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Two talent builds I'm looking at, want feedback.


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So for annihalation, drop cloak of annihaltion for short fuse, but then I'm trying to decide what else...




The critical chance bonus to force attacks applies to bleeds I think, which would make it useful, but AoE and internal/elemental damage reduction seem really valuable for PvE (The main focus of this build, since bleeds aren't as bursty as I'd like for PvP) since I have to close in on bosses to hurt them (and thus will likely be in range of their AoEs, which these talents add a lot of mitigation against).


Still not sure about Carnage, I'm currently more or less in the Annihilation spec I originally posted for leveling, but I intend to try Carnage when I hit 40 or so.

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The critical chance bonus to force attacks applies to bleeds I think.


Malice applying to bleed effects are still under much speculation without official confirmation from the developers or anybody who has great knowledge of the mechanics.


I intend to try Carnage when I hit 40 or so.


Carnage shines a lot more at level 40 when you have Massacre to proc Ataru Form insuring you have Blood Frenzy when you need it. I will post my Annihilation build and explain to you why.




This is my Marauder build. I will explain key differences.


- Deep Wound/Pulverize. I do not believe Rupture is that great of a skill to warrant using 4 talent points into. It's cooldown is 15 seconds which is enough for me to handle most normal encounters in PvE and in PvP it is just about right for a fight. It's Direct Damage is not fantastic, laughable at level 50.


- Seeping Wound. People will say "Noob, y u no use crippling slash" I am putting it into my Rupture to give it a bit more utility since it is a skill I will be using every fight. Also for reducing the GCD(Global Cooldown) and rage from using Crippling Slash. In PvE I like to Combo Rupture(With S.Wound) into Savage Kick. Enraged Smash allows me to do this: Force Charge (r3) -> Smash (r2) -> Pommel Strike on first target -> Rupture (r0) -> Savage Kick on second target.


- Close Quarters/Blurred Speed. I am a big fan of Force Charge and in PvP you will always have a situation and you say "Oh damn just a little more off my Force Charge cool down" Blurred Speed gives shaves those last few seconds off and Close Quarters allow me to use Force Charge without worrying if I am too close or too far for the skill.


- Phantom over Ferocity. Ferocity does give you extra mobility when engaging on the offensive and it also allows you to run away from a fight when you need to. However I choose Phantom for more defensive reasons, party because in PvE it is a sure 100% get away and in PvP sometimes you will be push into the acid/fire and Immobilized Phantom allows me to survive that combo. I am fine with the trade off because Seeping Wound makes up the 30% speed difference when im chasing down a single target.


- Enraged Charge. Enraged Charge allows me to do my entire combo without using Assault(autoattack) once. Force Charge (r4) -> Deadly Saber (r1) -> Battering Assault (r7) -> Rupture (r5) -> Annihilate (r0). I am still debating about whether I want to get Enraged Charge or Defensive Roll. The competitive part of me says that with proper positioning/situational awareness/engaging and disengaging from a fight properly I should not take much AoE damage.

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Carnage shines a lot more at level 40 when you have Massacre to proc Ataru Form insuring you have Blood Frenzy when you need it. I will post my Annihilation build and explain to you why.





I find it hard to justify losing 30% damage and a chance to refresh rupture for seeping wound. I know it allows you to use savage kick, but that's useless unless you're questing really.

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I find it hard to justify losing 30% damage and a chance to refresh rupture for seeping wound. I know it allows you to use savage kick, but that's useless unless you're questing really.


To be fair, it's 30% of Rupture's direct damage, not the bleed.


I see where he's coming from, at least...


But as far as AoE goes, if you're trying to dps in melee range in PvE, against bosses... yeah, you're going to be eating AoEs.

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