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Impractical PVP Matchmaking...


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So it is apparent that PVP is one thing that has not been clearly thought through.


On my server of Sword of Ajunta Pall, there seems to be a 3-1 ratio of Imperial VS Republic at level 50. This makes it extremely frustrating when you are lower than level 50 when you queue for PVP.


When the score of a PVP session is an average of 4 kills Republic to 30+ kills Imperial the game takes on a completely negative light.


When is this magical patch to give tiers going to come out...


I bought this game to play PVP, not to be farmed by level 50's for commendations to get gear.

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I am Repub on Sword of Ajunta Pall, and the real issues there are the sheer number of premades and the number of 50's queuing combined with the fact that Repubs here are terrible.


My recommendation is if you start getting premades, just go level and alt or w/e; if you get non-premades, then try to squeak out a few wins.

Edited by Killadrix
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To be fair, we imperials get farmed by eachother as well. PvP is an afterthought in this game. It's there as an illusion or a "carrot" to keep pvp lovers subbed for when a balance patch finally comes out. If it wasn't there at all, they'd just lose a certain amount of subs and the PvE crowd would leave the minute they finished raiding.


This game is balanced 100% around PvE. That is the biggest sign of how little thought was put into pvp. Some classes like sorc/sage have so much utility that half the skills do not even belong on them in the first place. You even have some classes totally demolishing others. What I tend to ask myself is where did all the beta opinions go. I mean there must have been people trying out the pvp in beta and they must given their input.


Bio does not care about PvP and 6 years of developement and beta tests ignored regarding pvp is evidence enough.

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I know that reading patch notes that are being posted EVERYWHERE your launcher including is hard but.... try it?


Wow... How usefull is a note on the launch screen when BIO doesn't even follow it's own schedule when it comes to patches...


I know the patch is coming... The qeustion is how long are we going to have to set aside our desire to PVP...

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