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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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They deleted the old warcraft forums, I'm mostly speaking from memory. Never the less my reasoning stands. Bugs happen get used to it. In relative terms star wars has been really good. You don't like it well you got a long road of disappointment ahead of you.


ahh ok, you are just speculating. kind of like how you jumped all over me about me speculating


good job, bro


and i dont have a long road ahead of me, you do. you're the one willing to spend your money on this game and give it time when you obviously see it has huge problems

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ahh ok, you are just speculating. kind of like how you jumped all over me about me speculating


good job, bro


and i dont have a long road ahead of me, you do. you're the one willing to spend your money on this game and give it time when you obviously see it has huge problems


All games have issues man. All software does in general. As software gets more complicated (and with the advent of internet patching) expect to have games with bugs. It's the most reasonable thing in the universe.

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Only companies with bad business ethics releases and sell half done games at full price. you can earn money now, but you will lose in the long run.

Companies that do business with bad ethics are doomed to fail in achieving their goals.

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Only companies with bad business ethics releases and sell half done games at full price. you can earn money now, but you will lose in the long run.

Companies that do business with bad ethics are doomed to fail in achieving their goals.


Except from the fact that this game is a complete and enjoyable experience and nowhere near "half done" or something, with your standards you won't find a company which will meet them. Especially in the MMO genre.

Not that I'm happy with the situation. Just saying.

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They said in some interview it will be major fix in 1.1 for ability delay and some minor after fixes a week later. However 1.1 brings a feelings its going even worse, so dialogue means completly NOTHING :(

1.1 is already out, and nothing has been done. In some ways, the issue's gotten worse.

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TonyIommi: What are you trying to tell?


Ethics in business often get in the way of achieving the goals of companies which is profit. Microsoft was notoriously unethical to the point of anti trust law suits but they still make cash hand over fist and control the overwhelming majority of the OS market.

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I don't understand how people can compare a game that's been around for 7 years with one that's just barely made it out of the shelves.


Maybe they have a short memory span. I remember wow one month after release. And it was a godawful mess.

WoW never had these kind of ability lag issues -- in fact, it was the buttery smooth responsiveness that was the true X factor behind the game's initial success. Say what you will about the ways WoW was buggy and unpolished at release (there were plenty), but acting like it's ever controlled unsmoothly is simply distorting the facts beyond measure.

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Ethics in business often get in the way of achieving the goals of companies which is profit. Microsoft was notoriously unethical to the point of anti trust law suits but they still make cash hand over fist and control the overwhelming majority of the OS market.


MS could have made much more cash if they were ethic and smarter ;O)

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MS could have made much more cash if they were ethic and smarter ;O)


Probably not and to think that is a bit foolish honestly. I suppose google is "ethical" but thats debatable as well. Google which is by now the worlds largest search engine and holds a virtual monopoly on it. Guess who's been called out by amnesty international and human rights watch?





The financial markets run much the same way to. In fact anybody and anything that want's to make serious amounts of cash the best way to do it is almost always unethical in some form or another.

Edited by TonyIommi
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Just my 2 cents,



I was moderately worried about Character Responsivenes while playing my sorc DPS, then i switched to Healer and i started to notice even more the problem, but recently i started a melee class too, a Sith Warrior .... now this has becom my TOP PRIORITY issue, can't explain why yet, but as Sith Warrior the Character responsiveness is terrible, i find myself smashing the keyboard trying to make my abilities to fire while my toon performs stupid animations and refuses to proc them.


I have tried all the Ability queue delays, setting it to 1 sec helps ... a bit, but still doesnt fix it at all.

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Just my 2 cents,



I was moderately worried about Character Responsivenes while playing my sorc DPS, then i switched to Healer and i started to notice even more the problem, but recently i started a melee class too, a Sith Warrior .... now this has becom my TOP PRIORITY issue, can't explain why yet, but as Sith Warrior the Character responsiveness is terrible, i find myself smashing the keyboard trying to make my abilities to fire while my toon performs stupid animations and refuses to proc them.


I have tried all the Ability queue delays, setting it to 1 sec helps ... a bit, but still doesnt fix it at all.


Have not played warrior that far but I have noticed the same thing with heal spec sorc. My cast times are lower do to high alarcraty (or however its spelled) and it just does not feel right. If you ignore the animations, mechanicly it seems to be ok. However, all the visual indicators on the screen do not sync up with the cast bar and it makes everything feel clunky.

Edited by HelinCarnate
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I don't understand why it can't be fixed.



PvE skill works fine. Imperial version in pvp works fine. Republic version of skill....works..... eventually


No imperial side has the delay as well. And the skills actually do delay in pve (notice the mounting videos), it just isn't as bad.

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This issue is the single-most important reason behind why I unsubscribed.


Now it isn't the only reason mind you. Shoddy gameworld, uninspired and bland planets, the lack of many basic MMO features, that all aggravates but this issue takes the cake. The game absolutely should not have been released with an unresponsive UI, especially because most of the MMOs that have failed since WoW shared this unresponsive UI. You'd think anybody in charge would have prioritized the workability of this feature given the history of MMOs... it says alot about who's got their hands in this game.


2nd most important reason imn only staying till GW2/Tera comes out-1st is warzone lag, followed by this.

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Would be nice to hear some more about how they are addressing this. We had our first major patch and this issue is no better now then before. This and the lack of faction balance are going to be the reasons why I leave SWTOR.


I do enjoy the game but I often feel like I am fighting the game engine more than the vast numbers of Sith on my server...

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I will continue to bump this thread until something is done about it. When my instants are actually instant, I will be content. When a 2.5 second heal is actually 2.5 seconds, I will be content. I use an instant ability, I want to see a number pop up on the screen, not a one second animation and then the number. Speed up the animations for all I care, I just want it to feel fluid, and right now it's an incredibly clunky mess.


Responsiveness will trump cosmetics every time in a game with a competitive climate. Make it so, or I'm afraid a lot of customers that would be happy to pay for a subscription will fall by the wayside, me included :( This is the only thing in the game that I can't seem to overlook, and I know a lot of other people feel the same way.

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This is ********!!


The ability delay seems to be worse than ever now. I can't do a single pull in PvE without the ability delay occurring at least 4 or 5 times in that pull. It's shocking and I demand a fix! BW please update us as to where you are fixing this embarrassing game-breaker!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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I'm still curious why they unstickied this.



Reeks of trying to sweep a problem under the rug


I don't see how they think they can sweep this under a rug.


This issue affects EVERY single player, it's not spec-based so everyone playing right now is experiencing it and it's pissing untold amounts of players off. The PvPers will disappear first (if they haven't already) followed by the PvEers.


Kind of regret buying two CEs now because if I go back to WoW or Rift I'm stuck with an extra copy of this broken-*** game. I intended to re-sell it some time down the line but no one wants an unresponsive game. :rolleyes:

Edited by Matteis
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