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Tips needed for BH Merc - Pvp


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PVP as a heal spec is actually fun as you can dish out some damage and wont die easily unless ganked by Mr. operative :) but my question is what tips you recommend for escaping if you are playing as a DPS. I do decently well in pvp but still feel that I am missing something. Edited by Yummymango
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yeah thats what I do but I dont think that is an advantage that we have as a class specially when all we can do is TracermissileTracermissileTracermissileTracermissileTracermissileTracermissileTracermissileTracermissileTracermissileTracermissileTracermissileTracermissileTracermissileTracermissileTracermissileTracermissileTracermissileTracermissileTracermissileTracermissileTracermissile


BTW I have been folowwing all above mentioned things which leads to the conclusions that we cant so anything about it.

I wish there was dual spec so that I could make a hybrid spec and run pvp but well thats not the case :(

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Yes, tracer missile will be your main ability for a while sadly. But when you grab Heatseeker Missiles (top tier ability in Arsenal tree), Barrage for unload proc, and Tracer Shot for increased Rail Shot damage you will have a little bit more of a rotation. You will tracer missle until you stack 5 heat signatures then pop Heatseeker Missle, unload on barrage procs, and rail shot whenever you get a 5 stack target lock.


As far as abilities you have for slowing the opponent there aren't much; one stun, a knock back that shortly slows the target, the punch knock back, and unload. This may seem like a lot, but I believe that there should be some static slowing affect that you can put on the target. I have attempted to achieve this with the following Arsenal PvP spec:




As you can see, I put two points in Sweltering Heat in the Firebug tree and I will use Combustible Gas Cylinder on my weapons. I am only level 46 so I do not know how much this will proc considering that the Combustible Gas Cylinder only has a 10% chance to proc, but with the rate at which I am attacking I do hope that it will prove to be effective. Maybe you could try out this spec when you max level so that you will be able to slow targets. Being a ranged class with no static slowing effect can be very frustrating considering that my longest slowing ability is unload, which I only like to do on barrage proc, and it requires me to stand still.

Edited by Imperiouslol
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Ummm... spec pyro? I tried the tracer missile spam, but I did half the damage and I had to play as a turret. In pyro spec I can do pure run-and-gun. The only thing I stand in place for as pyro is unload... and I only do that to try for a reset on the rail shot cooldown. Other than that I am always on the move.


What I love about pyro is the dots. Stealthers hate me. As in... those who have fought my character will drop everything to try and get the jump on me. I have had matches where three stealthers spent every minute of the game looking for me just because I urinated in their cheerios with my "dot you while you are stealthed, have fun fighting a run-and-gun snaring class without openers" tactic.


Edit: I forgot to mention... tab spamming your dot in the center of a huttball match is just too damned funny. If you have never seen a match where EVERY opponent is running around flailing their arms because they are on fire, you are missing the comedic benefit of the class entirely ;)

Edited by xMrBill
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