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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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Paid under $900 for my computer and I'm having zero problems with the max possible settings now (sure high=medium, but that's still the highest you can have right now).


You really don't have to spend that much to run this game great.


Agreed, its how you build the machine and what parts you use together that will effect your performance.


Mashing together a random bunch of tec will always cause problems.

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****! I just said there are no performance issues.... there are no issues with the game its perfect.... I must be mistaken that every other title I have runs fine at max settings... oh wait I cant test max settings on here because they are disabled....


would you say that 5%-10% of people was not a lot? erm by my maths 5% of 2 million is 100 thousand people. so even using biowares "guess" thats 100 thousand people having issues. GET A GRIP! if a car sold 2 million units and 100 thousand did not work properly it would bankrupt the company who made it in returns alone!!!!


Just because this product is digital gives it no excuse to be badly made!!!


Your analogy is nonsense. An automobile is a stand-alone product over which the company producing the product has complete control. A MMO is client-server software. The only thing Bioware has complete control of is the server side, and even there they have to depend on hardware, third party software, and networks that they do not design or control. The client side runs on computers over which Bioware has zero control, often built by tech wannabes who know a lot less about what they are doing than they think they do.


Suggesting that there is some kind of comparison between the two is completely unrealistic.

Edited by Sotaudi
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Funny how some people are saying "Oh I don't have any problems on my end". Well first of all, are you solo questing? If so, go to the fleet / Warzones because a lot of us with high end rigs that can run BF3 / Skyrim on ultra are having issues with low performance on fleet / warzones. Just to further clarify the miss perception with some of those individuals that claim they have "no performance issues", I asked my classmate earlier today in one of my business class "hey do you have any fps issues at all with the game?" he replied with a "no" then I asked him what level he was, and he responded with "lvl 21, haven't done any warzones too". Overall, solo questing 1-50 is smooth, as it is expected, but once my area starts to get really populated then it becomes a significant problem to the games performance. BTW i'm running a 2.6Ghz AMD quad-core, 4gb Ram, gtx 560ti.


P.S - As customer with specs that exceeds the "recommended requirements", I shouldn't have to tweak SWTOR to just play this game smoothly in questing / pvp (ilum) / warzones.


- 50+fps solo questing

- 10 fps world raids (16man world boss fights)

- 15 fps huttball / voidstar

- 10 fps alderaan warzone (when the guns start firing)


/unsubscribe for poor customer service, poor optimization of the "Hero Engine", and Bioware for lying to our faces.


Its not recoomended requirements, its minimum requirements.


I think that this game is processor intensive in a way. Not as much the processor chip but the speed. I believe 3Ghz is needed for a good performance. With that said the processor you have isnt good at all. The minimum is dual core 2Ghz from intel and you're using an AMD processor.

See the actual complete name of the processor and check how good it is on the benchmark here, knowing that you need something rated above 3k to have a chance to run the game smoothly. http://www.cpubenchmark.net/

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Adding my: I have a fairly high end machine and I have major fps (sub 15) issues within the Imperial Fleet and BG's. Outside these area's I'm anywhere from 30 to 60 fps.


edit: adding that I have no issues with Skyrim on Ultra or BF3 on High.

Edited by GreenTuque
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Bull crap Ohlen. I've lost track of the numbers of players with extremely high-end machines complaining about exactly the problem described in the article.


So Bioware's stance is simply going to be to deny the issue exists and foist it off on "low-end machines?" My i7 with 12 gigs of RAM and HD6970 would like a word with you, Mr. Ohlen.


5% of 1 million is 50,000 people. So yeah I could see how you could lose track



I guess you also didn't read the part where he said that they have a team of people working on the problem.



As for your rig there are plenty of people who have the same specs who do not have issues. So it's hard to say exactly what the problem is. But like he said they are working on it.

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Tbh he would be better off posting some proof of what he is saying.


Because there are plenty who post regular on the CS section (he obviously never reads that part as its full of complaints) of this forum that have very top end machines and suffer.


Heck even Gary on gamebreakertv has said numerous times he has low fps as soon as he enters a WF and he isn't running a low end machine.


Sorry, but this bloke knows jack when it comes to PR he has just angered more people by what he posted.


It shows BW doesn't have a clue when it comes to dealing with mmo players.


They should stick to releasing single player titles.


What's the betting he got advice on dealing with a community from John smedley lol


I keep hearing "high end machines".


You know you can't strap a lambo engine into a porsche frame with a ferrari transmission and expect it to beat a stock mustang.


The "problems" are 100% within the optimization of the client machine. Sucks to have to admit that to your own easily bruised little ego, though.

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Yes i can run BF3 /skyrim on ultra as i stated before, but why is swtor running so ****** on warzones/large populated areas? Oh i know, Hero engine isn't optimized. Do you want me to draw you a picture??


It's interesting how you keep changing your story though.


So are you saying you can run BF3 on ultra on a computer that isn't high end, because your other post said you didn't want ot upgrade for SWTOR.


