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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Q's about tanks/healers and lgihtsaber mods


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Hi guys. just got to the third planet and i have a few questions before i go on.


Firstly a played WoW for a month or two and only had one DPS character.


I am also playing a DPS on SWTOR and am enjoying this game a lot more but nearly everyone that i join up with on heroics are also DPS. Now i am thinking of making a new character which is either a tank or a healer to help out in heroics but because i have never played any of these before i was wondering if you could give me some tips on being a tank or healer and how to play (i know this is a big request)




Now onto the lightsaber questions.


I have asked in game if i should either buy new lightsabers or just spend money and commendations on mods and the answer was to buy mods. So here are my questions.


i have artiface as a skill and have a few mods i can buy but was wondering how i get better spec mods. Do i just have to level the artiface skill or is it my actual character level?


I have only found red/blue/green crystals and was wondering if i can find all colours at all levels and they are just rare or do i need to gain a higher level for my character so i can pick better tresure hunting missions.


My blue crystal has changed from using just two blue crystals to needing two blue crystals and another thing that i think was called fire something (not sure what it is called) why has this happened?



Thank you and sorry for all the questions.

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Now onto the lightsaber questions.


I have asked in game if i should either buy new lightsabers or just spend money and commendations on mods and the answer was to buy mods. So here are my questions.


i have artiface as a skill and have a few mods i can buy but was wondering how i get better spec mods. Do i just have to level the artiface skill or is it my actual character level?


I have only found red/blue/green crystals and was wondering if i can find all colours at all levels and they are just rare or do i need to gain a higher level for my character so i can pick better tresure hunting missions.


My blue crystal has changed from using just two blue crystals to needing two blue crystals and another thing that i think was called fire something (not sure what it is called) why has this happened?



Thank you and sorry for all the questions.


I'll let someone else field the Tank and Healer questions


With Artifice you can make 2 mods, Hilts and Enchancement. Hilts will raise the damage of your weapon and also the level of it, as such you'll have a level requirement on those. i.e. Requires level 15 as you level your artifice skill you'll learn better recipes.


Your artifice trainer will only teach you green recipes for the most part. You can learn blue (better quality) recipes by reverse engineering the green parts. This is where you're running into the blue crystal needing 2 crystals and "another thing". You get these other components (gemstones) from doing Treasure Hunting missions. As missions cost money i don't suggest doing thse yet.


As for the Color Crystals you can only find Red, Green Blue and Yellow out in the world. All the reset are found in premade lightsabers.

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As your schematics rise in difficulty so does the requirements for materials.

Read the sticky on Reverse Engineering in the crew skills sub forum to answer this and other crafting questions you might have.



Reverse engineering non-equippable items is fairly straight forward. You start with a base item which is learned from a trainer or schematic and when you Reverse Engineer it, you have the potential of discovering a schematic for an improved version of the item. Once you find the improved schematic, you are done with the base item and can begin reverse engineering the improved item for a chance to improve it further.


Finding an improved item increases it's quality to the next tier. A Premium item will become a Prototype, and a Prototype will become an Artifact.

Edited by Owsley
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It's probably better to stick with a DPS character until you get a firmer grasp on the game. It's not that tanking or healing are that much harder, but people tend to blame you even when they make mistakes, so it could sour your experience pretty fast.


As a tank, people expect you to lead them through an instance. You need to know the pulls, which mobs need to be CC-ed, when to use your defensive cooldowns, when to interrupt, etc. This game doesn't have a threat meter or default target-of-target, so there are some UI issues which make things a bit more complicated right now.


As a healer, you need to know the pulls and when to expect a lot of damage. You also need to be able to gauge how good the tank is and be prepared to overcompensate. There is no healer UI, so it's probably the most involved role in the game at this point.


I'm not saying this to discourage you. I just think you'll have a better experience in the long run if you figure out the game before you go into tanking or healing.




Regarding your lightsaber, it has 4 moddable slots - color crystal, hilt, mod, and enhancement. With Artifice, you can create color crystals, hilts, and enhancements. Mods are made by Cybertechs, but you can also buy them on each planet from the Commendations vendor.


Your profession doesn't level automatically with you. You need to level it separately, by crafting items which give you points.


You start out with a few recipes, and every 20-ish points, you need to visit the Artifice trainer to learn new recipes.


I assume you have Archaeology as your gathering skill, and Treasure Hunting as your mission skill. As you noticed, you can gather crystals in the wild, so you don't need to send your companion on Archaeology missions, except for those offering vendor materials. The reason why you want to do that is because they bring you back vendor mats at much cheaper prices than you can buy them from the vendor.


Treasure Hunting provides you with blue and purple materials you'll need to craft superior items. You can't gather these yourself, so you'll have to send your companions out on missions.


You might have noticed that your bags have a Reverse Engineering button (if it disappears, talk to a vendor or use a bank, and it should reappear). You can RE your green items to get some mats back and have a chance to discover a blue version with more stats. RE-ing blues has a chance to give you an epic recipe, but don't do that at lower levels. Blues are fine and you'll outlevel them pretty fast.


If you don't have the materials to craft a certain item, mouse over the mats you're missing to find out what grade they are (there are 6 grades of both common and rare materials). If your crafting is a bit above your level, you can stop leveling it until your gathering skill catches up. If you can't find the mats you need on your current planet, it's likely you'll be able to find them on the next planet. If your gathering skill is too low for your current planet, you can go back to a lower planet and run around gathering a bit until you catch up (or send companions on missions, but that could get costly).

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