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SWTOR Arenas: How it Should be Done


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I have no problems with allowing PvP Arenas in this game.


As long as it isn't the only way to obtain high-end PvP loot.


This is pretty much how I feel too.


I don't mind Arenas, but it should only have access to the same loot you can get from Rated WZs.


Obviously at a slower pace, since you're operating a smaller team.

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5v5 is too zergy and is never really respected in any sort of competitive environment, it is very comp based because the games are so fast.


5v5 is the medium used for literally all competitive gaming. WoW is hardly the pinnacle of competitive gaming to back the 3v3 argument up.

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I doubt very much SWTOR will ever have arenas:

  • The PVP system in this game is too simple/random
  • MMO's are generally really really bad for PVP combat
  • Even Blizzard are on record as saying Arena was a mistake
  • Causes balance and gear issues
  • Creates 10 times as many QQ threads about X combo being overpowered
  • If you want proper player vs player, play a game that's good at it: An FPS like COD or BF, or an RTS like SCII or whatever. They actually reward skill and not just imbeciles who can play 20 hours a day and get all the best gear to faceroll people.

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  • 3 months later...
i agree with the 3v3 only, and i haven't read through all the pages of postings however, i like the way that SWTOR did their phasing. if they would use their phasing to control dungeon, raid, arenas and war zones as far as damage and what not goes then i believe that to be the best. 3v3 would result in the balance of war zones and raids would give feed back for the rest of PVE content. the only thing people could complain about would be open world PVP which isn't really large scale in SWTOR to begin with. i also like the no ranking or gifts or arena gear. the concept of getting PVP gear now is awesome the only thing holding you back if your self and your skills in the game. "NOT TIME" which is great for us people that have busy lives, if i get a weekend to just splurge and play all weekend that's great i can catch up t the rest of the world. or for people who like to make alts, its awesome. if any thing be given as a gift for people to not i do like the concept of leader boards only, and if anything were to be given i would say maybe like just a personal achievement, that you can see and hold on to for dear life if that your thing. but it wouldn't be seen or known by anyone else, except for the people that were competitive and payed attention. lastly i like the idea of simple maps squares circles triangles rectangles and objects to LOS with, if their were any type of ledges or what not that you can get on and use a knock back for, i wouldn't mind seeing like just a ledge that you cant space bar jump on to or over like a short wall. as to be used for LOS'ing purposes and not oh crap now i have to run a mile this way and run up this big ramp and on to the bridge ect. if they made like 10 maps that had a different look and shape to them it wouldn't get as old as fast considering that they were more of a simple lay out. maybe like 5 light side and 5 dark side themed maps with various shapes and entrances coming from different angles would be great.
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  • 5 months later...
YouTube video for those who want something to listen to:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bzz1EJX3p_Q



I do think SWTOR needs to have some sort of small scale PvP that can be played competitively. Competitive PvP will do wonders for the game and attract more players + be a big time sink for hard core players like myself. Here are a few things I would do to make a good competitive environment.


-Only have 1 arena bracket, 3v3. 2v2 is too individualistic and is very comp vs. comp due to the low amount of options when playing the bracket. 4v4 wouldn’t really work; it would lead to really slow games of 2 healers and 2 dps or really quick healer zergs with 3 dps on one target. 5v5 is too zergy and is never really respected in any sort of competitive environment, it is very comp based because the games are so fast. Balancing the game around 1 bracket would lead to a much more balanced and competitive environment.


-Balance the game around 3v3 arena, 99% of the time if something is balanced in small scale pvp it will translate to large scale pvp. If something is overpowered or underpowered in PvE have a bolster or nerf system that raises or lowers damage/healing that only works in dungeons/raids. You can’t balance a game around PvP and PvE at the same time with the same damage and healing multipliers for both. (Better explanation in the video)


-Have no rewards or end of the season titles for arena. Have leaderboards to show the teams and their ratings. Arenas should be played for the sake of competition. Not having end of the season rewards or titles would cut down on the cheating, account sharing, and politics that go on in PvP. I have friends that make tens of thousands of dollars every arena season selling gladiator and rank 1 in World of Warcraft, the only reason anyone pays that kind of money is because they get to keep something after the season is over. Not too many people are going to pay big money for someone to play their account if there is no reward they get to keep. (Again better explanation in the video, can’t seem to get the point across in text)


-Make functional arena maps, no raised platforms where knockbacks will be annoying, no RNG elements of any kind, no silly mechanics. Make functional maps that will allow for competitive play.


Be sure to let me know what you guys think below.


I too was a hardcore arena player in WoW.

I got to arena master on both my characters, 2.4k on my feral, and only 2.2k in rbg's because there was only 1 comp and feral's weren't good with that comp, but anyways...


I like the idea of a leaderboard, as long as the leaderboard is apparent, and players instantly can assign something to someone.

I still think end-season titles should be allowed, and only for that next season, and permanent titles for the best players. This gives incentive, and is actually a very good idea on Blizzards part.

A leaderboard should be in the PvP window anyways though, to really show the player's advancements.

On the other hand, I would say gear is a bad idea.


On WoW's 2v2, 3v3, and 5v5 brackets,there's a reason there's still 3 even though changed arena so much over the years.

3v3 is seen as the obvious competitive bracket. Whenever somebody wants to know someone elses rating and experience, they're talking about 3v3. Even tournaments are based around 3v3 for the most part, and this is good. it's the perfect bracket. Triple dps, double healer, and the standard comps are all available to see, and during some seasons, they're actually good.

2v2 is seen as the more casual bracket. Although I had to push myself to get 2.2k in 2s, I mostly did it casually with friends who weren't at my skill level, or to get my points for the week. Regardless, it's seen as casual.

5v5 is seen as the cluster**** that divides the confident and unconfident players. Of course, 5v5 was also explotive for titles, and in some battlegroups was an easy way to get your titles for the season, or get gear for the season. Overall, I would say bad for the game.


In my opinion to what you had said, I agree. There should be only a 3v3 bracket, but just like battlegrounds, allow casual and competitive queing for it.

WoW DID have a regular casual que for arenas, but then they removed it and never talked about it again for some reason. It was great practice, and fun with friends, and I'm not sure why they decided to remove it. 2v2 ended up being the general casual que anyway.


One thing I don't agree though is no raised platforms.

Platforms shouldn't get raised up and down, but they should be stationery.

This is a key concept in arena in WoW, and it gives players a way to exploit their abilities like pulls, pushes, and another form of line of sighting.

Not having them would be a HUGE mistake, and make all arena maps pretty much the same with no taste or difference in each one.


In my honest opinion, Swtor beats WoW out of the park. The only thing missing from swtor, that would make it THE game for me, is arena, and I really hope bioware impliments it soon.



-Titles/mounts are important to show off. Leaderboard important also. Must be easily/frequently seen.

-Raised platforms, that are stationery, are important.

-3v3 should be only bracket, but allow for casual and competitive queing. (maybe even have 2v2 for casual too)

-please impliment arena soon!

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  • 2 months later...
Geonosisian arena. It is flat, it is simple, it is round with enclosed walls all around. Any objections for that being the arena map for the game?

Ha! While i like the idea you have, the Geonosisian arena would be a VERY bad place for PvP all because of one reason: Snipers... I mean you might survive hiding behind one of the pillars, but good luck winning from behind there a Sniper can still Orbital Strike you or Suppressive Fire the pillar, you'll take damage and usually if its a tie, the team with the higher stats wins... And if you do choose to step out from behind the pillar... Well unless you are stealthed or have a HUGE endurance, I just don't see you making it very far...

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