at their own game.


But warriors..warriors got nothin'. You only 'dominate' against people that can't playe their class. Anything else played skillfully will eat you, sometimes in several different ways to the none you bring to the table.


It's not your fault. It's the designers' fault for apparently deciding that melee DPS and even melee tanking were just gonna be the class architectures they dropped the ball bad and hard on with release.


Dunno how it got through beta like that. I was in several phases of beta; it was a known thing. None of this is new.


I reckon they wanted more data before editing classes and waited to see how the first few months of live added to the picture, but that's just me rationalizing in the hope that they're acknowledging the problem at all.


Still, don't tell people that marauders can be awesome if they just do it right; everything sucks if you do it -wrong-. Do anything right, and anything is better than a marauder.


That's just the way it is. Have fun with it if you can, but be honest about the state of things. Or they don't get fixed.


What do you mean you THINK your merc facerolls Marauders?


And our class is not broken, but it does have issues but then again every class has some issue people complain about. I can effectively dominate all classes in Warzones except for geared for those Op/Scoundrels who knock you to the ground, three-short you and you only have enough time to say *hurk* bleaaah.


When I fight Mercs/Commandos and Consulars/Inquisitors I never Force Charge as my first skill when I fight them since I know they'll knock me away once I get some damage on them. There's not many things more satisfying than them knocking you back and then you just jump back in a second later.


Tracer Missile spam? How about I pop Disruption. Not only is your skill interrupted, but you can't use it for a few seconds which is enough time for me to get damage in.


And if me and a opponent are both at low health...Well. Two words: Undying Rage. Buh-bye.

Edited by Ardim
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I'm not sure about balance issue but I can tell you that the Ravage bug definetly needs a fix. Nothing better than stunning YOURSELF for 3s...

I'd say Marauders arent useless but some WZ's I feel on the bottom end of things, and it's not a question of not enough CD's or whatnot. I feel it's basic pvp design. The strength of knockbacks makes many cool and unique aspects of marauders (especially Annihalation spec) painful. I can only play so many Warzones before I start getting aggravated at the ease in which (certain) other classes can crush me.

On a side note: anyone else feel Marauders get the short end of the stick in relation to WZ medals? Might just be me but it feels more difficult to get 6+ medals in any WZ than other classes.

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Marauders are absolute trash in PvP. Lowe armour, no heals, no GOOD cc, not even a way to use environment to advantage in huttball, short of choking someone in fire (which most likely glitches ) or speccing into something. Wish we got force push like jugs... god i wish i would have went jug........ Why does a jug need to push someone away when hes tanking in heavy armour..?
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Marauders are absolute trash in PvP. Lowe armour, no heals, no GOOD cc, not even a way to use environment to advantage in huttball, short of choking someone in fire (which most likely glitches ) or speccing into something. Wish we got force push like jugs... god i wish i would have went jug........ Why does a jug need to push someone away when hes tanking in heavy armour..?




Did you not read anything that I posted earlier?

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If you guys are complaining about marauders then you have not seen a decent marauder play.


The class is broken in pvp to the point where its just a joke. Self heals, invulnerability, vanish. They have more situational/selective survivability then Juggernauts in PvP and hit like a small freight train.


If you think that marauders are a bad class then you don't know enough about the game.


Well said


If you guys are depending on ravage then your wrong. Force choke is cc force crush is cc force charge hass cc. If your rage spec force charge > force crush to build 4 shokewave > battering assualt in the meantime > smash your enemy and 4 of his buddies for mass dmg > get the **** out.


I'm amazingly average at pvp, so if I can figure this **** out so can you.


Oh and stack surge and power, its really sad that I have to spell it out for you.

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You're def right about pve and raiding, especially hard modes.


Its like being melee your a liability that no one wants.


Think I made a mistake choosing a melee class that can only dps. Nearly every other class has more utility and comparable dps so what's the point?


These issues were raised in beta. The only thing that's changed is adding undying rage and the rage generating shield, maybe also vicious throw. Not the overhaul that was required.

