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Thinking about re-rolling to Merc


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Hey guys im a level 44 Powertech and im just not really enjoying my close range combat.


I am thinking about re-rolling to a Merc but i just want some advice from you guys if you think it is worth it or not.


I like to do alot of pvp and the ability to heal would also be nice.


What do you think guys is it worth the change?

Edited by Darth-Reaver
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I chose mercenary at first and only got it to lv 21 but i re rolled to a powertech because there performance in pvp just wasnt as good as powertechs due to low survivability and turret like and missile spam play style, however i did find it fun. If you want the option to heal go ahead but if i were you i would stick with the pt (i couldnt bare re rolling and going through the same class story and levelling it all the way to 44, but if you can go for it) Good luck in whatever decision you make :)
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I chose mercenary at first and only got it to lv 21 but i re rolled to a powertech because there performance in pvp just wasnt as good as powertechs due to low survivability and turret like and missile spam play style, however i did find it fun. If you want the option to heal go ahead but if i were you i would stick with the pt (i couldnt bare re rolling and going through the same class story and levelling it all the way to 44, but if you can go for it) Good luck in whatever decision you make :)


Thanks for your reply, i don't really want to go through the whole story again, just think im getting bored with Powertech

Edited by Darth-Reaver
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The quest line for the Trooper is very well done, but the animations and gameplay of the trooper suck compared to the Bounty Hunter.



I was kinda thinking of doing the same but I'm only level 30.

What I am thinking of doing instead is roll a trooper for the heal to see how it goes to 20.

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The quest line for the Trooper is very well done, but the animations and gameplay of the trooper suck compared to the Bounty Hunter.


I agree. I started on repub side with a trooper, and after running the BH stuck with BH. Both stories are great, but the attack animations and the nature of the attacks on BH side are just better. and the pistols feel godo compared to the troopers guns. the tanking trooper carries the smaller rifle (odd to me) and the healing trooper carries a huge gun? I stopped playing my trooper once I saw the big green laser of love zap out of that monster rail gun...it was about as dorky looking as you could get.


That's only my opinion of it of course...but wheras the trooper was meh to me (my main on Repub side is SC), the BH was full of win.


To the OP...I don't play allot of PvP, but if your looking for ranged fighting, Merc is it. I hear tht many folks are unhappy with how the merc plays in PvP compared to the PT, but thats what happens when you have cast timers on your main attacks vs. instants.


but you still have options. and you'll still have a few attacks at melee range too...which is good. because the mobs eventually run up to you.

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I am level 48 and I am a merc healer and my surviability is through the roof. It took 4 jedi to beat me down. People get tired of beating on me and move on because my heals are like 3-4 times more then their damage. With the shields and heal ability I can keep the group alive as they tear through the opponents and I am always top three each round. Mind you I only played 4 matches after I went from arsenal merc to body guard and have a blast
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I'm a level 34 arsenal merc and PvP has been hit or miss for me. One thing that makes it hard to judge is that all levels are thrown into the same mix right now, so you could be a level 24 against a whole team of 50s. It's really hard to do well against those odds. Fortunately, in the next big update(I think) they will be balancing warzones so that 50s aren't grouped with much lower players.


I've had some great warzone matches where I was dominating. And then I've been in some that I couldn't even get out the door without getting ganked. If there are a lot of marauders and PTs around and they know how to work together, it is really difficult to stand on your own without some really decent team coordination.

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No. You then either be stuck healing or spamming tracer missle. Not only that but you will miss your powertech once you realize you only have 2 out of the 3 specs that are good. Sure, pyro is decent for merc but it is vastly better as powertech and the other 2 merc specs are simply just so much better than merc pyro.


I find myself wishing my merc was a powertech quite a bit.

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if you want ranged, your better off going with a sorc or sage. they are comparable with dps and have superior heals.


Merc at 50 is a one trick pony with TM Spam, coupled with HS missile and rail shot for dps. Pyro merc's dps fails to keep up with it, and its easily able to be cleansed by any tech user with a cure ability which negates a significant portion of your damage over time abilities.


Right now sorcs get the same ranged damage as mercs, with a built in escape ability, a short range interupt which mercs do not get, and the same cc & knockbacks, minus the talent on rocket punch from what i can see.


To top it off, they are better sustained healers then mercs, since they can basically cast endlessly without running out of power, while mercs will eventually overheat.

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