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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Champion Bags


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Also I'm yet to see a person who is Valor 50+ and doesn't have at least half champion gear if not almost full set.


This is from playing the game and inspecting the people. Sorry but I do not trust words too much. Could be that some people opened 10 bags, got 1 item or 2 and then came here to complain and exaggerated.

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Also I'm yet to see a person who is Valor 50+ and doesn't have at least half champion gear if not almost full set.


This is from playing the game and inspecting the people. Sorry but I do not trust words too much. Could be that some people opened 10 bags, got 1 item or 2 and then came here to complain and exaggerated.



Feel free to examine me, Volta, on the shadowlands. I'm valor 51 and I do not have head, chest, belt, boots, ear, offhand, or weapon.


I have opened ~ 40+ bags. I've gotten 5 implants, 3 bracers and 3 relics. For which the repeats are completely useless since you cant even strip out the mods like you can with repeated boots, chest, head, glove, or leg slots.


Not to mention that the relics are terrible since they have no stats except for a 20 second window. I haven't even converted the relics since they are so much worse than the one from the shards or the ones from the light/dark side vendors.


I would be much less frustrated getting repeats of actual armor rather than BS trinkets.

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Yeah well to be honest, either they reward gear more often, or they lower the bag cost, or bags have to reward with more commendations.

3 commendations out of a bag that costs 200 merc comm and 200 warzone comm is simply stupid.

Unless you're lucky with the RNG you could have to run arenas for months before you complete a champion set: I'm not necessarily against the time sink per se, but the RNG shouldn't have that much of an impact, where some people might complete a set in a week because they're lucky while others have go keep going for months.


RNG is fine when we're talking random loot or very rare stuff which has a big impact on the game, but here we're talking about the armor you're supposed to be wearing if you want to stand a chance in arenas.

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But stupid is relative here. For example I see the Champion Bags as wellfare, easy to get, queue for warzones and win sometimes even if you are really bad so because of that they are bit random which makes it very casual friendly.



well, with this nonsense, at least you've proven that "stupid is relative" -- whatever that may mean -- at least in the sense that you, sir, have the lionshare of it.

Edited by Bluetickone
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