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Nothing wrong with marauder except you.


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Nothing wrong with marauder just the players. Marauder isnt underpowered at all just learn the class or reroll.


Actually, there's nothing wrong with the class except you because you fail to recognize even the most basic of imbalances. If you had the slightest inkling how the class works you would know why you're wrong. If anyone needs to learn the class, it's the people saying that it's fine.

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Actually, there's nothing wrong with the class except you because you fail to recognize even the most basic of imbalances. If you had the slightest inkling how the class works you would know why you're wrong. If anyone needs to learn the class, it's the people saying that it's fine.


Uh disagreed, if people who play differently from you aren't having trouble with it then how is it imbalanced? People complain about dying all the time, yet I seem to rarely ever die unless I'm too stubborn to put any effort into the fight whatsoever. I concur with op, some people just aren't playing it right I think. Not saying it's the strongest class, but I don't think it's under powered. Either way though if bioware wants to buff it then by all means do it ;]

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Actually, there's nothing wrong with the class except you because you fail to recognize even the most basic of imbalances. If you had the slightest inkling how the class works you would know why you're wrong. If anyone needs to learn the class, it's the people saying that it's fine.


Is that why I consistently pull 300k+ damage on huttball? And am nearly impossible to kill because of undying rage?


Learn to play the class. We dont have CC's or many breaks because we do so much burst damage.




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I am getting so sick of these threads. People saying the class is fine are probably 50's in champion gear running over 11's and 14's in warzones, and people saying the class is broken are probably 14's getting run over by 50's in warzones. It is hard to know where any of the classes stand at the moment without a 50's bracket.
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