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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Hey guys, I will upload the full video tonight... I am sorry to say that due to sliw motion and other stop motion there will not be any gameplay sounds in most parts. The video is roughly 40min in length...



P.S.: it is taking so long because I really don't have as much time as I would like to dedicate to this due to very busy time at work and long hours during the week.

Edited by Xcore
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Hey guys, I will upload the full video tonight... I am sorry to say that due to sliw motion and other stop motion there will not be any gameplay sounds in most parts. The video is roughly 40min in length...



P.S.: it is taking so long because I really don't have as much time as I would like to dedicate to this due to very busy time at work and long hours during the week.


Looking forward to the video, and I hope your efforts don't go unrewarded. I hate to be a negative Nancy, but I just have this sinking feeling in my gut that this issue is going to stick around quite some time. Either way, the majority of the community appreciates your efforts.

Edited by Dumpiduke
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Hey guys, I will upload the full video tonight... I am sorry to say that due to sliw motion and other stop motion there will not be any gameplay sounds in most parts. The video is roughly 40min in length...



P.S.: it is taking so long because I really don't have as much time as I would like to dedicate to this due to very busy time at work and long hours during the week.


Cant wait. Also to the top.


because having to cast an instant cast (affliction) 3 times to fire it is really, REALLY annoying (and lowing my dps in raids with enrage timers (lolok)


Won't even go into pvp and how annoying instants / "proc" casting crap is.

Edited by Light_Valkyrie
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Looking forward to the video, and I hope your efforts don't go unrewarded. I hate to be a negative Nancy, but I just have this sinking feeling in my gut that this issue is going to stick around quite some time. Either way, the majority of the community appreciates your efforts.


In all honesty, Bioware has not shown any potential to have this fixed or improved. If they truly cared they would've communicated more on the issue, they would've perhaps replied to the harsher criticisms even to show they're not afraid... perhaps a PM to me to open dialogue on this topic or to learn more about what the core of the issue is.


The truth is, Bioware is a very arrogant little company lifted up too high by their single player successes. Totally out of touch and even carelessly so, with the MMO gameplay and genre. They are set up believing that "they know better" and that the playerbase is basically full of drooling, incompetent fools... not worth listening to.


This entire "Bioware running an MMO" fiasco is so clearly displayed by their stance on Addons and 3rd party support (across all their games), by lack of response to playerbase, by lack of understanding how to make a great MMO. Fact is a single player game can forgive some lackluster areas as you're playing a character for a few hours but an MMO Player is much less forgiving as there is a considerable time investmemt and unlike a single player game, in an MMO you don't "play" a character, you "are" the character. Immersion starts at the connection between player and avatar.


Here Is why Bioware has lost my trust completely and I don't actually believe this will be resolved anymore:


1) Garrus' face from ME1


Read up on it, Bioware displayed early on that they simply do not care about their communities, customer support Is seen as a waste of resources as customers are just sheep anyways.


2) Lack of humanity in game


Try talking to a GM in game, impossible. No matter what ticket you open, it will get automatically closed and you receive an automated copy/paste response that in no way reassures you or takes care of your problem.


3) Lack of humanity in phone support


Call them, after hours of hold you will talk to an outsourced agent who barely understands what you are trying to say. Say what you will about Blizzard but you can call them during their operational hours and get a real life person who speaks fluent English, lives in America (I'm not American) and appears to actually play WoW!


4) lack of connection with the playerbase


A thread that has gotten over 700 pages, over 7000 replies, over 300000 views should get A LOT more attention from developers. This topic discussed is the absolute core of the game, we should see a daily developer post almost...


5) No understanding of MMOs


I can guarantee that none of the development staff has any experience with top end gameplay. None of them raided hardcore (as the WoW devs did in EQ), none of them had reputable PvP Rankings (as ArenaNet devs did). The obvious leading in development were story writers and casual Gamers, possibly RPers.


You need some hardcore to design aspects of your game as they are more finely attuned to the competitive gameplay requirements that in the end, everyone including casuals benefits from. For example, I would rather race on a track designed by Michael Schumacher than Shakespeare.