Edited by AngryWeaponX
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Well said


If you guys are depending on ravage then your wrong. Force choke is cc force crush is cc force charge hass cc. If your rage spec force charge > force crush to build 4 shokewave > battering assualt in the meantime > smash your enemy and 4 of his buddies for mass dmg > get the **** out.


I'm amazingly average at pvp, so if I can figure this **** out so can you.


Oh and stack surge and power, its really sad that I have to spell it out for you.




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Honestly.. the most op'ed people i have come across at 50 have all been marauders. Granted a majority don't do very well.. but the few that excel.. absolutely dominate. They are not as squishy as people make them out to be, they have good damage mitigation when cooldowns are used right.. when desperate have an ability that makes them practically invincible for 5 seconds, after which you can often cloak to escape death.


The one's i've fought against that faceroll and never die use these abilities perfectly. One marauder got the ' 'name here' is immortal' 3 battlegrounds in a row.. i'd only ever see the 'name here' is unstoppable!" before that.


They are difficult to play well, but are beasts once mastered. And yes the class is also very gear dependant as well.. as all melee classes are.

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What do you mean you THINK your merc facerolls Marauders?


And our class is not broken, but it does have issues but then again every class has some issue people complain about. I can effectively dominate all classes in Warzones except for geared for those Op/Scoundrels who knock you to the ground, three-short you and you only have enough time to say *hurk* bleaaah.


When I fight Mercs/Commandos and Consulars/Inquisitors I never Force Charge as my first skill when I fight them since I know they'll knock me away once I get some damage on them. There's not many things more satisfying than them knocking you back and then you just jump back in a second later.


Tracer Missile spam? How about I pop Disruption. Not only is your skill interrupted, but you can't use it for a few seconds which is enough time for me to get damage in.


And if me and a opponent are both at low health...Well. Two words: Undying Rage. Buh-bye.


Funny how it never seems to work that way in reality. Maybe everyone playing marauders just isn't skilled? That can't be the case; I'd have to assume everyone to be stupid to accept that as the reason for why I can -go around a WZ or huttball and systematically pick my killcount by preying on marauders-.


I'm not trying to brag about it; it's a -problem with the class- and I can only hope the promised patch to improve warrior and knight survivability delivers.


It's just lacking where it shouldn't be right now. Yeah, a skilled marauder doesn't immediately die while turning circles and doing retarded things like a derpy marauder, but it doesn't -matter-. Skilled just means I almost have to try to faceplant you; almost.


Its still systematic. You've got no surprises to pull. I can run around singing tra la la with energy shield up and just wait out your undying rage by healing through it.


Sorcs tend to get the best of me 'cause they've got spammable quick heals and a much deeper resource pool to spam things with. Assassins and operatives sometimes get the better of me, and I sometimes get the better of them, but they've got good toolboxes too.


Everyone can easily get the better of a marauder. Juggs take longer 'cause they have more CD's to power through, but whoop dee doo; I'm more intimidated by a sorc's shield bubble than your CD's that I can ignore most of with most of my attacks anyway.


My fire dots from combustible gas cylinder, fusion missle and incindiary missile instead of tracer when I'm rolling a pyro spec? Good gawd, there's nothing a marauder or jugg can do about that damage.


Nothing. Dot you and kite you and you're done. Against Arsenal builds, you at least have a chance that I might screw up, but how can keeping you dotted and LoSing you as a very nearly guaranteed win (barring interference from people that aren't you) as a guaranteed win be cool?


That ain't cool. I feel a bit dirty for doing it, but there it is, doable.


Just...bloody...acknowledge that warriors need some love.


And if that's not evidence that can easily prove itself, try getting your marauder into a serious ops team.


You won't be getting in because your class is great for anything, if you get in at all. You -will- be an unnecessary drain on the healers, and you will underperform compared to ranged DPS.


This stuff matters. A class that's a foot shorter on its own stick of what its supposed to be good at than anything else and better off being avoided for serious content raiding ain't good.


Not for you, not for me, not for the game.


I should not be able to do like I do on my BH. The day that marauders make me work like anything else does to kill them and I can't reduce it to a systematic faceroll will be a good day.

Edited by Uruare
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