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Bioware you are loosing customers in every hour.


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This is not fair to letting in peoples day after day. We players need the challenge and if someone starts on dec 18 or dec 20 then will be many high lvl players on the servers. So the whole community will have a bad taste in his mouth. So many peoples feel as time passes that i dont wanted this, i dont payed for this and probably many peoples decide to go back to their original mmo and dont live it for swtor. So i think this what Bioware is doing is a totally wrong thing :(


I dont wanna play before others i just wanna fair play for everyone and this inst it just now.



BIOWARE you are loosing money WAKE UP FAST !!!


Grow up dude

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This is not fair to letting in peoples day after day. We players need the challenge and if someone starts on dec 18 or dec 20 then will be many high lvl players on the servers. So the whole community will have a bad taste in his mouth. So many peoples feel as time passes that i dont wanted this, i dont payed for this and probably many peoples decide to go back to their original mmo and dont live it for swtor. So i think this what Bioware is doing is a totally wrong thing :(


I dont wanna play before others i just wanna fair play for everyone and this inst it just now.



BIOWARE you are loosing money WAKE UP FAST !!!


Wait wait wait....you want a challenge...yet you are unhappy that its not fair that there will be others higher level than you? Even if you started yesterday with the first wave - there would still be people a higher level than you. The good news is: You can catch up.



People arent really quitting. They are "quitting" their pre-order knowing full well they will get early access anyway. Then they will reorder the moment they get into early access and they WILL play their early access. Its a joke. Bioware knows this. People are a joke on these forums.

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Every time I see stupid threads about this MMO is going fail/this MMO that isn't even offically released is bad cause I didn't get in the first wave/etc etc etc.


I facepalm and die a little on the inside due to how stupid and selfish the internet has become.

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Launch days I have personally experienced:


EQ: no "early access" everyone let in at the same time. MANY players unable to play, severe lag when you could play, gigantic queues, over 300 newbs in greater faydark causing zone crashes. Good times.


AC: very laggy, queues, crashes, very little content available on launch. Good Times.


DAoC: Nasty lag, queues, zone crashes. Good Times.


AO: Unplayable lag and rubber banding. Good Times.


WoW: Everyone let in at the same time. Long queues, server and zone crashes, severe lag, having to reboot every time you try to loot something. Good times.


CoH, LOTRO, DDO, and Tabula Rasa were not much better. Rift wasn't too bad, and neither was Warhammer Online, but neither of those too games had the numbers that EQ, WoW, or SWTOR had or have.


SWTOR: Early access, 2 days earlier than expected, 2 more waves than expected. No queues, no lag, no zone crashes (and yes, I am already in, so I know. Yes they may come later, but I expect this method will help). This surely is "fail" by comparison.


They made a choice, one that would make some people unhappy. If they had made the other choice, it would have made some people unhappy.


When you successfully launch a AAA MMO and do better, come back and call it fail. Otherwise chill.

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This is your first MMO right? because if you had played any other MMO on lunch day, you would not be saying stupidities like that.


Trust me, Bioware are doing it the right way. I played their stress test on thanks giving and it was so smooth despite the heavy population, smoother than a lot of other MMO I've played at launch and later on.


Totally agree! I've alpha and beta tested several other games and launched them. And honestly, they all fell apart on launch day with overcrowded servers, 7 hour lineups for logging in, and probably had equipment exploding at the HQ building. Guibs is spot on here. Nice to see some rational gamers. :D

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OP, please return the game, go back to school and never bother any MMO with your stupidity ever again.


I think everyone will chill once they get in, as long as the system remains stable. If people don't get in after waiting for 5 days and then the systems develop some of the same issues we've encoutered from past MMO's then the hate will come back x10. Time will tell I guess if this approach is good or not.


Personally, I can say not being a part of the initial pre-launch has taken some of the "desire" to play out of me, but I'll still get on and play, for awhile anyway.

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The same with me, the game is still worth playing, just probably won't get my sub after the first month or so.


I think everyone will chill once they get in, as long as the system remains stable. If people don't get in after waiting for 5 days and then the systems develop some of the same issues we've encoutered from past MMO's then the hate will come back x10. Time will tell I guess if this approach is good or not.


Personally, I can say not being a part of the initial pre-launch has taken some of the "desire" to play out of me, but I'll still get on and play, for awhile anyway.

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Lol, Im frustrated but not going to stop playing the game because of this fail EGA launch. Just wont have those key fun times during a launch of a game with friends who are already levels 20-35, will have to wait till end game for those moments I guess...


Or they could just wait till you can all play like good friends would...Or they could re-roll to play together. You people are hysterical, greedy and impatient. The release day is the 20th, if you pre-ordered early then congrats! I did too, I'll play when I get the PRIVILEGE of playing. Early access means earlier than the 20th. That doesn't mean everyone in on the 12th or 15th. When I bought this product I READ and RESEARCHED and agreed to what I was purchasing, you people didn't read. If you didn't read, its your own fault for being ignorant. You're whining is pointless because the information was already there for you to view and Bioware/Lucasarts know this. I feel sorry for Bioware/Lucasarts having to deal with your greed.


If people are power leveling, then they're going to make themselves bored very quickly. Who cares if people are ahead of you? Does it hurt your ego? It happens in all MMO's. They then move on. That's fine with me :) I know within my guild/group we're going to play WITH our friends and family, and if someone doesn't get in. Well we'll muck around and roll a real toon when they can or we'll go outside and enjoy the season.


You're lucky to even have the game before release day. Most MMO's just go, "ok everyone login!" And either the servers explode and the website goes down or the queues are so long you claw your eyes out and decide to play next week. By letting us on slowly it allows them to spread the load carefully, it's smart, it's better in the long run, put up with it. Be happy you can eat food tonight, a lot of people don't even have that privilege.

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Launch days I have personally experienced:


EQ: no "early access" everyone let in at the same time. MANY players unable to play, severe lag when you could play, gigantic queues, over 300 newbs in greater faydark causing zone crashes. Good times.


AC: very laggy, queues, crashes, very little content available on launch. Good Times.


DAoC: Nasty lag, queues, zone crashes. Good Times.


AO: Unplayable lag and rubber banding. Good Times.


WoW: Everyone let in at the same time. Long queues, server and zone crashes, severe lag, having to reboot every time you try to loot something. Good times.


CoH, LOTRO, DDO, and Tabula Rasa were not much better. Rift wasn't too bad, and neither was Warhammer Online, but neither of those too games had the numbers that EQ, WoW, or SWTOR had or have.


SWTOR: Early access, 2 days earlier than expected, 2 more waves than expected. No queues, no lag, no zone crashes (and yes, I am already in, so I know. Yes they may come later, but I expect this method will help). This surely is "fail" by comparison.


They made a choice, one that would make some people unhappy. If they had made the other choice, it would have made some people unhappy.


When you successfully launch a AAA MMO and do better, come back and call it fail. Otherwise chill.


Love it. Nicely said. Fits exactly with what I was just saying.

Edited by BuRnInICE
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This is a very intelligent discussion that deserves 20+ pages of comments telling the OP how stupid he is.


I will help. OP you are stupid.


You too I suppose for failing to realize that 16 pages is not 20+ :cool:



Edited by Kryptoniic
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