In conclusion, I do not have hopes here anymore. Bioware themselves have shattered that, I have tried my best and worst to bring this to their attention as well as open dialogue. All we have received was the stupid abilities lighting up...



If this game was run by CCP, likely we would have seen a huge and very extensive blogpost by different key developers and leaders regarding everything from immersion to technology on this topic. Furthermore, we would know exactly what is on their minds and how they perceive this issue. There would be almost daily developer posts on this subject and In this thread...


Lastly, likely myself and/or key people such as professional gamers would be flown to Iceland to have dialogue and/or evaluate progress/solutions... Brainstorm perhaps etc.



My point is, Bioware simply does, not, care... Believes all of us to be idiots or perhaps is horrendous bad at playerbase communications.

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My point is, Bioware simply does, not, care... Believes all of us to be idiots or perhaps is horrendous bad at playerbase communications.


I think they are no prepared for strong criticism. The lead designer of this project got used with high rating over the previous projects worked on and I dont put in question his ability to make good games as single campaign but an mmorpg takes more than that.


The mmorpg market its a very volative one. Get it right and you will succed or blow it up the shaft and you will die into unknown.


I always consider mmoprg from the genre of rpg a 2nd class game but I think as the market looks now its in really need of a strong competition in order to evolved and get better products in the future, and main thing is combat game play, video engine and overall performance of the game with the various machines the player base has.


End game content, macros, LFD, dual specc whatever player base is asking in adtition to game those can be implemented with not too much effort, but main things to an mmorpg combat play is vital in order to apeal and get more subs.


And this ability delay, well ruins the combat game play pretty much because is not something that can be controled. Some peeps like the story fair enough but some peeps want to more than just that in the end all will get to cap level and there is a more sensitive matter than is really in questing and wondering around, exploring and discover 'what does that button do' thing.


Feel free to troll me. I rate it this game at 8 out of 10 though.

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this is the single most important issue that need immediate action. Its just ridiculous that i have to hope that my abilities will activate when i hit them the first time.


Talk is cheap. We want to see some action


Agreed. This needs to be fixed really soon.

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Believe It or not, thousands of eyes are still on this thread... Keep it on P1, if Bioware had a spine they would sticky It.


Oh yea I fell you bro.


Actualy this needs to be noted the more people who think this isn't apparent, the more SWTOR will in fact look like "Tortanic."(Not the youtube video either because in the end she let go :/.)

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But then you have the oddballs (like myself) who loved DA2's combat and story, except for the unmovable part, that was annoying.


Oh and bump.


Oh I wouldn't have minded DA2 but given how they were marketing it? Yeah.


Also the game reeked of lazy design choices (the same dungeon..literally...over and over and over again? Random time skips???? End game choices not really changing the end game at all????).



Oh and bump

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As I said in another thread, they have 30 more days to fix this or I'm going to let my wallet do the talking, since thousands of posts from outraged players seems to not do the trick.


It really hurts me deep inside that they aren't addressing this or at least keeping us updated on this. Are they really that arrogant to think that people are going to pay for a broken game? WoW and Rift are sitting there nice and polished and responsive for people to play and they're letting this kind of nonsense go on for months and months (I can personally testify the issue was in every build from at least early August onward).



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I'm getting so tired of pressing an ability just to have to wait 2 - 3 seconds before it actually starts (death from above on my merc especially) that i actually start to be reluctant to log in and play now.


At first i just dismissed it as normal network lag but after repeatedly checking the lag meter in the client i know that's not it as i'm constantly hovering around 40 - 60 MS.


I know new games have bugs and i'm willing to accept most of them, but only for so long.

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Sighs. Fail BioWare/Mythic management all over again. I don't know why I thought things would be different here than in WAR.

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There is definitely stuttering and ability delay, now with the non greyed out cooldowns, its near unplayable and extremely annoying.


The issue is the coding and development of combat and its implementation. They cannot fix this issue, period.


Too many factors because of how they developed the combat for the game.


The made it a hybrid of KOTOR (the queued delay system that was in both games.


Just move on, this will never be fixed unless they overhaul combat entirely, and to do that they would need to take the game offline, this isnt something that can be patched.



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