If your computer is high end and can run BF3 on ultra why are you making posts you don't want to upgrade your comp. anything that can run BF3 on utlra is about as upgraded as you'll get.


I don't want a picture, i just want one story from you not 13.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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its true,,,most havent...only the forum complainers with lame PCs :) thats not to many


You are such and ignorant person! The people that are having problems is ppl with high end PC's and you are calling them lame.


Again, one word that describes you "Ignorant"

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- So all of a sudden the "recommended requirements" is to have an i7 processor?

- 16gb ram = Overkill, who really needs to have a 16gb ram? Why would I wanna buy more ram just to deal with the games "memory leaks"?.


Dude, the game only requires 4Gigs RAM. And you dont need an i7 to run it smoothly. It runs great on my i3. If you read my first post, its possible to upgrade a rig to run the game smoothly on high setting with 500 euros. I'm the proof of that.


You just have to be smart about your buys.

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Dude, the game only requires 4Gigs RAM. And you dont need an i7 to run it smoothly. It runs great on my i3. If you read my first post, its possible to upgrade a rig to run the game smoothly on high setting with 500 euros. I'm the proof of that.


You just have to be smart about your buys.


But yet he claims he can run BF3 on ultra.

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Bull crap Ohlen. I've lost track of the numbers of players with extremely high-end machines complaining about exactly the problem described in the article.


So Bioware's stance is simply going to be to deny the issue exists and foist it off on "low-end machines?" My i7 with 12 gigs of RAM and HD6970 would like a word with you, Mr. Ohlen.


I have about the same setup as you but with an i5 and a Nvidia GTX560Ti but I run the game perfectly

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Lol... Bioware can blame the consumer all they want but all that will do is send them back to WoW.


Not a very smart statement by them.


If I recall Vanguard made the same mistake... look how that worked out for them.


For the record I'm not leaving. I just think that BioWare's statement is incredibly idiotic and amateurish. You never blame the customer, even if you are right. It's bad business.

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I keep hearing "high end machines".


You know you can't strap a lambo engine into a porsche frame with a ferrari transmission and expect it to beat a stock mustang.


The "problems" are 100% within the optimization of the client machine. Sucks to have to admit that to your own easily bruised little ego, though.


Do yourself a favour, go check the forums will then look at people's specs before posting.


Trying to say black is white makes you as bad as them.


Keep defending, not long now till you see a drop in numbers then look and see how they will be paying to recruit more devs and cs to fix problems it's the game when there is less money coming in.


Oh that's right you and a lot of other fanboys forget one HUGE fact with BW.


It's a business, or didn't you realise that lol

Edited by Elgarr
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*most* people does not mean *most people on the forums*. Your perceived amount of people having issues is far from the real amount of people having issues. Bioware doesn't just pull numbers and statistics out of their *** for an interview. They are basing their statements on factual evidence.
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It's interesting how you keep changing your story though.


So are you saying you can run BF3 on ultra on a computer that isn't high end, because your other post said you didn't want ot upgrade for SWTOR.


If your computer is high end and can run BF3 on ultra why are you making posts you don't want to upgrade your comp. anything that can run BF3 on utlra is about as upgraded as you'll get.


I don't want a picture, i just want one story from you not 13.


Clearly your an idiot.


1) Computer runs bf3/skyrim on ultra

2) Why do i need to upgrade my computer when all of the highend games that was just released recently have no problems running on my computer at Max settings?

3) I'm not gonna upgrade my computer JUST to play swtor with 100+fps on warzones

4) I made it a lot more easier for you incompetent brain of yours to process. Your welcome.


P.S this game looks **** on high, and runs like an old dog during warzones / 200+ players around me

Edited by Qwertt
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5% of 1 million is 50,000 people. So yeah I could see how you could lose track



I guess you also didn't read the part where he said that they have a team of people working on the problem.



As for your rig there are plenty of people who have the same specs who do not have issues. So it's hard to say exactly what the problem is. But like he said they are working on it.


did you even read the article? Or just look at it quickly.


"The thing is, for the most part, 95 per cent - oh I can't give you the exact percentage"


James Ohlen told Eurogamer.


It's not just 5%, he doesn't know the exact number.

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*most* people does not mean *most people on the forums*. Your perceived amount of people having issues is far from the real amount of people having issues. Bioware doesn't just pull numbers and statistics out of their *** for an interview. They are basing their statements on factual evidence.


Says who?



Lol never heard of a company being miss managed and people at the top being clueless and bending the truth?


Oh that's right why would they lie about anything, it's not like they would want to panic people after having spent a few hundred million on a game of other peoples money lol

Edited by Elgarr
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Do yourself a favour, go check the forums will then look at people's specs before posting.


Trying to say black is white makes you as bad as them.


Keep defending, not long now till you see a drop in numbers then look and see how they will be paying to recruit more devs and cs to fix problems it's the game when there is less money coming in.


Oh that's right you and a lot of other fanboys forget one HUGE fact with BW.


It's a business, or didn't you realise that lol


You have no idea how to scientifically collect data. People can post specs all they want to, but there is no way of knowing how well all their Newegg parts are glued together.

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