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Arsenal vs Pyrotech


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Just dinged 50 last night going Arsenal the whole way except for a few hours as body guard which can only be described as a dark point in my SWTOR life. Took a look at the Pyrotech tree and I think I'm going to give it a shot. Any other Mercs out there try Pyrotech and enjoy it more then Arsenal?
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I think they are both fun and both do massive damage. I have been experimenting with pyro last 3-4 days and have played as arsenal since launch. Maybe I am just more comfortable with arsenal but ill be sticking with it simply because high velocity cylinder makes heat management way easier. Pryo overheats quickly and you don't get the aoe knockback or the rocket punch knockback.
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I have played Arsenal sinces I was level10 and Yes its pretty funny though and do awesome damage with the trace missile but for a week ago I wanted to go Pyro-tech and well I did it and now in PVP I do tons of damage with my bomb and the Rail Shot. Yes I enjoy pyro-tech more then Arsenal


Remember Pyro-tech Isn't good for questing, I see Pyro-tech like a PVP talent tree.

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Remember Pyro-tech Isn't good for questing, I see Pyro-tech like a PVP talent tree.
You are wrong. Situation is vice versa. Pyro relies on procs and he can move after burning its target. Arsenal is a stationary turret. PvP demands more mobility than PvE.
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You are wrong. Situation is vice versa. Pyro relies on procs and he can move after burning its target. Arsenal is a stationary turret. PvP demands more mobility than PvE.


Says who? What class does any damage in melee? other then operative who has no ways to close the gap once you knock them back / stun kite them. If you die to melee your fail. If you require tons of moving to kill range your confused your range. If you have issues with being interrupted your playing wrong/spec'ed wrong. Your behind on the learning curve if you haven't figured this out yet.

Edited by Furyofwar
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Questions of which spec is better can only be answered by the individual player. try them out. I see ppl crying about how arsenal is a glass cannon and so on, obviously they haven't learned to keep away from people...thats the whole point of a ranged spec. Glass cannon? you can chain pwn elites if you learn how to manage your cd's and KEEP THEM AWAY from you. Yes, you will die sometimes. theres not a spec that doesn't. And while I know pvp isn't the same as pve, the same method applies. I'm not trying to be ugly but I really don't want to see ppl whining on these forums before they even learn their class. yes we have to channel many abilities. fire, move, fire move, you have cc's and stuns, knockbacks..learn your instant cast abilities for when you're moving, always keep an eye on your heat, keep them away and pwn them all. Don't listen to negative folks who get frustrated because their class isn't what THEY envisioned it to be. Personally I love Arsenal spec. I have a friend who wouldn't change from pyro if you held a gun to his head. wall of rant ended.



edit..er, i seemed to have posted this in the wrong thread. forgot I switched topics,lmao. my bad.

Edited by Murderous
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With 520 expertise I can easily pop off 10k burst on non tanks / guarded targets with thermal detonator -> power shot -> rail shot (thermal explodes and they all hit at the same time).


Along with the strong dots ticking constantly and the ability to kite any melee super easily with rapid shots this spec is just so strong if you learn to manage the heat

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I have been arsenal all the way to 50, and once at 50 I did switch to Pyro and it was good fun...


Its definately true that the mobility is better, but I still cant help feeling sad that you dont get the proc often enough to make railshot worth while.


On paper and from my observations it looks like you need to be Powertech to make best use off pyro which is a real shame.. I miss sweltering heat the most :(

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My heat management is so much worse as Pyrotech I'm finding. I guess that is the down side of having three instant cast abilities at my disposal is that it only takes a few global CD's to wreck my heat and force me into using Rapid Shots much more than I did as Arsenal.
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my bh is 38 so im missing the 31 skill.

does it get much better with 40 and the thermal detonator?


i like the mobility but the heat is FAAAR to much vs my arsenal spec...

i can do 300+k damage with never ever a heat problem with arsenal but ~200k with pyro i am allways on the heat limit :(


if you have bad luck nothing procs and you cant use rail often enough..so your allmost instant 1-100 heat...

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I have played Arsenal sinces I was level10 and Yes its pretty funny though and do awesome damage with the trace missile but for a week ago I wanted to go Pyro-tech and well I did it and now in PVP I do tons of damage with my bomb and the Rail Shot. Yes I enjoy pyro-tech more then Arsenal


Remember Pyro-tech Isn't good for questing, I see Pyro-tech like a PVP talent tree.


What? If you look at pyrotech and arsenal talents they both have about the same number of pvp centered talents.


Also i leveled 10-50 pyrotech and its amazing. Once you get high enough to get the talents to reset rail shot and make it free, your golden. Btw pyrotechs slow is amazing for soloing hard elites/champions while leveling. Permaslow + dots =lul ez mode

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